
作者&投稿:厉征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



In terms of Siheyuan, we regard the architecture as entity substantiality, while regard the
yard as the part of void, which can be a public activity ground for people who lived in
this Siheyuan. The marrow of Siheyuan is enclosing. Quadrangles and walls connected with
each other to compose a yard, it's enclosed to outside, but open to inside. This feature
can bring people a sense of belonging. This belongingness is the old's desire to family and their miss to relatives. As an important public circulation part, all the people who live here must pass the yard, the yard becomes a positive communication room, people communicate with others inevitably, especially during the olds. The yard of Siheyuan is more like an outdoor living room, it's a part of home. Here is permeated with living atmosphere, which makes the people feeling kind and calm. People have rest, study or do excerise in the yard, communication can be happened anytime, by this way, neighbours are getting closer. Virescence is transfered to the yard in Hutong zone, the old can plant flowers by themselves in yard so that they can spend their time. Look far into the distance from Jingshan, Beijing, what you see the most is the green trees in yard. The virescence method of Hutong suits for the old's habits such as planting flower, playing chess, keeping pets, etc. "Watching the flowers blossoming and withering, watching the clouds extending and curling." What Hutong gives to the old is not only their physiological needs, but also their psychological demands.

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In modern economic society, to nurture and develop core competence is crucial for any enterprise, for it is able to become strategic capital and bring about sustainable competitive advantage as soon as it is formed. However, the lack of core competence has become a prominent problem of the large companies, enterprises and shipping groups. Some famous foreign scholars and economists have raised the concept of core competence even since 1990s and elaborated study on it. On the other hand, some domestic scholars have also conducted further and deepened study on this concept, based on our country's current situation. In this essay, with reference to a large number of documents and materials, standing on the height of the innovation system of international shipping enterprises, the author tries to illustrate the goal innovation, system innovation and management innovation, as well as to raise some constructive suggestions on corporate innovation and the currect domestic situation, by combining the typical case study of some famous international and domestic shipping companies.

In a modern economy, nurture and develop core competitiveness of any business are critical, core competitive edge because once formed, will become a strategic enterprise assets, to the enterprise and to bring about sustainable development of competitive advantages. And the lack of competitiveness of enterprises is the core of China's development of big companies, businesses and shipping enterprise groups facing a prominent problem. Some foreign scholars and renowned economist in the 90s of the 20th century on the enterprise's core competitiveness concept and its study, and there are some scholars based on China's national conditions, on the basis of core competitiveness further. Multi-angle in-depth analysis and research. In this paper, I refer to a large number of documents, international shipping companies based on innovative mechanisms that the relationship International Shipping Enterprises expounded the objectives of the competition in innovation, technological innovation, system innovation and management innovation domestic and international shipping enterprises famous example of the innovative enterprise innovation exposition, as well as China's national conditions make some recommendations.

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宓雍黄体: Like the shining sunshine day, the full of hope in the air

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宓雍黄体:Hello. We had long time not to see.How are you recently? I spoke to you things I did recently.I was in cooperation with the students finished a film called "friends" in the film, the film is only 3(minutes)

楚雄彝族自治州17658114554: 求好心人帮忙翻译这段英语 -
宓雍黄体: 拍摄8种奇特(独一无二)的食草动物.在岛上找到8中野生的食草动物,然后用相机(从左划过)分享给别人.如有错误请谅解.

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宓雍黄体: Do you condider that there will be any benefit if you send them there?Hardly the teacher entered, she found that Jonny was absent.we won't be succeed without his help eve...

楚雄彝族自治州17658114554: 急!急!急!请好心人帮助,求英语之才帮我把一段中文译成英语,谢谢…
宓雍黄体: I can't attend school cultural propaganda, really sorry.As I am an English school language learning courses, time is very close, and next week will be the test, so I cannot attend, but you also do not worry, I have a good friend clearly light the study result is very good, can I attend and speak

楚雄彝族自治州17658114554: 请好心人帮忙修改英文自我介绍,谢谢! -
宓雍黄体: Good morning, everyone~ I'm glad to know you all since you a...

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