
作者&投稿:何钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文词汇-国家 country(1),最全的国家英语词汇哦

you are =you're
They are =they're
we are=we're
must not =mustn't
need not=needn't
should not=shouldn't
would not =wouldn't
he is =he's
she is=she's
it is =it's
you are =you're
he is =he's
she is=she's
it is =it's
They are =they're
they were=they'er
we are=we're
we were=we'er
I would=I'd
you would=you'd
He had=He'd
I have=I've
He has=He's
must not =mustn't
need not=needn't
should not=shouldn't
would not =wouldn't
She will=She'll
I'd like=I would like
don't=do not
doesn't=does not
won't=will not
I've got=I have got
He's got=He has got
didn't=did not
let's=let us
there's=there is


you are =you're
They are =they're
we are=we're
must not =mustn't
need not=needn't
should not=shouldn't
would not =wouldn't
he is =he's
she is=she's
it is =it's


I'd like=I would like
don't=do not
doesn't=does not
won't=will not
I've got=I have got
He's got=He has got
didn't=did not
let's=let us
there's=there is

英语单词词性缩写如下:prep. = 介系词(介词);前置词,preposition的缩写。pron .= 代名词(代词),pronoun的缩写。n .= 名词,noun的缩写。v. = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写。conj. = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写。s = 主词(主语)。sc = 主词补语(有两种说法,一种表示...

英语网络用语缩写如下:1、btw=by the way附带;omg =oh my god上帝啊;B4N= Bye for now再见;4ever = forever永远;2 = to\/too也;2、URYY4M = You Are Too Wise For Me你对我来说太聪明了;L8R = Later 之后;PLS\/PLZ = Please请 3、2B or not 2B = To be or not to be生存...

现代俄语十大词类的缩略语如下:1、名词 сущ.2、代词 мест(оим).3、形容词 прил.4、数词 числ(ит).5、副词 нареч.6、动词 гл(аг).7、前置词 предл.8、连接词 - 9、语气词 част.10、感叹词 межд(ом)....

以下是一些常见的英语单词首字母缩写:ASAP: As Soon As Possible(尽快)DIY: Do It Yourself(自己动手做)FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题解答)CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)NGO: Non-Governmental Organization(非政府组织)UFO: Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物)RSVP:...

Ac 【Alternating current】交流电 a\/c 【Account】帐户 AD 【anno Domini】公元 am 【ante merldiem】上午 ASCII 【American National Standard Code for Information Interchange】美国国家信息交换标准代码。ATM【Automatic Teller Machine 】ASAP【As Soon As Possible 】尽快,越快越好 BA 【Bachelor of...

prep. 介词 pron. 代词 n. 名词 v. 动词 conj. 连接词 s 主语 sc 表语 o 宾语 oc 宾补 vi. 不及物动词 vt. 及物动词 aux.v 助动词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 art. 冠词 num. 数词 int. 感叹词 u. 不可数名词 c. 可数名词 pl. 复数 ...

语法 Grammar 结构 structure 句子 sentence 从句 clause 词组 phrase 词性 part of speech 单词 word 名词 Noun 专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concrete noun 物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective ...

名词noun :简写n。介词preposition:简写prep。代词pronoun:简写pron。1.noun英 [naʊn] 美 [naʊn]n.名词;名词性单词;名词词性。The word "person" is a countable noun.person这个词是个可数名词。2.preposition英 [ˌprepəˈzɪʃn] 美 [&#...

8、CD-ROM英语Compact Cisk- Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。9、DOS英语Dis Opening System的缩写,又称磁盘操作系统。10、GDP英语Gross Domestic Product的缩写,即国内生产总值。英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写...

n .= 名词,noun的缩写 v. = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj. = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词(主语)sc = 主词补语(有两种说法,一种表示主语补语=表语,一种表示一般表语属于主语补语)o = 受词 (宾语)oc = 受词补语(宾语补足语)vi. = 不及物动词,...

芝山区17843975378: 30个英语缩写单词缩写单词+全+意 -
琦亚新达:[答案] Apr.April 四月 Aug.August 八月 Ave.avenue 林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts 文科学士 BC ,B.C.before Christ 公元前 BS ,BScBachelor of Science 理科学士 C °,Centigrade 摄氏度 cccubic centimeter 立方厘米 CDcompact disk 光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer...

芝山区17843975378: 英文单词的一般缩写规则是什么? -
琦亚新达:[答案] 1 单词缩写应省略在辅音之后,元音之前 英文单词缩写一般以辅音结尾,而不以元音结尾.如 American 省略为 Am,而不省略为 Ame 或 Amer ,Medicine 或 Medical 缩写为 Med,European 缩写为 Eur 等.但 Science 例外,缩写为 Sci,可能是因为元音 ...

芝山区17843975378: 英语单词简称像that's=that is这样的英语简称写三四十个, -
琦亚新达:[答案] I will=I'll I am=I'm What is=what's we are=we're 其实像这样的简写都是有规律的 be动词am is are简写为'm ;'s ;'re 以ll结尾的单词简写为'll 诸如此类规律 SO~没必要非得写几十个

芝山区17843975378: 英语单词缩写字母!有哪些单词有缩写?比如世界贸易组织(W T O),世界卫生组织(W H O)等等,急用!1 -
琦亚新达:[答案] UFO 不明飞行物 PRC 中国 BBC 英国广播公司 KFC 肯得基 S 小号 M 中号 L 大号 XL 超大号 XXL 特大号 UN 联合国 abc 美国广播公司 NBA 这个就不用说了 CBA 这个也不用说了 DDD 好像是国际长途

芝山区17843975378: 一些英文缩写形式分别是什么? -
琦亚新达:[答案] 联合国的英文缩写是:UN 中华人民共和国的英文缩写:P.R.C 联合国教育、科学、文化组织的英文缩写是:UNESCO

芝山区17843975378: 英语的缩写单词 -

芝山区17843975378: 请写出一些英语单词的缩写,全称和意思也要 -
琦亚新达:[答案] 英语单词缩写,不太明白你的意思,不过也无非3种1.单个英语单词 如:advertisement--ad (广告.n.) laboratory--lab (实验室 n)centimetre --cm (厘米) number--No.(数字)kilometre --- k (千克) 长度斤两的一些词 Auge...

芝山区17843975378: 英语缩写单词有哪些? -
琦亚新达: 那我就列举一些常用的吧. 1) 系动词/助动词/情态动词的否定式的缩写 is not - isn't do not - don't does not - doesn't did not - didn't have not - haven't has not - hasn't had not - hadn't must not - mustn't should not - shouldn't shall not - shan't will not - ...

芝山区17843975378: 英语缩写单词有哪些?我指的英语缩写单词是指can't、I'm、nothin'等加了缩写符号'的单词我要名词或动词的缩写额,助动词和系动词的知道了 -
琦亚新达:[答案] 那我就列举一些常用的吧. 1) 系动词/助动词/情态动词的否定式的缩写 is not - isn't do not - don't does not - doesn't did not - didn't have not - haven't has not - hasn't had not - hadn't must not - mustn't should not - shouldn't shall not - shan't will not - won't ...

芝山区17843975378: 单词english的缩写 -
琦亚新达:[答案] 你的意思是“English”这个词的缩写嘛?是的话就是“Eng.”.English 的缩写是Eng.但是Eng.不一定是English的意思,它还有其他意思,例如 Electronic News Gathering(电子新闻采访),Empty Net Goal(空门球),等等.

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