
作者&投稿:王苗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
其实你太冒昧 我喜欢到死 是什么歌的歌词~

Feel The Bass
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
(Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
(Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
(Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)
其实我太妩媚 你喜欢到死
快HIGH得要飞 我开始有点喘气
迷雾里太神奇 再不懂去飞
你怎麽去追 我总可以伏击你
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
(Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
(Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
(Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)
其实我太妩媚 你喜欢到死
快HIGH 得要飞 我开始有点喘气
迷雾里太神奇 再不懂去飞
你怎麽去追 我总可以伏击你
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
The sound gets better when you feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
You feel the bass, You feel the bass
(Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that)
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
I can see it from ya face
Creepy crawling down ya waist
Jumpin and hoppin all over the floor
Screaming and shouting like you seen ghost
Treble and bass is whats spooking the place but feel of the beat got you wanting some more
Scary bass, pump it loud
Scary bass, pump it loud
Scary bass, killin crowds
Scary bass, pump it loud
Scary bass, pump it loud
Scary bass, killin crowds
(Sound gets better) Scary bass, pump it loud (Feel the sound of the bass)
(Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Hahahahahahaaaaaaa
(Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Scary bass, pump it loud
(Feel the sound of the bass) (Sound gets better with you feel the bass)
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass
Feel the sound of the bass

英 [saʊnd] 美 [saʊnd]
1、v. 听(诊);测量,测…深
2、n. 声音,语音;噪音;海峡
3、adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的
4、adv. 彻底地,充分地
英 [vɒɪs] 美 [vɔɪs]
1、n. 声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望
2、v. 表达;吐露
第三人称单数: sounds 复数: sounds 现在分词: sounding 过去式: sounded 过去分词: sounded 比较级: sounder 最高级: soundest
第三人称单数: voices 复数: voices 现在分词: voicing 过去式: voiced 过去分词: voiced

1)sound n. 声音
〔例证〕What made these sounds?
2)voice n. 嗓音
〔例证〕His voice quivered with rage.


正确的拼写是"sound loudly",而不是"soundloudly"。 "Sound loudly"是一个动词短语,意思是高声发出声音。它可以用来描述音乐、噪音或者人声等的音量很大。相比之下,"soundloud"并不是一个常用的词汇,可能没有具体的定义。

loud aloud loudly sound的区别(用句子说明)
aloud说出声来 loud 大声地 响亮地 loudly 高声地 多指喧闹声和不悦耳的声音。

loud aloud loudly sound的区别(用句子说明)
loud 1、adj.(-er, -est) 喧闹的; 响亮的: loud voices, screams, laughs, etc 宏亮的嗓音、 喊声、 笑声等 * That music's too loud; please turn it down. 那音乐太吵人了; 请把音量调低些.2、adv.(-er, -est) 尤与talk、 sing、 laugh等动词连用: laugh loud and long 大笑不已...

ring 一般响 sound 乐音好听的声音响 loud 不能做动词

声音大:如果指噪音的声音大,译为:loud noise 如果指嗓音的声音大,译为:loud voice 如果泛指声音大,译为:loud sound

"loud" 是一个形容词,意思是响亮、大声的,通常用于描述声音、声音效果或气氛等。它可以用来形容人、物或事情,表示它们吵闹、嘈杂或令人不舒服。例如,你可以说 "the sound of the car engine was loud and exciting"(车辆引擎的声响非常响亮、令人兴奋)或 "the dinner conversation was loud and ...

It made a loud sound .意思
It made a loud sound 全部释义和例句>>它响亮的声音 sound 英[saʊnd] 美[saʊnd]n. 声音,声响; 音调,声调; 声波; 嘈杂声;vi. 响,发声; 听起来,好像; 回响; [音乐] 乐器等被奏响;vt. 使出声,使发声; 清楚地发出; 宣布,发表; 颂扬;[网络] 声音;...

1,列句 音乐厅里的声响很大,简直震耳欲聋。The sound in the concert hall was so loud that it was deafening.每一次出门都把车里的声音调到最大,给人一种蹦迪的感觉。Every time I go out, I turn the sound in the car to the maximum, giving people a sense of trampoline.这支团队...

接下来让我们看下loud和loudly的其他区别: 1. 词性不同:loud是形容词,表示声音响亮的;loudly是副词,修饰动词或形容词,表示说话或发出声音的方式。 例句: - The music was too loud, it was hurting my ears. 音乐声太响了,弄痛了我的耳朵。 - She spoke loudly to make sure she was heard over the ...

然而,当我们谈到sounds,它主要以名词和动词的形式出现,侧重于实际的声响或听觉效果。比如,"The fireworks produced loud sounds"(烟火发出响亮的声音),或者"His words sounded convincing"(他的话听起来很有说服力)。因此,尽管它们在某些语境下可能可以互换,但sound更具有通用性和灵活性,而sounds...

微山县19732019973: 各个音标对应的字母 -
红梵利咽:[答案] 由于许多音标显示不出,建议你到文库下载! 音标对应字母之小结 1元音 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie(ie) three tree green ... 15) [au] 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower [] down now cow ...

微山县19732019973: 音响的等响(Loud)是啥用处,有啥效果? -
红梵利咽: 通常音响在音量开的比较低的情况下,高音和低音不是太明显,声音效果不是太好,你所说的在音响界有一个专业术语叫:等响度效果控制,小音量时提高了高、低音,改善小音量的情况下的音响效果.另外,从这功能说明你的音响还是较好的.

微山县19732019973: 英语 噪音大 -
红梵利咽: 噪音大正确英语写法是:loud noise 词汇解析 1、loud 英[laʊd];美[laʊd] adj. 大声的,高声的;不断的;喧吵的 adv. 大声地,高声地,响亮地 n. (Loud)人名;(英)劳德 例:Suddenly there was a loud bang. 突然砰地一声响. 例:Even Ford, ...

微山县19732019973: a loud,loud,loudly之间的区别 -
红梵利咽: aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示“大声地”,但在用法上有区别.aloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用.但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口...

微山县19732019973: 响的英语是? -
红梵利咽: 名词1.(声音) sound; noise2.(回声) echo 动词1.(发出声音) make a sound; sound; ring 形容词1.(响亮) noisy; loud

微山县19732019973: 响 英语怎么写 -
红梵利咽: loud

微山县19732019973: 音响设置里面的LOUD是什么开关?立体声么?? -
红梵利咽: LOUD就是“等响度”功能.在音响上是等响度,人耳朵对不同声音在不同音量时反应出的效果是不同的,所以有张图叫耳朵的等响度图.音响设备的等响度是指在音量很小时对高音和低音部分进行提升,这样听起来比较饱满,但音量大时不...

微山县19732019973: 关于loud和louly及类似的词的用法(并举例 -
红梵利咽: loud adj. 高声的, 不断的, 喧吵的 adv. 高声地, 大声地 Characterized by high volume and intensity. Used of sound. 大声的:以高音量和强烈为特征的.用于声音 Producing sound of high volume and intensity. 喧哗的:产生高音量和强烈的声音...

微山县19732019973: aloud和loud loudly的区别 -
红梵利咽: aloud、loud、loudly的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1.aloud意思:出声地;大声地 2.loud意思:喧闹的;响亮的;大声的;说话太大声的;吵闹的;俗艳的;花哨的 3.loudly意思:大声地,响亮地 二、用法不同 1....

微山县19732019973: 九年级下册 英语知识点归纳 谁有啊?? -
红梵利咽: 1.aloud adv.出声地(使别人能听得到) Reading aloud is a good way in leaning English. 朗读是学英语的一个好方法. ▲loud adj. 大声的,声音洪亮的,loud—louder—loudest He talked in a loud voice so that everyone could hear him. 他说话声音...

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