
作者&投稿:伊疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Baishi-kle - Days on my past(童年英文版)
I recall when I was young OH,
I will play and always having fun
with the neighbour next to me
And we'll play until the setting sun
try to be The best among the others
in a game call the "Spider battle"
It doesn't matter,
who is the best how
those were the days of my past
few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time
Always day dreaming in the class
till I don't even know the lessons done
Then my teacher always tell me
never ever be lazy again
what can I do now
What can I say now
Those were the days of my past
As the days go on and on
I grew up and had my first love
candle light and sandy beach
finally give away my first kiss
mother said I was too young to fall in love and
then I will one day regret so love was over
but I do miss her
those were the days of my past
just when I left my high school and
got my first job as a salesmen
working hard all day and night
no one there to lend a helping hand
daddy told me not to worry and
said that I should go on step by step
those were the days of my past
then once day I settled down with the only one I really love
gona small family with two kid that is what I'm always hoping for
But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young
I miss my hometown I miss my old friend
Those were the days of my past
I miss my hometown I miss my old friend
When will I see them again

Let the world filled with love
Tenderly holding you face
To wipe away you tears
My heart always belong to you
Tell me you’ll never be alone

Looking deeply into you eyes
No need to say another word
Holding tightly onto your hands
This warmth will never ever change

Together we share joy
We share same sorrow
And we have the same aspiration
Together we strive
Together we dream
We treasure the same love in our hearts

No matter if we know each other
No matter if you’re here or faraway
Let us pray with sincerity
To wish you peace and happiness

女的躺下我不清楚,我为梦狂唱的是The show

Because You Live 因为你的存在

Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart 带着一颗沉重的心注视着雨
It's the end of the world in my mind 我想着这就是世界尽头了
Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call 不久,你的声音唤回了我,就像晨钟一样把我唤醒
I've been looking for the answer我一直在寻找答案
Somewhere 某个地方
I couldn't see that it was right there我不能看清它是否就在那
But now I know what I really know 但是我知道,我真的知道

Because you live and breathe 因为你的存在,你的呼吸
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help因为在没有人帮助的时候,你让我相信自己
Because you live, girl 因为你的存在,宝贝
My world has twice as many stars in the sky 我的天空比以往都多了很多星星

It's alright, I survived, I'm alive again一切都好了,我又活了过来,
Cuz of you, made it though every storm 因为你,你让我冲破所有暴风雨
What is life, whats the use if your killed inside 什么是生命?如果你自暴自弃又有什么用?
I'm so glad I found an angel我很高兴,我找到了天使
Someone 有些人
Who was there when all my hopes fell当我所有的希望都破灭,有些人在那
I wanna fly, looking in your eyes我想要飞,看着你的眼睛

Because you live there's a reason why 因为你的存在,
I carry on when I lose the fight 这就是为什么在我失去战斗力的俄时候还以就能坚持下去
I want to give what you've given me always我想要给你,给你你赐予我的所有

My world has everything I need to survive 我需要拯救我的世界

Because you live, I live, I live因为你的存在,你的存在

Start Of Something New

Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance

女:I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart (Oh~)
To all the possibilities Ooh

合:I know
女:that something has changed
合:Never felt this way
女:And right here tonight

合:This could be the start Of something new
女:It feels so right
合:To be here with you Ooh
And now looking in your eyes
女:I feel in my heart (男:Feel in my heart)
合:The start of something new

男:Oh, yeah~

男:Now who'd of ever thought that
合:We'd both be here tonight
女: Yeah
And the world looks so much brighter (男:Brighter, brighter)
With you by my side (男:By my side)
To:I know that something has changed, never felt this way
W:I know for real (M:Real)
To:This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now lookin' in your eyes
I feel in my heart
W:The start of some thing new

M:I never knew that it could happen till it happend to me
Oh, yeah
To:I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see Oh!

It's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you oh~
And now I'm lookin' in your eyes
I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you oh~
And now looking in your eyes(M:looking in your eyes)
W:I feel in my heart (M:Feel in my heart)
W:The start of something new
M:The start of something new
To:The start of something new


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生日歌: F调 | 5 56 5 1 7 | 5 56 5 2 1| 55 5 3 1 76| 44 ` `` ` ` ` `` ` `` ``3 1 21 | 注意:歌谱下有.(如5)。就代表这个是低音,


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2. 歌词中的情感表达:歌词用简单直白的语言,传达了对基督的深厚友情和信任。例如,“主是我最知心的朋友,无论春夏秋冬,风雨雷电,他都不离不弃地陪伴着我。”这样的歌词让人们感到基督的无条件的爱和陪伴。3. 歌谱与旋律:这首歌的旋律通常较为缓慢,充满深情。通过柔和的旋律,歌曲...

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郦吉膜固: Because You Live 因为你的存在Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart 带着一颗沉重的心注视着雨 It's the end of the world in my mind 我想着这就是世界尽头了 Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call 不久,你的声音唤回了我,就像晨...

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郦吉膜固: 《Everytime 》 Britney Spears Notice me 让我成为你的目光焦点 Take my hand 握住我的手 Why are we strangers when 为何我们矜持地像陌生人 Our love is strong 虽然我俩的爱又如此强烈 Why carry on without me? 何不让我加入你的生命...

济源市18216604728: 求好听的英文歌(要带中英文LRC歌词) -
郦吉膜固: 布兰妮的《heartbeats》Amy Diamond的《dying in the sun》Victoria acosta的《could this be love》Moumoon的《sunshine girl》Talor swift的《You belong to me》冯曦妤的《a little love》Justin Bieber的《Baby》Nico的《Love mail》这些在酷我音乐盒里输入名字都可以搜得到 都带LRC歌词 歌都很棒呢~

济源市18216604728: 红河谷英文歌词简谱 一定要简谱 -
郦吉膜固: 《红河谷》中文、英文对照歌词简谱见下:《红河谷》是一首加拿大民歌.它主要表现了移民北方红河一带的居民在这里垦荒种地、建设家园、发展城市,最终将野牛出没的荒原变成了人们生活的家园.它回顾了人们艰苦创业的历史,同时也是对美好生活的向往.中文名称:红河谷 外文名称:Red River Valley 歌曲原唱:Slim Whitman 音乐风格:风景,民谣 歌曲语言:英语,汉语 所属专辑:The very best of Slim Whitman

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