
作者&投稿:刘侵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When we studied MA course together, I was influenced by your art. I got many inspiration from your works. Now I have read your book carefully, I can feel the kind of artistic conception from Clare's poems and your images and your literary grace as well. These are worth studying for me. Thank for God's arranging us to meet, I cherish our friendship a lot.
Now I'm working on a dissertation, and our course leader is the chief of city government culture department. He has good comments on your works, too. I think that with your talent, you can have an exhibition in China if you like. I will help you introduce your arts to more Chinese, if you are interest.

Both China and Britain have long histories and traditional culture, I want to compare the two cultures, which is what I am working for. I learnt more from you when I was studying abroad. As you said in your book:'Had I been a little more alert I might have thought about trying out a few more in this vein, but actually I then forgot about it for a decade, though something must have stayed at the back of my mind.' I believe that there is a mission I went to study in England, that was to bring John Clare's poems and your arts to China. There is no boundary as to art. I feel that there is a relationship between your work and Chinese rural painting. I'm glad to share your works with Chinese people.

我跟你介绍下我的工作,我正在研究想进行一些对比的工作。对比在以下几个方面:1色彩 2.地域 3.受到的影响你是约翰的诗,我们是民间传说。4.技法,丝网和版画。可能会用到你的文字和作品。希望你能支持和帮助我。
Then, I want to introduce my plan, comparing the two countries' works in the following aspects: 1. colour 2. region 3. influence (You are influenced by Clare's poetry, we are influenced by folklore). 4. Techniques.
I may quote your text and works in my subject. Hope you support and help me.

Hope you come and sharing your art to Oriental people.






Now I’m working on a dissertation (个人意见这句话和后面的没关系).our course leader who is the chief of city government culture department (watched) your works, and ( gave highly commend on it). I think with your talent, maybe it’s time to have an exhibition in China. I will help you to introduce your arts to more Chinese, if you are interest.

China and Britain (both)are ancient and have traditional culture countries, I want to compare the two culture difference and similar, which is I working for.(now i am working on a topic which is about the difference and similiar of culture between the two countrys ) I have (leart much) from you since that time, in your age still in academic study assiduously.(个人认为这句话汉语的语义也表达得不是很清晰) As you said in your book:“Had I been a little more alert I might have thought about trying out a few more in this vein, but actually I then forgot about it for a decade, though something must have stayed at the back of my mind.”(说实话,引号内的话我没看明白)I believe that there is(was) a mission I went to study in England, that is bring John Clare’s poems and your arts to China.(i belive that i went to study in Englian with a mission and it is to bring your asrts to china) Art is regardless of the state (and) language, it (impacts) (on) our souls. I feel that there is a relationship between your work and Chinese rural painting. I’m glad to (show) your Art to Chinese people.

Following, I want to introduce my plan (to you), (i want to do some contrastion) in the following aspects: 1. colour 2. region 3. influence (You are influenced by Clare's poetry, we are influenced by folklore). 4. Techniques.
I may quote your text and works in my subject. Hope you (will ) support and help me.

Hope you come and (share) your art to Oriental people.


What a hot day today, I can imagine how beautiful Northampton it is now.
What a fantastic reunion we had in 798 last time, i am very grateful for those heavy books you brought for me from far away.
How’s Clare and your dog?

During the period we’ve been studied together on MA Course, I was benefited and inspired a lot by your talents via reading your painting.
It’s so delighted to read your newly delivered books, what a timely help!
I am very moved by the artistic conception from Clare’s poem and your paintings, you both are exceptional literary talents I never met before, I am sure.
To be honestly, I do cherish the friendship between us, and I believe something is predestinated, like the reunion, we call it fate, in China.

When we 【studied】 MA course, I was 【great】 influenced by your art 【and】got 【so】many inspirations from you. 【Recently】 I have read your book 【carefully】, I 【am moved by the 】artistic conception from Clare’s poems and your 【imagination】 and literary grace as well. These are 【all】 worth studying for me. Thank god's 【arrangment】 to 【make us encounter】, I 【will】 cherish our friendship 【forever】.

- - 我无意看到 改了一段…… 改的不好或有错误见谅啊……


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9. 小女子不才,没能与公司谈笑风生,所有爱慕之意尽在一句晚安之中。10. 世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。11. 努力工作,赚取高薪,这样你就可以经常去买些衣服让漂亮的你永远那么光鲜照人。12. 你在我身边也好,在天边也罢,想到世界的角落有一个你,觉得整个世界也...

4.小女子不才,写尽芳华,未得君一笑。倾城之颜,不敢为君容。自此所有仰慕之意,止于唇齿。今生就此别过,各自安好。5.小女子下不才,斗胆一问,不知公子是否心系别家姑娘? 如若公子早以心系他人,在下便不再打扰。如若有所唐突,还望公子多加体凉。6.小女子不才,未得公子青睐。叨扰公子良久...



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时狐五仁:[答案] We had an English Contest last week. Twelve students took part in it. Some of them spoke about the importance of learning English. Others spoke about how to study English well or spoke about how to be a good student. They are all good at English. ...

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 小女子不才的英语句子怎么拼写 -
时狐五仁: 建议将英文翻译为我只是一个很普通的女孩比较好,毕竟汉语博大精深,英文不能都完全表达~ I am just an ordinary girl,或者 I am just a girl with ordinary dreams

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 写了封英文分手信给女朋友,请高人指点可有不妥(用汉语实在是说不出口) -
时狐五仁: I love you once,and I believe whatever you have said.Hovever, there is somthing makes me uneasy .The feeling is so bad. I just wanna say sorry to you.你这个原文有语法错误,而且就是中式英语,我只能小小修改,望接受

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 请高人写一封英文解释信! -
时狐五仁: Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to explain something important to you about my learning experience in Canada, which I think is of great necessity.I went to Canada for school in October 2007 and was enrolled by George Brown College for the ...

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 小女不才,续写一篇,请各位武林英语高手指点一二 -
时狐五仁: try to use the other words instead of " but" at the beginning of a sentence, like however; avoid the format he/she; at the last paragraph, you could probably say like" from what we discussed above, we could easily draw a conclusion, blah blah.." sould more better.at the second paragraph using the past tense.

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 想写一封英文请假条,恳请高人指点 -
时狐五仁: Dear I Christmas day and on December 24 want to be on leave go home,Christmas day is the company holiday, on December 24 for is on leaveone day, looks the authorization is the feeling, thanks.

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 英语翻译和一个姑娘闹了别扭,画了一幅画,写了一封信.求助高人用词唯美翻译为文言文,原文如下:相识第464天绝交第191天与君断联这些天,孤寥寂... -
时狐五仁:[答案] 与君知兮,满载有半; 与君绝兮,廿百有盼. 不见君兮,反侧辗转; 赠君画兮,故往为念. 与君相识五百日,日日共君展欢颜. 与君断联二百夜,夜夜忧思依窗橼. 可惜思君难见君,仅托书画与君前. 盼君存记夕时愿,此生相忘人海间.

白沙黎族自治县18743491028: 请高人帮我写一篇英文的求情信,由于GPA太低,即将被休学一年,所以情况十分紧急,我的情况是去年过了 -
时狐五仁: 你这封信是写给advisor的吧 你也可以说你有心理问题,压抑孤独什么的他们可能还信 Dear Advisor,As I understand I will be dropped out of the school for a year because of my poor academic performance. It may due to the fact that I just got here so ...

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