在定语从句中,where和in which 在什么情况下不能互用?

作者&投稿:湛威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在定语从句中,where和in which 在什么情况下不能互用~


在一定程度上,IN WHICH与WHERE是相等的。他们修饰的先行词是表地点的例如:The house where I live is beautibul。=The house in which I live is beautibul。但是当下面两种情况时就不相等了。1.若IN提前,只能用WHICH,就不能用WHERE。例如;The house in( )I live is beautibul.句中的空就不能填WHERE。或者:The house ( ) I live in is beautibul.句中的空也不能填WHERE,因为后面有介词IN呀。WHERE是副词,不能跟介词。2.若这个表地点的先行词是人不能到达的,就不能用WHERE。例如:先行词是在墙里的某个东西,那么就只能用IN+WHICH,而不能用WHERE。


一、who, which, that


不定代词 anything, nothing, everything,all,much,few,any,little为先行词时;
Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. 最终,小偷偷的所有东西全部交给了警察。
2.先行词为 the only, the very, the just时;
He is the very man that helped the girl out of the water. 他从水中救起了那个女孩。
The first English book that I read was "The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain. 我读的第一本书是马克·吐温写的《王子与贫儿》。
He talked about the teachers and school that he visited. 他在讲他以前访问过的学校和老师。
Who is the person that is standing at the gate? 那个站在门口的人是谁?
He is not the man that he used to be. 他以前不是这样的人。
参考资料:百度百科 定语从句

定语从句中,只有当定语从句的先行词为地点(或抽象地点)时,关系副词where才能与介词(in/on/at)+ which互换使用。如:
This is the factory where/in which I worked for two years.
It's helpful to put children in a situation where/in which they can see themselves differently.
而当定语从句的先行词不是地点,而是其它情况时,可以使用介词(in/on/at)+ which时,则不能换为关系副词where。如:
I don't like the way in which you speak to others.

...your request will be considered at the next meeting. A.Whe...
C 试题分析:句意:正如我在电话里解释的一样,你的请求在下一次会议上会被考虑的。when当……时候;after在……时候;as正如;since既然。这里是定语从句,as 在从句中做宾语,其他的连词没有这种用法,故选C。点评:本题难度适中。定语从句是英语语法中非常重要的内容,在阅读和理解过程中起着极...

where和in which的区别
如果先行词(指定语从句修饰的那个表地点的词)前已有前置词(介词),关系副词就用where ;如果先行词前没有前置词,此时既可以用where,也可以用in which,但在美国的TOEFL考试中一般要用in which。例如:①The offices,laboratory,and museum are situated at te top of the hill whe re they command a...

...is near the famous river 1which2who3where4whe...
this is my beautiful school ( which )is near the famous river 这是定语从句。从句缺主语,所以要用which或者that引导。

...dialects are spoken. A.what B.when C.whe
C 试题分析:美国是多种口音并存的国家。关系副词指代country,在定语从句中作地点状语。答案为C。


英语语法讲解 but you can't imagine what difficulty we had...
答:but 为并列连词,前面应该还有一个句子。在but后面的这个句子中,you can't imagine是主+谓,what difficulty 是宾语,whe had raising the money. 是它的定语从句(省略了关系代词that). what是修饰名词difficulty的,具有感叹的意味,否则用the difficulty也可以。定语从句还原就是:We have (much...

3.Attributive clauses arfe like adjctives -they give more information about something.They start wirh a relative pronoun(which,that,who,whom and whose),or a relative adverb(where,whe and why).There are two kinds of attributive clauses,restrictive and non-restrictive.3. 定语从句的...

...electric motorbikes. A.are, that B.is, whe.
A 考查主谓一致和定语从句。East of our school ___ two companies,方位短语放于句首,后面句子部分倒装,主语是two companies,所以系动词用复数,排除B,C;two companies是先行词,在定从___ make electric motorbikes中作主语,所以选A。

...we said goodbye to each other. A.which B.whe.
D 考查定语从句。先行词Chicago为下文逻辑地点状语,故选D。

...the other day? A.the one B.that C.where D.whe
A 本题可以改为:This factory is ___ you visited the other day. 句中is 后面无表语,后面定语从句也没有先行词,故填入既做表语又做先行词的the one。所以答案为A。

平潭县15643114645: 定语从句中in which和where等的区别 -
夙弘迈特: 在一定程度上,IN WHICH与WHERE是相等的.他们修饰的先行词是表地点的 例如:The house where I live is beautibul. =The house in which I live is beautibul. 但是当下面两种情况时就不相等了. 1.若IN提前,只能用WHICH,就不能用...

平潭县15643114645: in which 和 where 在从句中区别 -
夙弘迈特: 限定性定语从句 1 which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢2 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all, anything, much等,这时的that常被省略3 where...

平潭县15643114645: 在定语从句中in which和where的联系和区别 -
夙弘迈特:[答案] in which可以用where代替 但是where还包括on which,at which等等介词+which的组合,因为where是疑问副词!

平潭县15643114645: 在定语从句中,where和in which 在什么情况下不能互用? -
夙弘迈特: s helpful to put children in a situation where/in which they can see themselves differently.如.而当定语从句的先行词不是地点,而是其它情况时开门见山: I don',闲话少叙.定语从句中;t like the way in which you speak to others;at)+ which互换...

平潭县15643114645: In which 和 where在定语从句中可以互换吗/为什么 -
夙弘迈特:[答案] 有些时候是可以互换的.这要取决于先行词是什么.例如: 如果先行词是:the factory ,那么in which ,where都可以.因为我们要说in the factory. 如果先行词是the farm,那么我们只能用on which 和where.因为farm前的介词要用on.

平潭县15643114645: 在定语从句中填关系词的时候in which 和 where 有区别吗 -
夙弘迈特: 有区别,which是关系代词,where是关系副词.一般说来,当引导定语从句时,where等于介词+which,如:This is the place ( ) I was born. 在这句话中,既可以填in which也可以填where.当然介词不一定是in,有可能是on或其他的,这个要根据先行词来.比如,如果是bus,平时搭配是on the bus,换成定从,就是on which.此外,介词+which也可表示时间,相当于when,如:Do you still remember the year when(in which) we lived together?

平潭县15643114645: where与in which在定语从句用法中的区别? -
夙弘迈特: 记注:只有定语从句才有介词+关系代词(which ,whom ) 这句是地点状语从句.

平潭县15643114645: 定语从句中关系代词where,which的用法区别 -
夙弘迈特: where作关系代词,在从句中代替的是介词短语 eg:I live in the house where my parents live .(代替in the house) which作关系代词,在从句中代替主语或者宾语的成分 eg:I live in the house which my parents live in.(代替house)

平潭县15643114645: where和 in which的区别和用法where 和in which在有些地方可以代替是吗,哪些情况可以互用,那些情况下只可以用一个不可以用另一个,We had better put ... -
夙弘迈特:[答案] 有时可以互换,但在此不能互换.只有当它们都引导定语从句,在句中表示地点时才可以互换.此句中“where”并非引导定语从句,而是引导地点状语从句,故不能用"in which".若用"in which",那句子就变成了定语从句,in which k...

平潭县15643114645: 英语定语从句什么时候用where which 另外 in which 有什么用法 -
夙弘迈特: Which 在从句中承担主语,谓语,当句子成分缺少时用which where在从句中做地点状语,既句子成分完整,主谓都不缺 in which=where或when 可以替换 是将介词提前的一种用法

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