
作者&投稿:西严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

看到这儿,我很羡慕这位如此“幸运”的主人公,但同时我又想:人们之所以讨好他,不就是因为当时人们太看重金钱了吗?拜金主义是可耻的,不劳而获更不应该!金钱不是万能的,世界上还有许多比金钱更重要的东西。文章对“金钱就是一切”“金钱是万能的”的想法进行了讽刺,揭穿了资本主义社会的丑恶面容和黑暗的统治。 翻译:"Million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, the hero of this story is a pair of brothers received a letter which gave him a million pounds.
It turned out that the brothers made a bet, bet if a poor, honest man fall from the sky received one million pounds, he will have what results?
Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove the money was his own, someone else will be suspected, even banks will not allow him to save money.
Brother believes that he will very well, so they brothers will check for one million pounds lent the poor, and abroad spent thirty days.
I did not expect at this time, people who suddenly rich riches rare, hard to actually draw him from the free food, buy clothes, to free accommodation, one by one like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social position, until the outdoor addition to the king on top of Duke!
Not only that, he got a good wife and thirty thousand pounds of bank interest.Since then lived very, very happy life.
See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" the hero, but I want to: The reason why people please him, not because it was too much focus on money yet?
Worship of money is shameful, something for nothing we should not!
Money is not everything in the world there are many more important things than money.
Article on the "money is everything" "Money is omnipotent," the idea for a satire and expose the ugly face of capitalist society and the rule of darkness.希望我的回答对你有帮助!

At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and has no trouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit .
just by showing his note,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.
首先,一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌 ,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。


A penniless seaman Henry Adams gets caught up in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver and Roderick Montpelier. They persuade the Bank of England to issue a one million pound banknote, which they present to Adams in an envelope. Oliver believes that the mere existence of the note will enable the possessor to obtain whatever he needs, while Roderick contends that it would actually have to be spent for it to be of any use.
At first, Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and has no trouble getting food, clothes and a hotel suite on credit, just by showing his note.The story of the note is reported in the newspapers, Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.
Then the Duke of Frognal hides the note as a joke. When Adams is unable to produce the note, panic breaks out amongst the shareholders and Adams' creditors. All is straightened out in the end, and Adams is able to return the note to the Montpelier brothers at the end of the month.

"The Million Pound Note" is a short story written by Mark Twain, about an honest American named Adam Henry who travels to London with two billionaires and is given a one million pound bank note as a bet. The story follows Henry's experiences as he tries to use the note to his advantage, and the various reactions of the people he meets to his sudden wealth.
The story begins with Henry, an American from a small town in Missouri, travelling to London with two wealthy Englishmen, brothers who make a bet on whether Henry can survive for a month with his one million pound bank note. The brothers leave Henry with the note, which they obtained from an unnamed Englishman who won it in a bet.
Henry's first experience with the note comes when he tries to exchange it for cash at a bank. The banker, unsure if the note is real, brings in experts who debate for hours over whether it is genuine. They eventually decide that it is real and agree to exchange it for cash, much to Henry's surprise.
Henry then goes to a restaurant and orders a meal, showing the note to the waiter as payment. The waiter quickly retrieves the manager, who is also unsure if the note is real. Henry eats his meal and leaves, much to the manager's chagrin.
Later, Henry goes to a clothing store and tries to buy some clothes with the note. The salesman is initially hesitant, but eventually agrees to accept it as payment. Henry then tries to find a place to stay, and rents a luxurious house for a month, paying with the note.
As Henry's wealth becomes known, people flock to him, trying to curry favor and get a share of his money. Henry realizes that he has become a social celebrity, and that his wealth has changed his status in society. He also realizes that money can buy him power and influence, and he begins to toy with the idea of using it to his advantage.
Henry eventually meets the brothers again, who ask him how he has been spending the money. Henry tells them that he has been using it to have fun and enjoy himself, and that he has also helped out some charitable organizations. The brothers are impressed with Henry's honesty and integrity, and decide not to take back the note.
The story ends with Henry returning to America with a newfound sense of purpose and confidence, having learned the value of money and the power it can wield.

百万英镑英文是Million pounds。《百万英镑》是美国作家马克·吐温创作的中短篇小说,发表于1893年。讲述了一个穷困潦倒的办事员美国小伙子亨利·亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇。伦敦的两位富翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法兑现的百万大钞借给亨利,看他在一个月内如何收场。一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有饿死或被捕,反...

百万英镑翻译成英文是:Millions of pounds

百万英镑英语翻译为:Million pounds。pounds:n.英镑(英国货币单位,等于100便士);镑(英国以外某些国家的货币单位);英镑与外币的比值;v.反复击打;连续砰砰地猛击;咚咚地走;(心脏)狂跳,怦怦地跳;pound的第三人称单数和复数扩展资料The company has debts of over a million pounds and is now in ...


《百万英镑》(The Million Pound Note)I must have sat there stunned and blinking at the note as much as a minute before I came rightly to myself again. The first thing I noticed, then, was the landlord. His eye was on the note, and he was petrified. He was worshiping, ...

问题一:《百万英镑 》这本书哪个出版社出版的最好 答;肯定是新华出版社更好啊 问题二:百万英镑权威译文 The authority of millions of pounds 问题三:汤姆索亚历险记和百万英镑(进口原版书)是要哪种版本的比较好呢? 你要看出版社的印刷数 越多越好!!!~~~问题四:世界名著的最佳译本...

while Roderick contends that it would actually have to be spent for it to be of any use.Once Adams gets over the shock of discovering how much the note is worth, he tries to return it to the brothers, but is told that they have left for a month. He then finds a letter...

Million pounds,希望采纳


《百万英镑》(The Million Pound Note)导演:罗纳德·尼姆 演员:格里高利·派克 罗纳德·斯闺尔 出品:英国电影企业家公司 剧情简介:富豪之家的两兄弟,从银行取出面额为一百万英镑的钞票,籍以此验证各自的理论。一个认为,这样一张钞票对穷人毫无价值;另一个认为,仅拥有这样一张钞票(不兑现),就...

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑的主要内容 -
时重瑞欣: 《百万英镑》(The Million Pound Note)是美国著名作家马克·吐温的小说,讲述了一个穷困潦倒的美国小子亨利·亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇.伦敦的两位富翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法兑现的百万大钞借给亨利,看他在一个月内如何收场.一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有饿死或被捕,反倒成了富翁,并且赢得了一位漂亮小姐的爱情,在兄弟那里也获得了一份工作.

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑的故事梗概,要英汉双解 -
时重瑞欣: 百万英镑 英文版 The £1,000,000 pound Bank-NoteWhen I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my...

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑的内容简介 -
时重瑞欣: 在小说的开头部分,亨利驾驶小帆船,因走得太远而漂入大海.后来,他被开往伦敦的双桅船救了上来,靠在船上以工作酬而勉强维生.到达伦敦后,亨利举目无亲,在用掉仅剩的一美元后,就陷入无衣无食的窘境中.就在亨利饥肠辘辘地踟蹰...

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑梗概请看过百万英镑这本书的人写一下150字左右的故事梗概 -
时重瑞欣:[答案] 《百万英镑》是马克·吐温的一篇有名的小说,描绘了美国的一个小办事员出海游玩,迷失方向后,幸遇救,随船来到英国伦敦.他身无分文,举目无亲,两个富有的兄弟给了他一张一百万镑的钞票,并以他在三十天内凭这张百万英镑的钞票能否活下...

富裕县13247661614: 马克·吐温短篇小说《百万英镑》的主要内容,急急急! -
时重瑞欣: 讲诉一个美国的年轻人在一次出行遇到风浪被一艘船救了、在上面打义工支付自己的船费来到了伦敦一贫如洗.而有两个有钱的兄弟得到了一张百万英镑的支票并打了个赌,能用这张支票让一个人在伦敦生活一个月之类的.于是看见了那个年轻人.认为他诚实、善良并把支票给了他.然后那个年轻人过了十分阔绰的生活以及赢得自己爱情的故事...

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑英文简介故事梗概,英文,最好附上翻译 -
时重瑞欣:[答案] The English version: Is there real free-lunch in the world?Maybe there is!And such kind of “free lunch” strikes the poor and honest young man Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers (Roderick & Oliver).From ...

富裕县13247661614: 马克吐温百万英镑介绍(英文版) -
时重瑞欣: 本片根据马克·吐温的同名小说改编.富豪之家的两兄弟,从银行取出面额为一百万英镑的钞票,籍以此验证各自的理论.一个认为,这样一张钞票对穷人毫无价值;另一个认为,仅拥有这样一张钞票(不兑现),就可以过上上等人的...

富裕县13247661614: 马克吐温 百万英镑的英语简介一天内最好有答案. -
时重瑞欣:[答案] 宣传使用的那段话: The English version: Is there real free-lunch in the world?Maybe there is!And such kind of “free lunch” strikes the poor and honest young man Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers (...

富裕县13247661614: 英文电影《百万英镑》的主要内容概括 要用英文概括 30个词左右 -
时重瑞欣: The telling of a young man in the United States in a trip encountered wind wave is a ship saved, in the above volunteer to pay their fare to London is as poor as a church mouse. And two of the brothers got a million pounds of checks and made a bet, ...

富裕县13247661614: 百万英镑英文简介 -
时重瑞欣: The English version: Is there real free-lunch in the world? Maybe there is! And such kind of “free lunch” strikes the poor and honest young man Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers (Roderick & Oliver). ...

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