nature and nurture什么意思

作者&投稿:致博 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 先天与后天
2. 遗传与环境
These are those of an ethical nature, which pop up whenever scientistsbroach the nature-nurture nexus.

简单的说: 人是否决定于 先天(或括遗传), 还是后天的产物
Are We Really Born That Way?
You got your green eyes from your mother, and your freckles from your father. But where did you get your thrill-seeking personality and talent for singing? Did you learn these from your parents or was it predetermined by your genes? While it's clear that physical characteristics are hereditary, the genetic waters get a bit more murky when it comes to an individual's behavior, intelligence, and personality. Ultimately, the old argument of nature vs. nurture has never really been won. We do not yet know how much of what we are is determined by our DNA and how much by our life experience. But we do know that both play a part.

What is Nature vs Nurture?
It has been reported that the use of the terms "nature" and "nurture" as a convenient catch-phrase for the roles of heredity and environment in human development can be traced back to 13th century France.

Some scientists think that people behave as they do according to genetic predispositions or even "animal instincts." This is known as the "nature" theory of human behavior. Other scientists believe that people think and behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so. This is known as the "nurture" theory of human behavior.

Fast-growing understanding of the human genome has recently made it clear that both sides are partly right. Nature endows us with inborn abilities and traits; nurture takes these genetic tendencies and molds them as we learn and mature. End of story, right? Nope. The "nature vs nurture" debate still rages on, as scientist fight over how much of who we are is shaped by genes and how much by the environment.

The Nature Theory - Heredity
Scientists have known for years that traits such as eye color and hair color are determined by specific genes encoded in each human cell. The Nature Theory takes things a step further to say that more abstract traits such as intelligence, personality, aggression, and sexual orientation are also encoded in an individual's DNA.

The search for "behavioral" genes is the source of constant debate. Many fear that genetic arguments might be used to excuse criminal acts or justify divorce.

The most debated issue pertaining to the nature theory is the exsistence of a "gay gene," pointing to a genetic component to sexual orientation.

An April, 1998 article in LIFE Magazine, "Were You Born That Way" by George Howe Colt, claimed that "new studies show it's mostly in your genes."

If genetics didn't play a part, then fraternal twins, reared under the same conditions, would be alike, regardless of differences in their genes. But, while studies show they do more closely resemble each other than do non-twin brothers and sisters, they also show these same striking similarities when reared apart - as in similar studies done with identical twins.

nature and nurture
nature and nurture[英][ˈneitʃə ænd ˈnə:tʃə][美][ˈnetʃɚ ənd ˈnɚtʃɚ]

Yet scientists and laymen alike still spend too much time and effort trying to quantify the relative importance of nature and nurture.

定南县13016376386: 英语作文nature and nurture -
爱榕温胃: Intelligence-Nature or Nurture?1) 有人认为智力是天生的;2) 也有人认为智力是环境决定的;3) 如何更好地发展智力.Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment or experience? ...

定南县13016376386: nature and nurture什么意思 -
爱榕温胃: nature and nurture 先天与后天 双语对照 词典结果: nature and nurture[英][ˈneitʃə ænd ˈnə:tʃə][美][ˈnetʃɚ ənd ˈnɚtʃɚ] 遗传与环境;例句: 1. Yet scientists and laymen alike still spend too much time and effort trying to quantify the relative importance of nature and nurture. 但还是有一些科学家和非专业人员花大量时间和努力,试图量化先天与后天之间的相对重要性.

定南县13016376386: 求:人与自然的英语短文 -
爱榕温胃: Human and Nature 人与自然 Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique. There is only one earth with super living conditions in the universe. We should have cherished nature and preserved it. 自然是人们生存的...

定南县13016376386: nature 或nurture -
爱榕温胃: It has always been a controversial topic when talking about nature vs. nurture. To me, a person's success depends on both factors. For example, there is a student who has talent, then that student is gifted naturally, and that is decided by nature. ...

定南县13016376386: nature的用法 -
爱榕温胃: 平时不加,只有在特指的时候才加 Human Being can subdue the nature. 人能够征服自然. The Nature of Evidence 证据的本质 know the nature or character of. 知道某事物的本质或特征. change completely the nature of something. 完全改变事物的本质. Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质. Having the nature of a fad. 具有追求时尚的天性的 上面就是加the的例子,共同点是nature都是特指某种东西.恩,就这样.

定南县13016376386: 雅思阅读nature or nurture?出自哪里 -
爱榕温胃: 这是剑桥雅思5 TEST1中的第二篇,印象中个人最头疼的一篇文章

定南县13016376386: nature和instint的区别 -
爱榕温胃: nature和instint的区别具体如下:nature英 [ˈneɪtʃə(r)] 美 [ˈnetʃɚ]n.自然;天性;天理;类型例句:All these activities are against nature.所有这些活动都是违背常理的.instant英 [ˈɪnstənt] 美 [ˈɪnstənt]n.瞬间,顷刻;此刻;当月;速食食品,即溶饮料adj.立即的;迫切的;正在考虑的,目前的;即食的例句:Mr Porter's book was an instant hit波特先生的书一经推出便大受欢迎.

定南县13016376386: science和nature的影响因子多少? -
爱榕温胃: Nature是32.182 Science是31.853

定南县13016376386: 英语大自然前面要不要加“the" -
爱榕温胃: 不必 例:Nature , time , and patience are the three great physicians . 大自然、时间、耐心是三个伟大的医师. Farmers use different kinds of soil conservation methods to protect their land from damage by farming and the forces of nature . 农民运用不同种类的土壤保存方法来保护他们的土地以防止耕种和自然力量的破坏.

定南县13016376386: 自然是一剂良方,它能恢复人已遭损害的健康. - --爱默生 求 英语原文的翻译 不要翻译器翻译的 -
爱榕温胃: Nature is an effective prescription which can recover people's poor health.

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