
作者&投稿:东郭牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
100分 帮我用英语翻译这封信:格式要对,不要有道翻译!!手工翻译追加100分!~

the representive student of our school have arrived at your school and there is the letter,which is in gift box,have been accomplished by the time i visited to US on July.Unfortunatly,i cannot send this letter to you on account of lacking stamps.Now i want to give it to you via my classmate.BTW,do you enjoy the gift i sent to you early?

In spite of that i cannot drop by your school this time,i have already decided to continue my academic career in US`s college,i am firmly confirm that we could meet soon.

Just waitting my good news.


我需要你的帮助,劳驾请为我印制1000张名片。请查阅附件中的内容(1). 请原谅我的仓促(3). 请用2到3种颜色,在每一张正反面打印英文和中文(2). 您可以为我设计一个商标,或者让打印社的去做这些。我不介意设计成什么样子。要有充满创造力就可以!



Dear friend XXX,

This is XXX writing to you onboard the plane to the United States.

US is 7500 sea miles from China, but it only takes about 16 hours of flight. I am very excited at this moment because I'm on the way to America.

We will go to quite a few American cities like New York, Chicago, LA and so on. I have always been looking forward to visiting them.

I still remember the time when you visited our school--we played basketball, went skating, and sang together. Although you stayed only for a few days with us, we became very good friends. All the teachers and students miss you guys very much.

Our school will organize teachers and students to pay a visit to your school during Sept. 30th to Oct. 10th.

Hope our friendship will last for ever.



Dear friend XXX.
This is XX,I'm writing you the letter while I am flying to America.
There's 7500 miles between China and America.But there are only 16 hours to fly there.
I'm very exciting right now for I will arrive in America.
In this journey,I will go to New York,Chicago,LA and so on.I am looking forward.
It recognizes me when you came to our school.We played basketball ,skating and singing together.Although it is a few days.But we built a deep friendship.Teachers and students at school are missing you.
In this year,30th Sept.to 10th Oct. we will come to your school.
I wish our friendship will last forever.


Dear friends, I am the XXX XX. I are on a plane to the USA for you to write down the letter.

China and the United States over 7500 miles, but on a plane only about sixteen hours.

At the moment I mood is very excited, because I go to the United States on the journey.

The journey, we will travel to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities, I'm looking forward to.

You visit our school, we still remember the scene play basketball, skating together (skating), and sing the song. Although a few days time, we built a deep friendship. Our school teachers and students want to you.

This year on 30 September-October 10, we will organize during school teacher and student group pays a return visit your school.

Our friendship can forever.

Your Chinese friends XX

I are on a plane to the USA for you to write down the letter.


I had been working as receiptionist and housekeeper in Lhasa Grand Hotel from Jan to Mar 2009,(这里是过去完成时) it was a full-time job. While I 've been doing a part-time job at a chinese restaurant since Nov 2010, which is located in the chinatown of Birmingham city....

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翻译、英语好的进。。给加分 要手工的
A and B found a cornflake coin which looked very old. They wanted to ues it to enter for the treasure competition,but they were laughed at by others.Therefore,A felt embarrassed.Once, by coincidence,A and B picked up the cornflake coin again,B took it to take part in ...

1.三只乌龟 一次午餐的时间,有三个乌龟是朋友。 其中一人是一个大龟,一个是中型龟和第三个是一个小乌龟。 一天,他们走进一间餐厅,并买一些蛋糕。 同时,他们正在等候蛋糕,他们还记得,他们没有带来任何金钱。 “嘿,我们忘了把支付我们的蛋糕的带来了! ”大龟说。 “小乌龟可以回家,并去...

而且那时候正下着小雨。从这里可以看到很多正被保护的别具一格的文化风情,而这样的景致则使得该酒店与众不同。这么做是合情合理的,而且我们非常喜欢它的随意性, 没有酒店喜欢一成不变的口味。最后两句翻译可能有些不准确,因为不知道为什么会出现flavor,可能理解上稍有出入,不好意思哈 ...


真的真的真的真的很感谢呢。大家到很多的恩惠的雨,所以现在身在何处,我在这里。等待下 …真的谢谢!今后大家欢喜、悲伤和中,一直以来在我身边能 拼命努力,歌,歌唱,想去了。今后也ルルティア,请大家多多关照。…爱…ルルティア?和时间:一。点击查看:沪友全文翻译谷、小兰…

Abstract Since the big bang of internet, the multimedia technology that parallel to network and IT has been developing at a lightning speed. The internet facilitates the speed and availability of information-sharing. Driven by the audience demand, technology development and capital greed, ...

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法单盐酸: 宫下様:こんにちは.友达に経由して、8月4日にご指定の口座に振込み済みです.下记は银行振り込みの领収书(证)です.当该送金を届いたかどうか、ご返事をいただければ幸いです.以上、ご确认のほど、よろしくお愿い致します.<中文译文>宫下先生:您好.(我)通过朋友,8月4日已经向(你)指定的账号汇款完毕.以下是银行汇款的凭据(证据).您是否有收到该款项的支付,若能回信的话则太荣幸了.(→原话翻译出来,是有这么点小恶心...)以上,烦请确认,拜托了.PS:请注意我日语回答的格式,一般邮件的间隔法,不要嫌弃占篇幅.

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