
作者&投稿:闽宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

接见,采访;面试,面谈 vt. 采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试

关于interview (面试)参考:)~~
The best way to look at an interview is as a conversation rather than an interrogation. In a conversation,information flows both ways and after all,you want to learn about the company you may be working for as much as they want to learn about you. You want to make sure the job fits you no less then they want to be sure you fit the job. If you can think of the interview as an opportunity to check them out,you'll show that you're interested in the company,you'll feel more relaxed,you'll perform better and you'll increase your chances of getting an offer.

There are a number of different approaches an interviewer can take. Perhaps the most common is the clarification interview,in which the interviewer asks general questions about points on your resume that he'd like to know more about. You may get asked what your career goals are,or what you think you can bring to the job. Know your resume,know how to make it fit the job and interviews like this should be a walk in the park.
An interviewer may also throw in some doubt-resolving questions: "Why did you leave your last job? ","Are you always this late? ","Where it says on your resume,‘manufacturing mailbags for the government,’where exactly was that? " Be aware of the weaknesses on your resume and prepare some nice flowery words to cover any career cracks and flatten the interviewer's unfounded fears.

Increasingly popular are behavioral interviews,an approach which consultants claim is used by a quarter of interviewers. You may be asked to describe an incident in which you had to use your initiative under pressure,deal with a difficult worker or work as part of a small team. The idea is that your past behavior will predict your future actions in similar situations and the questions the interviewers ask will highlight skills they believe are important to the job.

To handle questions like these,think about your work experiences,and retell them in STAR order: Situation/Task,Action and Result. Identify the situation or task you were dealing with,explain the action you took and describe the results

After ......job,是表示时间的句首状语,句子主语是you,而你是被面试的
所以interview用被动形式be interviewed.前面有介词after,所以要在be后加ing.

正如斑竹说的,这里面试是被动语态,要用be interviewed。在 after 后面不能直接跟动词,要接动名词,即being interviewed。因此,确实没有进行时的意思。

After 后要接动名词,由于是被动次
故,为being interviewed


interview本身也可以做动词 interviewee 被采访的人 interviewer 采访的人

本身可以做名词interviewer拜访者 interviewee被拜访者

面试,一个重要的交流环节,其英文 "interview" 有着丰富的含义。首先,它既可以指代面对面的交流,如面谈、会见或面试,也可以表示对某人进行的正式访问,例如进行职业面试的过程。在句子中,如 "Peter interviewed Mecheal",这里的 "interviewed" 实际上表示的是彼得对麦克的访问,而非接见,强调的是...

interview 可以当名词也可以当动词。当名词讲时,意思有“接见,采访;面试,面谈”举例说明:The interview went well.面试很顺利。The trouble began when Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune last month.麻烦开始于艾伦上个月接受《芝加哥论坛报》的采访。当动词讲时,意思有“采访;接见...

interview的中文意思为“面试”或“访谈”。关于interview这个词的详细解释如下:一、基本含义 interview作为名词时,常用来描述一种正式的会面过程,特别是在求职或招聘的情境中,用以评估应聘者的能力、性格等是否适合该职位。此时中文可以翻译为“面试”。而当其作为动词时,则表示进行这样的会面或谈话,...

既可以当名词,又可以当动词 n.1. 面谈,(对求职者等的)面试,谋职面试;口头审查 2. 采访, 交谈, 访谈 3. 会谈, 会见, (私下的)面谈, 会谈, 晤谈 4. 接见;会见 5. 被面试者 6. 被接见者;被会见者;被采访者 vt. & vi.1. 面试 vt.1. 采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问, ...

interview 英 ['ɪntəvjuː]美 ['ɪntərvjuː]n.面谈;会见;面试;接见 vt.接见;采访;对 ... 进行面试 vi.面试;采访 How was your interview with Michigan?你跟密歇根大学的人面谈得如何?He mentioned that problem at our interviews.他在我们会谈时...

interview 的词性?及词型变化?
同意楼上的填空答案...interview [5intEvju:]n.接见; 会见; 会谈 (记者的)访问(记), 采访 (对申请工作或报考学校者的)口头审查 interview [5intEvju:]vt.接见; 会见; (记者的)访问 interviewee [intEvju:5i:]n.被接见[被会见, 被采访]者 interviewer [`IntEvjU:E(r)]n.接见[会见, 采访...

interview [英][ˈɪntəvju:][美][ˈɪntərvju:]n.采访; 面试; 接见; 会谈;vt.& vi.面试;vt.采访; 访问; 会见; (私下)提问;第三人称单数:interviews复数:interviews现在分词:interviewing过去式:interviewed过去分词:interviewed形近词:Interview 1.Allan...

答案:interview的用法 1. 作为名词的用法:表示“面试”的含义。在求职过程中,应聘者通常需要经历面试环节,此时可使用的英文表达为“job interview”。表示“访谈”的意思。例如,新闻访谈或专题节目中的对话,通常称之为“an interview with”。2. 作为动词...

武清区15099874627: interview的问题 -
隐嵇华佗: 这里的being不是进行时的意味,After ......job,是表示时间的句首状语,句子主语是you,而你是被面试的 所以interview用被动形式be interviewed.前面有介词after,所以要在be后加ing.

武清区15099874627: 给我出点interview时的问题,要专业以及有趣的 -
隐嵇华佗: 关于interview (面试)参考:)~~ The best way to look at an interview is as a conversation rather than an interrogation. In a conversation,information flows both ways and after all,you want to learn about the company you may be working for as ...

武清区15099874627: 如何回答英文面试的问题 -
隐嵇华佗: 对于人事部的提问,你首先熟悉对方可能提的问题,大概16个吧,你一定要理解对方的问题是指什么,例如:问你what are the important you think in the job?另外,发音要准确,即使你已经背熟了你准备的答案.讲述时可以慢一些,不要让人觉...

武清区15099874627: 小组面试问题(group interview) -
隐嵇华佗: 一般小组面试都是让你自己介绍一下自己.这时候,就要把自己说的很优秀,并且把自己的优势说出来,越和这个职位贴切越好!~比如是销售,就说,我以前做过销售.积累了一些销售经验和...

武清区15099874627: 英语提问,主题是future,就是一个interview,想十个关于future的提问……不要问那些你未来想做什么之类的问题……只要跟future有关都行 -
隐嵇华佗:[答案] What do you think will be the problem causing Third World War in the future? Which kind of technology do you expect the most that people might invent in the future?When do you think we will run out of...

武清区15099874627: 去公司面试怎么才能过啊 要注意哪几点 -
隐嵇华佗: 首先心态要调整好,这是双向选择的问题. 其实interview本来就是“面谈”的意思,和考试毫无关系. 记住你自己也很出色,不需要姿态摆多低下去乞求一份工作,不卑不亢,正常发挥. 但面试前要做充分准备, 比如英文的自我介绍,还有对...

武清区15099874627: 最新Video Interview都面了哪些问题 -
隐嵇华佗: 很巧,我的第一、第二份工作都是通过video interview敲定的,第一份其中一次,因为光线问题,面试官自始至终都没看清我的脸(终面才看清,笑). 我想,这样的案例,在北上广应该不在少数. 现在这个时代,单位跨城市跨地区再正常不过,按自己正.

武清区15099874627: MBA英语面试会有哪些问题?
隐嵇华佗: 传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 如: What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话.这是一个必问的问题.考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史.是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索.

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