谁能根据视频说的英语(无字幕)翻译成英文啊? http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgxNTk5OTcy.html

作者&投稿:淡软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Broadcast Censorship Hearings

Mr. Bob Parsons:Ms. Cappelli!
Ms. Cappelli:Yes,i'd like to be an commercial!
Mr. Bob Parsons:And what would you be advertising?
Ms. Cappelli:GoDaddy.com... Oh my God! ...It's what i say:you can register a .com name spend only $8.95/year.
Ms. Flatow:What exactly would you be doing on this commercial?
Ms. Cappelli:I can do ... like this...
Mr. Rossano:Surely that now you must realize that you're upsetting the Committee?
Ms. Cappelli:I'm sorry.I didn't mean to upset the Committee.

女:GoDaddy.com (网站名)... 我的上帝(感叹)...来我们网站注册一个.com域名,每年只需8.95美元。


最喜欢麦克杰克逊的歌?《Dirty Diana》或者《Man in the Mirror》



你单身么? 答:当然了

你有多少个帽子? 答:30个吧

你是个接吻高手吗? 废话,当然是


USHER对你来说是? 大哥哥


世界上最美丽的女人? 我妈

你的偶像? chuck norris

你能唱个法语歌吗? (唱:发挼扎卡发挼扎卡裆美不叮叮当)

你对你的法国朋友们说句话: 我爱你们,你们太棒了,谢谢支持,谢谢

最奇怪的一次签名? 在一个婴儿的额头上

用法语说我爱你 答 je t'aime beaucoup

The building housing,the Engineering Department of Nagasaki University,is also home to a remarkable new super computer,their max complex couter(?) lessons(?) in astro physics at recon's(?) piece.Tsuyoshi Hamada,led the development team,the super computer only cost about four hundred twenty thousand dollars to make.What's more,it's menal(?完全按发音拼写的)purse,you could find it in many computer stores.
So far (?)(?)(?),tell me,how we (how we) should see and handles(?完全按发音拼写的) us find super computers right now?
Until recently,the super computers were exremely expensive,only a few researchers had access to them,and only a small number of privileged people had access to the technology.But now we can build thesemachines with parts from PCs,and work stations at our common place.Here,we make caculations at the same speed or faster than exisiting super computers.The tawyer(?完全按发音拼写的) cost of super computers now being developed in Japan is said to cost about 1.3 billion dollars.It is made up of the only most colliedge(?完全按发音拼写的) hardware.It's powerful,and it's so brustoit can be used for many tasks,like predicting aftermath and making curse(?).By contrast,Hamada and his team developed the relatively low cost super computer,their max(?) in geneniuse(?完全按发音拼写的) use of commercially available purse.This part is called a GPU:Graphics processing unit,GPUs are used widely in computer and video game displays.By forming a class of seven hundred and sixty GPUs,(?)lessons(?) in astro physics and hydro dinovex(?完全按发音拼写的),the team broke the record for computering speed with one hundred fifty (?)(?)lessons(?) per second.This programme estimates explosion of the universe,calling the big ban.Professor Hamade can run sjulation(?),then make complex contres(?) about the ocean of the galaxies.The team recently won a golden Bill(?) Prize and a categoly(?完全按发音拼写的) of Prize per performers.Th award is one of the most precious(?) in the super computering field.
Tell me more about the development of your computers?What's the hardest part of it and what is the key to success?
There are processes in every computer and there are tens and thousands of them in this computer room.Theoretically,the computers' performance reflects the number of processes that connected to each other.But we still need a programme that codinice(?完全按发音拼写的) the programme smoothly.The goal is to understand the programmes co-strength,so it can keep commands to the processes in the most efficient rip(?) possible.The important thing is not just building a computer,but understanding what reseach it will be used for.Here,we are doing physic caculations,so the extentive(?完全按发音拼写的) our knowledge of physics really makes a difference in this case.How will this invention be beneficial to our daily lives in the future?If kwonledgable people from different fields keep building computer like we did and using them creatively,it's going to result a great deal of invention.In order for low cost computers to be used all over the world,people from other displings(?完全按发音拼写的) must sharetheir knowledge on how to use this kind of computer effectively.Beacuse we've lowed the cost significantly,it may lead to more people using computers like this.They might creat new businesses that nave never been imagined before,or who knows,even develop new branches of science.But what I hope for most is that the biggest applications haven't been imagined yet.
Professor Hamada's super computer is creating a burst among International Research and Bsinesses,although computers have limitations,researchers will take advantage of low cost.Could one day,making divisualized(?完全按发音拼写的) computer wll meet the needs of specialized fields? (人名)———NHK World(多半是新闻社名字)


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随州市13863807254: 求助大神,求一款即时翻译软件,有没有一款软件可以把英语视频,没有字幕的那种,实时翻译,不用下载视频 -
革备小儿: 有,可以用腾讯翻译君中的实时翻译.

随州市13863807254: 在网上看视屏老外说的是英文而且没字幕有什么软件能同步翻译吗?在网
革备小儿: 没有 这样的软件. 要不就看下面的字幕.要不去下个多语言版本或干脆就是国语版本的,不过一般网上的大片都是英语对白的,要看字幕的!我现在都习惯了!

随州市13863807254: 有没有可以翻译语音的软件?就是视频中的英语把它翻译成中文 -
革备小儿: 满意答案机器翻译的都不尽人意 《博格译霸2.0 多语言零售版》 全球功能最强的翻译软件 http://www.xn163.com/SoftView/SoftView_362.html 美国LOGOMEDIA机器翻译公司出品.全球功能最强,销量第一的翻译软件.具备金山快译和词霸的全...

随州市13863807254: 下载了一个英文视频没有字幕,怎么能将视频英语语音翻译成中文字幕, -
革备小儿: 除非是电影或者电视剧,否则不可能的,现在很多厂家也在研发这样的软件,即使成功了,翻译的准确率也是低的可怜.

随州市13863807254: 有没有可以把英文视频翻译成中文的软件 求软件名字 我今天看了一个英文视频竟然没字幕 -
革备小儿: 没有,所有带有中文字幕的视频都是由字幕组翻译、添加好字幕之后才会有字幕的,要是你想在视频中加入字幕,可以用暴风影音播放,下好字幕后将其与电影放置一起,并注意将电影名字与字幕名字设成一样,否则不能使用.然后点开电影,播放后,点击“播放”菜单中的“字幕设置”,点击“手动载入字幕”,如此如此,还可设定字幕的大小位置及颜色,很好.

随州市13863807254: 手机观看没有字幕的英文视频怎样把它翻译成中文? -
革备小儿: 目前手机没有相关功能,需要相关视频有中文才可以,给您带来的不便敬请谅解.

随州市13863807254: 有没有什么软件,可以把外语视频里的语言翻译成中文字幕? -
革备小儿: 虽然现在的科技比较发达了 但是还没有发达到这个地步 人的语言靠机器翻译永远是没有办法符合逻辑的

随州市13863807254: 有给说英语的视频自动翻译的软件吗 -
革备小儿: 那是同步翻译,应该没有此类软件.

随州市13863807254: 视频里面的英文听不懂,有没有译中文的软件??? -
革备小儿: 汗死了...楼主 翻译字幕是可以的...翻译语音 那是不可能的... 只有片源 本身就带了多种语言还行..没有的话 就别想了 (没人给片子配音啊)

随州市13863807254: 有没有一种安卓手机软件可以翻译没有字幕的视频? -
革备小儿: 具我上网十年了,我都没有看到过有这样的软件,不然都不用翻译剧组了,这都可以省下好大一笔人力资源了.这种软件目前是没有的,软件无法正确的识别和选择时间校对,希望可以帮到你.

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