
作者&投稿:敏湛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、The key is how to deal with the slice of toast. Put a piece of toast on the chopping board, mark a box with the tip of a knife about one centimeter along the edge of the bread, and take out the slice in the middle. Cut 3 pieces of luncheon meat and break up the eggs. The amount is one and a half pieces of luncheon meat and one egg for a sandwich.
2、Bring the pan to a low heat, add a small piece of butter and heat it until it melts. The temperature should not be too high, otherwise the butter will be burnt and the color will be ugly.
3、Pour 2 / 3 of the egg liquid into the toast box. If it's not full, shake the pan slightly. It must be light, or the egg liquid will not look good when it flows out Quickly spread a piece and a half of luncheon meat on the unfrozen egg liquid,
and then quickly cover the cut toast. Be sure to finish before the egg liquid solidifies. If you are worried about slow hands, you can take the pan off the fire temporarily.
4、Use the spatula to gently press the toast, and you can cover it intact. Carefully pour the remaining egg liquid along the edge of the spatula into the gap of the four sides of the toast, and then turn it over. The color is golden. If you like the more burnt one, wait another 30 seconds to turn it over.

sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中,已经到了废寝忘食的地步。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,便将一些菜肴、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,让他边玩牌边吃饭。

A sandwich is a quick and tasty way to make a meal. It can make a great lunch or breakfast. Read on to learn the basics.
1,Pick your favorite type of bread. White, wheat, wholegrain,or rye. It can also be a roll, or pita bread. You need 2 whole slices of bread to make a full sandwich and you can use one slice to make half a sandwich. You can also toast your bread.
2,Choose a spread that will make the bread stick together. Margarine, butter, mayonnaise or avocado are always good choices. Combine the spreads for a different and delicious taste.
3,Decide on the filling. Jam, peanut butter, ham, cheese, various other meats, lettuce, tomato, pickles, bacon bits, onions, turkey, beef, chicken, -- you've got a lot of choices. What you put on a sandwich is really up to your imagination and preferences. Just remember to put together things you enjoy eating because you have to eat it.
4,When you have finished putting together the foods you like to eat, slice the sandwich for easier handling.
5,Add a cup of soup, pickle, fruit juice, milk or a drink of your choice to go with it for a complete and healthy meal. Keep in mind that sandwiches can be served at any time but are best during lunch.

*Always be hygienic when preparing food and remember there are a lot of nasty stomach bugs out there.
*Serve with a slice of pickle and sauerkraut on the meat and add the bread on top.











Ham and cheese sandwich
Main ingredient: law stick bread: not only appearance straightforward bold and unconstrained, eat up is simple sense, and vegetables with bring out the best in each other
Ingredients: ham piece, lettuce, tomato, cheese pieces
Practice: 1. Wash lettuce, tomatoes wash slice. Bread crosscut two and a half
2. On the bread on the shop in ham piece, cheese piece, tomatoes, lettuce of can
Features: raw material, make simple for a very short time, is rich in nutrition

Tuna sandwiches
Main ingredient: toast, quality of a material soft, and salad sauce and mayonnaise phase, and the mix combination, delicate taste and smooth
Ingredients: canned tuna, mayonnaise, eggs, tomatoes, lettuce leaves
Practice: 1. Wash tomatoes slice, egg cooked, remove slice toast quads
2. Remove the right amount from cans of tuna and mayonnaise mix together, the shop is on a layer of toast
3. The shop in the tuna in egg, lettuce and tomatoes
4. Cover another slice of bread on the diagonal, cut into two triangles sandwich
Features: taste delicious and nutritious
Eggplant sandwich
Main ingredient: method, this bread sticks bread has a delicate fragrance itself, whether directly eat or a baked food is great, basic can with any material collocation
Ingredients: eggplant, tomatoes, milk or dairy
Practice: 1. The eggplant, tomato wash and slice thinly
2. Eggplant piece of bread crumbs Fried eggs, wrapped cooked
3. On the bread in dairy milk, Fried eggplant spread of tablet, tomatoes
4. If taste too light, can be in cheese and moderate salt
Characteristics: this is a full meal of sandwich with eggplant, join the main ingredient as dairy milk flavor, taste delicious, different

Turkey sandwich
Main ingredient: method, the size of the thin stick bread for collocation of whole artisanal materials
Ingredients: Turkey, lettuce, tomato, black pepper
Practice: 1. Two and a half of bread crosscut stick, Turkey and slice thinly
2. Wash lettuce, tomatoes wash slice
3. Spread in bread, according to personal taste of Turkey and moderate black pepper
4. Finally in Turkey in the shop tomatoes, lettuce can
Features: Turkey is a common sandwich raw material, can add black pepper to taste

Shredded meat sandwiches
Main ingredient: ox horn bread, were not sandwich common bread material, but the its unique shape, and the taste of the salty, definitely fits play your creativity
Ingredients: shredded meat, eggs, salad sauce
Practice: 1. The egg cooked and slice
2. Ox horn bread in the toaster is roast after a crosscut two and a half
3. Every piece of bread just apply, and then a layer of salad on the shop floor, add eggs can be shredded meat

Patties sandwich
Red onion and made of ground beef patties, with strong fragrant smell. Mistakes in addition to clip a sandwich for lunch outside, use
As with a delicious meal, but the meal
Material: half a pound of ground beef, red Onions a (chopped), Onions, garlic each a teaspoon of (not add one egg, can also)
Scattered, salt, some pepper. Round bread (buns).
Practice: ground beef stir in eggs, Onions, salt, pepper, onion garlic agitate, make it round and flat, with oil in the pan
Pan fry two sides. Will make it in with circular pie Hamburg bread or toast
(note: you may also add tomato slice of bread, salad sauce, pickled cucumber, etc.)

Olive, zhi lodge food sandwich
Ingredients: Onions, and cut up a, olive eight, malt 1 t, some pepper, QingSuan cut into sections 3 section, the toast of 8, celery section 1, artificial butter.
Production methods: (1) all raw materials all mix well, adjusted the taste. (2) in the face of four pieces of bread and butter, pepper and chili powder. (3) in four pieces of bread with the other side scale with delicious sauce, add olive. (4) the two different slices of bread to a can.

Lentils burrito sandwich
Ingredients: lentils, wash and drain dry 1/2 cup water, chili powder TSP chopped Onions and a half, the big one, then 3 cups 1/8 TSP garlic, cumin, cut off 1/2 cup, some pepper, garlic smaller one, salt to taste, celery, at the end of the 1 t corn pancakes six.
Production methods: (1) will all the raw material into an iron pot for mix well, cover with lid, with JiHuo bring to a boil. (2) the fire is small, continue to twist for about 1 hour, make lentils lousy choice. (3) for the garlic bails out, in the pot of raw materials into paste, get lousy with salt, adjusted the taste. (4) in another fry pan pour a bit oil, put in corn pancakes and put in the pot to take out after a Fried. (5) in pancakes erased just prepared paste. If think that is necessary, but the sandwich and some other seasoning.

Mushrooms, tomato sandwich
Raw materials: 8 pieces of bread, fresh mushrooms silk 1/2 cup, cheese is right amount, tomatoes, garlic, 1/2 cup of right amount.
Making method (1) cream cheese on toast, add the garlic, tomatoes and mushrooms. (2) close the other a piece of bread. (3) put the bread on the toaster, roast until melted cheese.

Romantic sandwich
Ingredients: water 4 cup, cumin 1 t, 2 cups sliced tomatoes romantic, 4 big, green onion, pepper to paragraph 2 cup chopped onion, 2, salt, pepper, apply two corn pancakes 6 tablets, 1/2 TSP of bell peppers.
Making method (1) into the pot to boil water, romantic cover the pan into, and cook for another 2 minutes. (2) removed flame, and simmer for 2 hours. (3) all the other raw materials when it all in the pot, cooked for another 2 to 3 hours to romantic, and salt, and the transformational good taste. (4) the corn pancakes in pan fry once, in a spoon will be ready for good confused to corn pancakes, and some cheese, can be eaten

Vegetarian sandwich
Ingredients: big bread and a cut lettuce shreds, cheese piece of 3, 4, 1 slice of tomato, onion and mushroom cooked 3/4 cup.
Production methods: (1) in which a slice of bread and cheese, on a baking oven, cheese, and then with melting mushroom, Onions, lettuce and tomatoes. (2) closed another piece of bread knife, cut into small pieces of bread to eat of it, serve hot.

虽然肚子饿,可是嗜赌如命的他,手气正好,当然舍不得离开牌桌去吃饭。由於这家俱乐部也是个牛排馆,於是他差人送来一些烤肉和乳酪,并且要用两片面包夹著,如此他才能用一只手拿著吃,另一只手还可以握牌,又不会把牌弄脏。 三明治伯爵四世的这个点子很快就流传开来,大家纷纷要求要吃「跟三明治一...

n.三明治;夹心面包;状似三明治的东西 vt.把…夹在…之间;把…做成三明治 三明治是欧美人喜爱的一种食品,在面包中夹有肉或干酪,用于比喻可指夹在一起的东西。sandwich可置于其他名词前作定语。sandwich用作动词的意思是“把…夹在…之间”,指像做夹心面包一样把人或物夹或挤在两个以上的人或物之间...

三明治英文读法是(s_nw_t_)。三明治的英语是sandwich,读法是根据sandwich的音标(s_nw_t_)读。相关例句:The sandwich took the edge off my appetite这份三明治使我食欲大减。l was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。

鸡肉三明治英语介绍如下:Chicken sandwich 英\/ˈtʃɪkɪn ˈsænwɪtʃ\/。美\/ˈtʃɪkɪn ˈsænwɪtʃ\/。鸡肉三明治;鸡肉三味夹。RFC, a division of Yum! Brands, which also owns Taco Bell and ...

三明治是怎么发明的?拜托各位了 3Q
是饮茶专用的。在北欧斯堪的那维亚诸国,三明治 已无上面一层,而以精致的鱼、肉片和沙拉覆盖。在法国,制作三明治不用 面包片,而用面包卷。 家里有多士炉(没有也无所谓),超市里面包片、肉片、奶酪等应有尽有, 选上自己喜爱的口味,在家里也可以做三明治啦。采纳哦 ...

sandwich 读法 英 [ˈsænwɪtʃ] 美 [ˈsænwɪtʃ]1、n.夹心面包片;三明治;夹心蛋糕 2、v.把…夹在…之间;挤在…中间;把...做成三明治 短语 1、cheese sandwich乳酪三明治 2、chicken sandwich鸡肉三明治 3、club sandwich夜总会三明治,公司三明治...

答:sandwich 英[ˈsænwɪtʃ] 美[ˈsændwɪtʃ, ˈsæn-]n.三明治; 夹心面包; 状似三明治的东西;vt.把…夹在…之间; 把…做成三明治;变形 复数: sandwiches 过去式: sandwiched 过去分词: sandwiched 现在分词: sandwich...

三明治英文如下:sandwich。三明治是可数名词,其复数是在后面加es。sandwich--sandwiches 三明治。 规则:以x, ch, sh,等结尾的单词+es。sandwich记忆技巧:sandwich可分成sand和wich。sand(沙子),wich与which很接近,这样分开记易于掌握。sandwich成为一个正式的英语词汇被普遍授受,且人们还根据其来历和...

“三明治”的英文单词为“sandwich”(单数)或“sandwiches”。sandwich 英 [ˈsænwɪtʃ] 美 [ˈsændwɪtʃ, ˈsæn-]n. 三明治; 夹心面包; 状似三明治的东西;vt. 把…夹在…之间; 把…做成三明治;复数: sandwiches ...


东川区15526984684: 英语作文《怎样制作一个三明治》100词左右 -
殷环跌打: A sandwich is a quick and tasty way to make a meal.It can make a great lunch or breakfast.Read on to learn the basics. 制作三明治不但快速而且美味的,它是早餐或者午餐的最佳选择,下面为基本步骤. 1,Pick your favorite type of bread.White,...

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殷环跌打: We need two slices of bread,one teaspoon of cheese,one green pepper,one onion,four slices of beef and teaspoon of relish.First,put the one teaspoon of cheese on a slice of bread.Then cut up an onion and a green pepper,add these to the bread....

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殷环跌打: 制作三明治的英语作文如下. 英文:Sandwich is a very common food, originated in western countries. There are many ways to make sandwiches. One way is to use bread slices with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. Just wash the ingredients ...

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殷环跌打: Your homework? I am sorry to be of no help.

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殷环跌打:[答案] take out two slices of bread take out some mayounaise or cheese,two slices of roast turkey,a tomato and a few pieces of lettuce.Use a table knife to spread the cheese evenly on one slice of bread then...

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殷环跌打:[答案] This is how to make a ham sandwichIngredients(材料):1/ bread 2/ mayonnaise 3/ fillings,vegetable,ham or bacon Procedure(步骤):1.get two slices of bread 2.spread mayonnaise on the bread 3.spread your ...

东川区15526984684: 用英语写制作三明治的过程材料如下:slices of bread 1个teaspoon of butter 1个onion and 1个tomato some lettuce 4个slices of beef 2个teaspoons of relish -
殷环跌打:[答案] First, wash your hands. Put a piece of bread on a plate. Put a little butter on the bread. Put some slices of chicken/ham/egg/on the bread. Put some lettuce/jam on the bread. Then put another piece of bread on top. Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!

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殷环跌打: To begin with, slice the two washed tomatoes in to pieces. then put them btween 2 slices of bread together with 3 slices of chicken lettuce. after doing so, take out 1 teaspoon of butter and mortared the tomato pieces and chicken lettuce. at last, ...

东川区15526984684: 用英语句子来写出做三明治的过程 -
殷环跌打:[答案] First, wash your hands. Put a piece of bread on a plate. Put a little butter on the bread. Put some slices of chicken/ham/egg/on the bread. Put some lettuce/jam on the bread. Then put another piece of bread on top. Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!

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殷环跌打:[答案] Super Beef Sandwich First,put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up an onion and a tomato,Add these to the bread.Next put some lettuce and the beef slices on the bread.Put the relish on the beef. Finally,put another slice of bread on the top.

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