
作者&投稿:运政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"brb" is "be right back."
"c-ya" is "see ya later"
"dunno" is slang for "don't know."
"gotta" is slang for "got to".
"lol" is "lots of laughs"
a little (稍微一点儿)
address (地址)
after you. (您先请)
all right. (好的)
can someone here speak chinese? (有懂中国话的人吗)
cheers. (干杯)
congratulations! (恭喜)
excuse me a moment. (我失陪一会儿)
excuse me. (对不起了)
good afternoon. (您好)
good evening. (晚上好)
good morning. (早上好)
good night. (晚安)
good-bye. (再见)
how are you? (您好吗)
how do you do? (幸会幸会)
how far? (多少距离)
how long? (多少(时间、长度))
how many? (多少(数))
how much? (多少(钱))
how? (怎样)
i don't understand. (你说的话我不懂)
i see. (知道了)
i want . (我要...)
i'm lost. (我迷路了)
it's hot(cold),isn't it? (好热(冷)啊)
just a moment,please. (请稍等)
let's meet again. (下次再见)
lovely weather,isn't it? (天气真好啊)
many (很多)
married (已婚)
may i have your name? (请问尊姓大名)
my name is . (我叫...)
nice to meet you. (能见到您真高兴)
no (不)
occupation (职业)
pardon me? (请再说一遍)
please hurry. (请快些)
please speak more slowly. (请说得再慢一点)
please! (请)
single (单身)
thank you. (谢谢你(们))
that's all right. (行了)
what does this mean? (这是什么意思)
what time? (几点了)
what? (什么)
what's this? (这是什么)
when? (什么时候)
where is the restroom? (厕所在哪里)
where? (哪里)
which? (哪一个)
who? (谁)
why? (为什么)
yes (是)
you're welcome. (别客气)

1、I'd like ...to come to dinner
2、request the pleasure of
3、The favor of a reply is requested
4、May I have the honour of your company at dinner?
5、Thank you for inviting us to dinner
6、I hope you're not too busy to come.
7、The reception will be held in ...,on ...
8、We sincerely hope you can attend
9、We are looking forward to ...
10、We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion
11、Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience

1.You are welcome to lead us to the location where Mr Smith went off

yesterday to the wet and dead swamp in which you could wait for hearing the strange sounds just like a dog's barking to explain how its felt.

欢迎你带我们去昨天Mr Smith动身前往那个潮湿废弃,可以听到一种似乎是一只狗在表述它的感受的叫声的那个沼泽的离开之处

一般来说,where和in which可以等同,但在名词性从句中就不能等同,(只在状语和定语从句中)其他情况下可以,where表示在哪里,which表示哪一个,有范围限制,简单来说就是这样。This is where I disagree,(抽象的地点)再如I lived in school where I had learned six years.
也可以这样写I lived in school in which I had learned six years.

呃……白痴一点的可以吗= =

Where is Beijing/bus stop/your school?
Which is your house/the one you work between these bulidings?

which是关系代词,通常在限定性定语从句中充当主语、表语或是宾语。where是关系副词在修饰地点时才用。在从句中充当地点状语。 第一,先找出定语从句,用括号括起来.第二,看看括号里的句子缺不缺主语和宾语,缺的话就用which, 不缺就用where.

...has won the race, ___ has surprised us all. A.which B.whe...
A 试题分析:考查非限制性定语从句:句意:这是他第二次赢得比赛 ,这让我们都很惊讶。which引导非限定性定语从句代指前面整个句子,在定语从句中which充当主语,where不能做主语,what不能引导定语从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,选A。

where和in which的区别
in which 和where的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、in which:在其中。2、where:在该情况下。二、用法不同 1、in which:which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还...

...to live in? A.where B.which city C.which D.Whe
B 试题分析:句意:你喜欢生活在哪一个城市里?Which city强调的是范围,where表示地点,意为“哪里”,为泛指,which意为“哪一个”,指代的对象不明确,when意为“什么时候”,表示时间;故选B。

in which 和in where的区别
选B 首先排除D,in which只能引导定语从句,但是in which前面没有先行词。不选c的道理同D 选B的原因:in+宾语从句,宾语从句中where做work的地点状语。翻译:中国沿海地区劳动力的短缺导致了用工成本的上升和另外一种现象--- 给无技术工人提供了更多工作机会的选择。where:“。。。的地方”...

名词性从句(包括主语、表语、宾语、同位语从句)的引导词都一样,如that, which ,what, how,why, where, when, whether,who等。

;如果先行词前没有前置词,此时既可以用where,也可以用in which,但在美国的TOEFL考试中一般要用in which。例如:The offices,laboratory,and museum are situated at te top of the hill whe re they command a fine view.in which 用于定语从句,作关系副词,在句中不做成分。

...is near the famous river 1which2who3where4whe...
this is my beautiful school ( which )is near the famous river 这是定语从句。从句缺主语,所以要用which或者that引导。

I love the small village(where)I was born.为什么用whe
where是在哪里,the small village是指物

...should be at school? A.that B.where C.which D. what
我简直是服了.这明显是一个错误的句子,中国的教材和教材编写者啊,救救我们的孩子吧.正确的句子应该是:Why are you here when you should be at school? 你应该在学校上学,为什么在这里?(直译:为什么你在应该上学的时候却在这里?)有不懂之处请和我联系....

定州市15138479498: 定语从句where 和 which的用法区别?请举例 -
仉衬血脂: 一般来说相应的介词+which 就等同于where,如The shool where i studied in my childhood is very beautifui .其中的where 可以用in which 替换.这是对于定于从句而言的.因为where 前有了先行词 school,如果是状语从句就不可以用in which 替...

定州市15138479498: 定语从句中关系代词where,which的用法区别 -
仉衬血脂: where = in whichwhich 代替前面的先行词.相当于that.一些特殊句式中只能用that代替.This is a window, which we bought two days ago. 这是个窗户.我们两天前买的这个窗户.where 修饰前面的先行词.后面的从句主谓宾完整.This is the shop where we bought the window. 我们是这家店买的窗户. (这家店是我们买窗户的那家店.)

定州市15138479498: 定语从句which和where的区别 -
仉衬血脂: 定语从句中,which是关系代词,在从句中既可以作主语,也可以作宾语,还可以作定语或表语.一般皆指物.where是关系副词,在从句中只作状语.一、用which的例句.Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint....

定州市15138479498: 定语从句中which和where的区别 -
仉衬血脂: 一、区别 关键是看从句中的动词. 1)如果是及物动词(顾名思义,就是必须要接物做宾语的动词,或能用做被动的动词),则表明从句缺宾语,修饰物用which. 2)如动词是不及物(顾名思义就是不需要接物做宾语的或要接宾语时前面必须要...

定州市15138479498: 怎样区别which和where引导的宾语从句 -
仉衬血脂: 1. which 在宾语从句中一般作主语或者从句主语的定语 I don't knonw which is his book. 我不知道哪一本是他的书 I can't tell which girl is his daughter. 我说不出哪个女孩是他的女儿2. where在 宾语从句中一般作介词宾语或者地点状语 I wonder where you are from.我想知道你从哪里冒出来的?We broke out of the prison but didn't know where we should go next. 我们逃出了监狱但却不知道下一步应该去哪里

定州市15138479498: where和which的区别 -
仉衬血脂: 例1:This is the place where he works(这是我工作的地方)因为work是不及物动词,后不可跟名词或代词,所以连接词用副词性连接词where,充当he works的状语.例2:This is the place which we visited(这是我们参观过的地方)visit是及物动词...

定州市15138479498: 宾语从句中 which 和where/who有什么区别 最好举个例子 谢谢 -
仉衬血脂: 宾语从句 它是做宾语的成分 The problem which is too difficult to us to solve(which指代物) The place where I have visited (where指代地点) The girl who I think is beautiful(who 指代的是人)

定州市15138479498: which 与where引导的从句有什么区别 -
仉衬血脂: where 引导表示地点的状语从句. which 引导此类从句是前面必须加ON, IN, AT 等介词.

定州市15138479498: 定语从句where和which的用法 -
仉衬血脂: 1.我们来拆句分析一下. this is the place/ the accident took place last night有关发生地点的问题,当然是the accident took place in the place.(took place就相当于happen的意思)中间需要介词链接的.这句话还可以这样表达:this is the place in ...

定州市15138479498: which和where从句中用法区别能说清楚最好了,状语宾语的区别也顺便说说就最好了, -
仉衬血脂:[答案] 一般来说相应的介词+which 就等同于where,如The shool where i studied in my childhood is very beautifui .其中的where 可以用in which 替换.这是对于定于从句而言的.因为where 前有了先行词 school,如果是状语从句就不可以用in which 替换.如Let ...

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