4个人的英语商务情景对话 (在线等)

作者&投稿:说艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求一篇,关于商务晚宴的,英语情景对话 。4个人,要5分钟的。!!!~

Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?

For example:
A: Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?
B: Great. I'd be glad to.太好了,我乐意参加。

I'm afraid I have to decline the invitation.

For example:
A: I'm afraid I have to decline the invitation.
B: Maybe some other time?另外换一个时间,可以吗?


A: May I have your attention, please? Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to my dinner party. The party is about to begin. Let’s start eating now.

B: Hi. The food is so delicious in your party.

A: Thanks for your praise. Which food do you like best?

B:I like the meatballs best.

A: Can you tell me why?

B: They're made of meat, but not like hamburgers or some have meat but bad for peoples’ body.

A: Oh, yes. Meatballs are delicious, but not like ice cream or chocolate have too much sugar and fat.

C: What are you talking about? I would like to join you.

D: Me too. I seem to hear you talking about the food.

B: Oh, yes. We talk about the delicious food. Do you like to drink milk? There’s a cup of milk in your hand.

D: Yes. .Because milk have many nutrition. Hope you also like to drink milk.

C: I’m very interested in this topic. I like the Chinese food in the party tonight.

A: Which one?

C: The eggs with tomatoes. My mother often cooked it for me.

A: Do you know how to make this food?

C:I know. It needs two eggs, then beat the eggs lightly, add a quarter teaspoon salt and a pinch of pepper…..Oh, it’s a complicated thing. I can show you how to make it another day.

A: Good. Do you like the ice-cream?

BC: Yes. It tastes great.

A: It’s made with my own hands.

C: Really? That’s different. I will eat a little more.

D:I will have a taste.

B: Oh, it’s too late. I think I must go home now.

A: Why? You just got here.

B: But it’s pretty late. I never stay out too late.

A: Do you want to have some more food before leaving?

B: Thanks. I’m stuffed.

A: Be careful on your way to home. Good night.

B: Good night.

Chairman: OK, we're running out of time. Let's move on to the next point. Interviewing new staff for the spa. Andy, could you tell us how that's going?
Andy: Sure. We have most of the staff that we need. But we still have to employ a new receptionist.
Peggy: Couldn't someone from the hotel work on reception?
Chairman: That's a good idea. Andy, speak to the Personnel Manager and get back to me.
Andy: OK.
Chairman: What's about the uniforms?
Peggy: Could we quickly talk about the opening party?
Chairman: Not at the moment, Peggy. I'll talk to you about it after the meeting, OK? Now, Tina, what about the uniforms?
Tina: Oh yes, the uniforms...Um, perhaps I should have brought one to show you all? Maybe I should call my PA and get her to bring one now?
Chairman: Tina, we need to be quick, I'm afraid.
Tina: Oh, sorry. Yes, OK, well they all arrived yesterday and they look very smart.
Chairman: Excellent. Peggy, has the press release been sent out?
Peggy: Not yet. Can I show you some changes that I made it today?
Chairman: We don't have much time. Can I just have a quick look?
Peggy: Here you are. Turn to the last page.
Chairman: Yes, that looks fine. Can you send it out this afternoon?
Peggy: Certainly.
Chairman: OK, it's time to finish. Thanks, everyone, I'll speak to you tomorrow.

商务会议 情景对话 (4人)
Chairman: OK, we're running out of time. Let's move on to the next point. Interviewing new staff for the spa. Andy, could you tell us how that's going?
Andy: Sure. We have most of the staff that we need. But we still have to employ a new receptionist.
Peggy: Couldn't someone from the hotel work on reception?
Chairman: That's a good idea. Andy, speak to the Personnel Manager and get back to me.
Andy: OK.
Chairman: What's about the uniforms?
Peggy: Could we quickly talk about the opening party?
Chairman: Not at the moment, Peggy. I'll talk to you about it after the meeting, OK? Now, Tina, what about the uniforms?
Tina: Oh yes, the uniforms...Um, perhaps I should have brought one to show you all? Maybe I should call my PA and get her to bring one now?
Chairman: Tina, we need to be quick, I'm afraid.
Tina: Oh, sorry. Yes, OK, well they all arrived yesterday and they look very smart.
Chairman: Excellent. Peggy, has the press release been sent out?
Peggy: Not yet. Can I show you some changes that I made it today?
Chairman: We don't have much time. Can I just have a quick look?
Peggy: Here you are. Turn to the last page.
Chairman: Yes, that looks fine. Can you send it out this afternoon?
Peggy: Certainly.
Chairman: OK, it's time to finish. Thanks, everyone, I'll speak to you tomorrow.

I enjoy our interview last Thursday very much and hope we have the opportunity to meet again soon.I just wanted to take this opportunity to follow up and see if you have reached a decision concerning the position. If there is additional information I can provide you with in order to help you reach a decision, please do not hesitate to call me at 78988.
It is with great pleasure that I accept this position.I believe that my skills and experience will e an asset to your organization.
Once again, thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to talking with you in more detail soon.

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可以考虑和外教老师一对一的学习提高商务英语能力。速恩英语拥有丰富经验的专家级外教一对一授课。根据学员的具体工作需求,针对性地备课、授课,强调语言在工作及生活中的实际运用,引入实际场景学习、商务谈判模拟,强调英语在实际工作和生活中的运用。在学习商务英语知识的同时,提高口语表达的纯正性,准确度和流利度。 速...

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