
作者&投稿:常袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

diev. [daɪ] ( dies; died; dying )
2.die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。
3.die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。
5.在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“强烈地感受到”解,表示一种极度状态,此时用现在进行时,其后可接介词for〔of, to〕或动词不定式。

[daɪ] (


1、vi. 死亡;凋零;熄灭

2、vt. 死,死于…

3、n. 冲模,钢模;骰子



1、die for 渴望,切望;为了…而死

2、die casting 压铸,拉模铸造

3、die of 因……死,死于

4、progressive die [机]级进模;顺序冲模

5、die from 死于;因…而死

6、die forging 热模锻;模锻法

7、die out 灭绝;消失

8、extrusion die 挤压模;挤制模型

9、drawing die 拉模,拉延模;深冲模

10、never say die 不要失望

11、stamping die 冲压模具;模锻模

12、die steel 模具钢;板模钢

13、die a natural death 寿终,因年老(或患病)而死 , 老死,病死 , 不再存在;被遗忘,被废弃  

14、forging die 锻模

15、compound die 复式压模

16、die on 不再有用

17、punching die 冲孔模,落料模

18、die by 死于…

19、die hard 难改掉;难断气

20、die cutting 模切;冲切



1、dead 无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的

2、dying 临终的,垂死的

3、deadly 致命的;非常的;死一般的

4、deathly 死一般的;致命的

5、deathless 不死的,不灭的

6、deathlike 象死人的;死了一样的


1、dead 完全地

2、deadly 非常;如死一般地

3、deathly 死了一样地;非常


1、dead 死者

2、death 死;死亡;死神;毁灭

3、dying 死,死亡

4、deadness 死;死一样的状态;无精打采


dying 死,死亡;枯萎;失去活力(die的ing形式)


deaden 变得如死一般;失去活力


deaden 使减弱;使麻木;隔阻


die的近义词:expire, pass away, perish, decease


1、die 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。

2、expire 委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。

3、pass away 是die的委婉用语。

4、perish 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。

5、decease 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。


英 [daɪ]   美 [daɪ]  




1、die of ”因......而死” (死因存在于人体之上或之内,主要指情感、冻饿、疾病、衰老等自身的原因)

2、die off ,指的是相继死亡,就是一个个死掉;也可指草木一一枯死。(个体死亡或部分灭绝 但并不一定不复存) 

3、die out “渐渐消灭”(指的是不复存在的消失灭绝,如恐龙die out )

4、die away 是指声音、光等渐渐消失;风等渐渐减弱、停下来;也可指人慢慢死去。


1、A year later my dog died .


2、The elm trees are all dying .


3、He watched helplessly as his mother died an agonizing death .


4、Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered and died. 





His father died five years ago. 他父亲去世五年了。

Plants and people die without water. 没有水,植物就要枯死,人就要渴死。


He is dying. 他快要死了。

die 的形容词形式是dead,意为“死的”,可作表语或定语。作表语时,表示状态。例如:

His dog has been dead for two weeks. 他的狗已死了两周了。

The ground was covered with dead flowers. 地上覆盖着凋落的花。


His mother's death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一个巨大的打击。

diev. [daɪ] ( dies; died; dying )
2.die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。
3.die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。
5.在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“强烈地感受到”解,表示一种极度状态,此时用现在进行时,其后可接介词for〔of, to〕或动词不定式。
~+名词 die a beggar 穷困潦倒而死 die a dog's death 死得可鄙 die a glorious death 死得光荣 die a hero's death 英勇牺牲 die a martyr 死于自杀 die a worthy death 死得其所 die game 奋战而死 die a lingering death 拖延多日才死去 die the death 死于非命 ~+形容词 die happy 在幸福中死去 die hard 难断气 die old 寿终 die poor 贫困一生 die young 中途死亡 ~+副词 die accidentally 偶然地死去 die calmly 平静地死去 die courageously 勇敢地死去 die daily 虽生犹死 die eventually 最终死去 die gladly 甘心死去 die gloriously 光荣地死去 die happily 快乐地死去 die immediately 立即死去 die instantly 立即死亡 die miserably 惨死 die peacefully 宁静地死去 die possibly 可能死去 die shamefully 羞愧地死去 die slowly 慢慢地死掉 die suddenly 突然死亡 die wholly 彻底地枯萎 die away 渐渐消失 die back 凋落 die down 渐渐平息 die off 相继死去 die out 灭绝 ~+介词 die at 死在… die at one's post 殉职 die at the stake 受火刑而死 die by 死于… die by drowning 淹死 die by hanging 吊死 die by one's own hand 自杀 die by some poison 中毒而死 die by the sword 被剑杀 die by violence 横死 die for 极想得到… die for a cause 为事业而死 die for lack of air 因缺空气而死 die for one's country 殉国,为国牺牲 die for want of food 因缺乏食物而死 die from 因…而死 die from a blow 被打中而死 die from a disease 得病而死 die from an accident 死于事故 die from carelessness 由于大意而死 die from drinking too much wine 饮酒过多而死 die from eating to excess 饮食过度而死 die from hunger 饥饿而死 die from overwork 工作过度而死 die from some unknown cause 由于不明原因而死 die from weakness 衰弱而死 die in agony 痛苦而死 die in battle 战死,阵亡 die in childbed 因分娩而死 die in harness 至死不倦 die in misery 死得凄惨 die in office 死于任职期间 die in one's bed 寿终正寝 die in one's shoes暴死 die in poverty 贫困而死 die in the last ditch 奋战而死,战斗到底 die of 因…而死 die of a disease 病死 die of a fall 失足摔死 die of age 老死 die of a broken heart 失望而死 die of cholera 死于霍乱 die of cold冻死 die of consumption 死于肺结核 die of disappointment 失望而死 die of exhaustion 过度疲劳而死 die of fever 高烧而死 die of grie f悲痛而死 die of heat 热死 die of hunger 饿死 die of illness 病死 die of overwork 累死 die of poison 中毒而死 die of poverty 因贫穷而死 die of shame 羞愧而死 die of sorrow 悲伤而死 die of the bite of a snake 蛇咬而死 die of thirs t渴死 die of a wound 受伤而死 die on 中途死亡 die on the air 渐渐消失 die on the vine 失败 die through 由于…而死亡 die through neglect 由于不小心而死 die to 舍弃… die to criticism 不顾批评 die to insult 不顾耻辱 die to reproach 不顾责备 die to self 舍己,无我 die to shame 死不要脸 die under 在…之中死亡 die upon 死于… die with anger 气死 die with envy 嫉妒而死 die with fatigue 过度疲劳而死 die with grief 忧郁而死 die with joy 乐死 die with laughing 狂笑而死 die with shame 羞愧而死 die within 不复存在
die away (v.+adv.)
(尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失或停止 become weaker or fainter until it ceases
▲die away
The sound of the music died away.音乐声渐渐消失了。
His footsteps died away in the darkness.他的脚步声在黑暗中渐渐消失了。
All conversation died away.谈话声渐渐静了下来。
Now that the cheers had died away, the circus tent seemed oddly quiet.喝彩声逐渐平静下来后,马戏篷里安静得出奇。
All his anger died away.他的满腔怒气渐渐平息下来。
His voice died away and he fell asleep.他渐渐地没了声音,睡着了。
die back(v.+adv.)
(植物)枯死但根部还活着 die but remain alive at the roots
〔说明〕 die back通常不用于进行体。
▲die back
The dahlias died back when that first cold spelled.第一次寒潮袭来时,大丽花全都凋谢了。
The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn, but they will grow again next spring.在这寒冷的秋天,灌木可能会枯死,但明年春天还会生长起来。
die by (v.+prep.)
死于…,以…方式而死 die by means of (sth)
▲die by sth/v-ing
They who deny the power of the king shall die by the sword.谁不服从国王,就将死于剑下。
Many people have died by violence.有许多人死于暴力。
Many people died by drowning in the great floods.许多人在特大洪水中淹死了。
die down (v.+adv.)
变得越来越弱直到消失 become gradually less strong until it ceases
▲die down
The shots died down.枪声渐渐地平息下来。
The laughter died down.笑声渐渐地消失了。
The wind died down at last and all was quiet.风终于停了,一切都平静下来了。
When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place.追捕缓下来后我们才能离开隐藏的地方。
The excitement died down as time went by.随着时间的推移,激动的心情逐渐平静下来。
The feeling between them had died down.他们之间的感情已不那么强烈了。
die for (v.+prep.)
1.为…而献身 be prepared to die to support (an idea) or save (sb)
▲die for sb/sth
To die for the people is a glorious deed!为人民而死,虽死犹荣!
Many religious people would die for their beliefs.许多教徒都愿为他们的信仰而献身。
It used to be considered part of a young man's duty to die for his country.过去,为国捐躯一直被认为是年轻人的一份义务。
2.〈口〉急需(某物) want (sth) very much
〔说明〕 die for作此解时只用于现在进行时。
▲be dying for sth
It's so hot today,I'm dying for a drink.今天这么热,我急需喝点饮料。
I'm dying for a cup of tea.我很想喝杯茶。
He is dying for the book.他很想要这本书。
die from (v.+prep.)
死于(某种原因,不包括疾病、过度悲伤等) die following (sth, except illness or feeling)
▲die from sth
She died from a wound.她因受伤而死。
The young driver died from the wounds that he received in the road accident.这位年轻的司机在交通事故中受伤过重而死去。
The child died from her fall out of the high window.这个孩子是从窗户摔下来而死的。
It was obvious that the man died from suffocation.很明显,这个人死于窒息。
Five men died from police gunfire.五名男子被警察击毙了。
In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food.在寒冷的冬天,野兽可能是因为缺乏食物而被饿死。
die in (v.+prep.)
在(某事中或在某地方)死去 die during (an event) or in (a place)
▲die in sth
He died in an accident.他在一次事故中丧生。
The young driver died in the car crash.这个年轻的司机在车祸中死去了。
Fewer people die in hospital than at home.死在医院里的人要少于死在家里的人。
He watched his cigarette die in the ashtray.他看着他的烟在烟灰缸里熄灭。
He died in his bed.他寿终正寝。
He died in his office.他死于任职期间。
die of (v.+prep.)
1.死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) die because of (sth such as an illness or feeling)
▲die of sth
He died of cancer.他死于癌症。
The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and stroke.铁匠死于酗酒及中风。
She died of a fever, and no one could save her.她死于高烧,谁也救不了她。
Some of his children died of undernourishment.他有几个孩子因营养不良而死亡。
He died of his wound.他负伤而死。
My grandmother died of grief soon after her husband's death.祖父去世不久,祖母就因悲伤过度而死了。
2.强烈地感受到…,…得要命 feel (sth) very strongly
〔说明〕 die of作此解时只用于现在进行时。
▲be dying of sth
I am dying of boredom!我烦得要死!
The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.孩子们出于好奇,迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什么东西。
die off (v.+adv.)
(一组生命体)一个接一个地死去直到死光 die one by one
〔说明〕 die off的主语是人或动物的时候用复数,用于比喻时可以是单数。
▲die off
Her friends are all dying off.她的朋友正相继死去。
The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease.林中的鹿一个接一个地病死了。
The trees have been dying off during the severe winter, and there are few left.在严冬,树一棵一棵地死掉了,剩下的寥寥无几了。
The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off.竹林突然开花,然后一株一株死掉了。
This species is dying off.该物种面临绝种。
The rumble of thunder died off.隆隆雷声逐渐消失。
die out (v.+adv.)
(指物种、家族、习惯、观念等)绝迹,消失 cease to exist; disappear
▲die out
He is the last of the family; after his death the name will die out.他是他家族活在这世上的最后一个成员,他一死,他们家族便不复存在了。
Some species died out.有些物种灭绝了。
This kind of bird is dying out.这种鸟行将灭绝。
If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will die out.如果过多地屠杀这些稀有动物,它们很快就会绝迹。
Traditional grocers'shops are fast dying out now that there are so many supermarkets.由于出现了许多超级市场,传统的杂货店铺正逐渐消失。
Many old customs are gradually dying out.许多旧习俗都在逐渐消失。
It's time this selfish habit died out.这种自私的习惯该消除了。
That style of music died out ten years ago.那种风格的音乐10年前就消失了。
die with (v.+prep.)
▲die with sb/sth
1.伴有…而死 die having (sth/sb)
He died with his family all around him, and with his soul at peace.全家人都在他身旁,他带着一颗平静的心死去了。
The old man died with the demands that weren't met.老人带着没有完成的心愿死去了。
She died with peace and happiness.她带着安详和幸福死去了。
He died with a grievance.他含冤而死。
2.随着(某人的死)而丧失,消失 be lost at the death of (sb)
His secret died with him, and now we shall never know the truth.他的秘密随他一起离去,现在我们永远也不可能知道真相了。
die by, die for, die from, die of
1.die from和die of意思相同,用die of时较多。die from一般指害病、疲劳、负伤、饥渴、辛苦、失望等致死, die of常指饮食过度、工作过度、饮酒过量等致死。
2.die for表示为了理想、事业而献身或因犯罪而被处死。例如:
He died for his belief.他为了自己的信仰而献身了。
He died for the crime he had committed.他因所犯的罪行而被处死。
3.die by则多表示横死。例如:
He died by his own hand.他自杀了。
[误] He has died for three years.
[正] He died three years ago.
[析] die是瞬间动词,不可与for引起的表示一段时间的状语搭配。
[误] He was died three years ago.
[正] He died three years ago.
[析] die主要用作不及物动词,不能构成被动结构。偶尔用作及物动词时接同源名词death作宾语。
[误] Although they died, they have won the honour for their country.
[正] Although they are dead, they have won the honour for their country.
[析] die的过去式一般只用在如“说明何时死的,生什么病死的,死时年轻(富有或贫穷)等”场合,英美人习惯用be dead表示“某人已死
He is no more.
It is all over for him.
He has passed away.
He departed from this life.
He slept the final sleep.
He was numbered among the dead.
He has breathed his last.
He fell in the battle.
在英美军人的俚语里,还可以用:He's had it,He's bought it,He's had his time,He's handed in his chips等。

die for 渴望,切望;为了…而死

die casting 压铸,拉模铸造

die of 因……死,死于

progressive die [机]级进模;顺序冲模

die from 死于;因…而死

die forging 热模锻;模锻法

die out 灭绝;消失

extrusion die 挤压模;挤制模型

drawing die 拉模,拉延模;深冲模

never say die 不要失望

stamping die 冲压模具;模锻模

die steel 模具钢;板模钢

die a natural death 寿终,因年老(或患病)而死 ◎老死,病死 ◎不再存在;被遗忘,被废弃
forging die 锻模

compound die 复式压模

die on 不再有用

punching die 冲孔模,落料模

die by 死于…

die hard 难改掉;难断气

die cutting 模切;冲切

go die是错误语法吗
1、读音:英 [daɪ]美 [daɪ]2、基本释义:死,死亡,凋谢,消失,消亡,灭亡。3、语法:(1)die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”,引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等。(2)die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态,...

die out灭绝 die off相继死去 die away变弱;逐渐止息 die from因...而死

例如: die 的形容词形式是dead,意为“死的”,可作表语或定语。作表语时,表示状态。 扩展资料 常用短语 die from 意为“由于……而死”,但一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的'死亡。例如:The old man died from a car accident last year. 这个老人去年死于一场车祸。die of意思同die fr...

3. 作为介词:表示特定时间段: “Die”作为介词可以表示特定的时间点或时间段。例如:“She was born in the 1980s”(她出生在80年代)。表示材料或来源: “Die”还可以表示制造某物的材料或来源。例如:“The ring was made of gold”(戒指是用金子制作的)。4. 常见短语和习语:Die down...

接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。

词组辨析die down, die out, die off, die away
答案:D 句意:汽车的声音消失在远方。die down 1. (植物)枯萎,凋谢(但根仍可活),(过冬时)假死,顶(梢枯)死,回枯:The dahlias died down when we had the first cold spell.第一次寒潮袭来时,大丽花的枝叶枯萎而假死了。2. 逐渐平息,渐渐停止,逐渐消失,变弱:The wind has died ...

3.die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。4.die后接介词可组成短语表示死于某种原因。如接介词from表示“死于非命”等,接of表示因“疾病或年老”等而死亡。5.在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“...

His dog has been dead for two weeks. 他的狗已死了两周了。The ground was covered with dead flowers. 地上覆盖着凋落的花。die的名词形式是death,意为“死亡”。例如:His mother's death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一个巨大的打击。常用短语 die from 意...

die for 与die of 的区别和用法
具体含义不同:die of表示死因存在于人体之上或之内,主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因。die for表示死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的。主要指事故等方面的外部原因。例句:Her father and her brothers would die of shame 她父亲和她的兄弟们会羞愧死。You have given me my life, I ...

die down和die away的区别
2、die away:消失。二、用法不同 1、die down:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外,在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。2、die away:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: die的短语及词义区分 -
邢朋同欣: diev. [daɪ] ( dies; died; dying ) 1.die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”.引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等. 2.die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态.die有时也可用作...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 有关die的短语及词义区分 -
邢朋同欣:[答案] 有几个孩子因营养不良而死亡. He died of his wound.他负伤而死. My grandmother died of grief soon after her husband's death.祖父去世不久,祖母就因悲伤过度而死了. 2.强烈地感受到…,…得要命 feel (sth) very strongly 〔说明〕 die of作此解时只用于...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 有关die的英语短语及含义,准确点的. -
邢朋同欣:[答案] die for 渴望,切望;为了…而死 die of 因……死,死于 die from 死于;因…而死die out 灭绝 ; 逐渐消失 ; 消失 ; 熄灭 die (away,out或down)消失,渐息:Last night the storm slowly died down.昨夜暴风雨逐渐停息了...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 关于die的用法 die有哪些常用短语 -
邢朋同欣: die of 死于什么

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 有关die的英语短语及含义,准确点的.
邢朋同欣: die for 渴望,切望;为了…而死 die casting 压铸,拉模铸造 die of 因……死,死于 progressive die [机]级进模;顺序冲模 die from 死于;因…而死 die forging 热模锻;模锻法 die out 灭绝;消失 extrusion die 挤压模;挤制模型 drawing die 拉模...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: die的不同词性 如名词,形容词,动词 -
邢朋同欣: 名词词性:death ;形容词词性:dead ;动词词性:die 词汇解析: 一、death 读法:英 [deθ] 美 [dɛθ]释义:n. 死;死亡;死神;毁灭 例句:Leave you, I only death! 离开了你,我只有死亡! 二、dead 读法:英 [ded] 美 [dɛd]释义:adj. 无...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: die of与die from区别,以及有关die的词组~ -
邢朋同欣:[答案] die of 与die from 的区别die of 表示“死于……病”或冻死、气死,或死于过度悲伤.die from表示死于外伤、事故、劳累过度.常用短语die for one's country为国捐躯 die down熄灭、平息 die off绝种、枯死die away消...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 请问,die from ,die of,die by 这三个短语有什么区别 -
邢朋同欣:[答案] 表示死的原因,die 后既可接介词 of,也可接 from,两者的区别是: 一、若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of.如:die of illness (heart trouble,cancer,a fever,etc) 死于疾病 (心脏病,癌症,发烧等) 二...

宽城满族自治县17061227658: die有关的词组 -
邢朋同欣:[答案] die of 死于内因 die from 死于外因

宽城满族自治县17061227658: 死的英文怎么写 -
邢朋同欣: 死的英文:die die 读法 英 [daɪ] 美 [daɪ] 1、vi. 死亡;凋零;熄灭 2、vt. 死,死于… 3、n. 冲模,钢模;骰子 短语: 1、extrusion die 挤压模;挤制模型 2、drawing die 拉模,拉延模;深冲模 3、stamping die 冲压模具;模锻模 4、die steel 模...

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