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The mentioned student actively participated in the awareness promotions of fire prevention and traffic safety. He also organized and actively participated in dontation functions for people in disaster-stricken areas. And he helped boost the awareness of effective and efficient usage of natural resources.

"Shichahai water upstream" with length 7 m, width 1.7 m, Ching Ming River on ancient color of boat-shaped building in the ancient meaning of Paddle boats for transport, from the sea through a silver ingot bridge to Soong Ching ling's former residence, Guanghua Temple and the mansion of the Prince of Gong. The sun sets down behind the mountains in the West ship shichahai, visitors lit paper lights placed in the water of the River, lighted buoy to the surface along the tail float, flashing a bright, this scene made people like West Lake during night back to Tang and Song dynasties.

在2003,当韦恩鲁尼只有17岁,他创造了历史,成为有史以来最年轻的球员打进一球为英国。一年后,鲁尼是其中最年轻的球员在2004欧元。六月十三日,他在球场上玩了英国和法国的比赛首次在里斯本,葡萄牙。虽然英国失去了1 - 2,球迷们仍然认为他是“胜利者”。鲁尼站outbecause他玩游戏的速度和力量。他不...



1.翻译:首先,它涵盖了国内和国际的新闻,所以简单的翻开它,我就能了解一周发生的要闻。是一个句子,so that引导结果状语从句,by simply turning the pages, 是插入语 2.Equally attractive 是省略了上文的news 翻译:同样有趣的新闻是世界名人的成功故事。

1. 米芾索帖 文言文高手进 解释 诣:到。去 易:交换 据:依靠,本文理解为抓住 遽:立刻,立即 攸意以为难:蔡攸思想上对这件事感到为难。 公若不见从,某不复生:你如果不听从我,我不想活了, 写古代书法家姓名3个王羲之 钟繇 虞世南 欧阳询 褚遂良 颜真卿 不要乱给别人答题,我保证我全对. 译文:...

Je veux devenir bénévole aux Jeux Olympiques, saisit également cette occasion rare beaucoup, j'avais fait l'étiquette de service pour de nombreuses conférences, a également participé plusieurs fois, une fois dans l'école publique de l'organisation d'activités de bien-être, je...



一.1. "Life is movement," everyone has their favorite sports 2. I play table tennis to bring fun 3. When I study the pressure, playing table tennis so that I can relax 4. As long as I am a free, play table tennis 5. Playing table tennis has become indispensable to my...

1. Welcome! This baby carrier has been sold far to Germany. It is of good quality and exquisite workmanship, along with powerful functions. It offers you six ways to carry your baby, suitable for a 0-30 months’ baby. You can choose whatever way you want at your own ease....

布拖县15743779169: 翻译成英文,高手进! -
绽狠阿苯: I think you ought to be interested in our other products. I therefore attached herewith the catalogue for your perusal. Should you be interested, do not hesitate to let us know. We are looking forward to your early reply.

布拖县15743779169: 英语翻译高手进
绽狠阿苯: You are at my left to give me the angel's romance;I'm at your right to promise you a warm future.

布拖县15743779169: 英语翻译英语高手进来是"使我的父母高兴" -
绽狠阿苯:[答案] make my parents happy

布拖县15743779169: 英文翻译!高手进!
绽狠阿苯: 只 想 安 静 的 生 活 Just want to live quietly 不 想 被 一 切 打 扰 Wish don't be disturbed 有 些 痛 一 个 人 承 受 体 会 就 够 了 Some pain is enough for one to take. 就 这 样 慢 慢 的 死 去 也 蛮 好 的 It's fine to die slowly 现 实 我 只 能 眼 睁 睁 的 看 着 变 化 I can only see the changes in reality.

布拖县15743779169: 英文翻译、高手进
绽狠阿苯: Obviously caring about you,but he pretended to ignore you; Obviously in love with you,but he forced himself to forget you. Obviously caring about you,but he pretended to ignore you; 明明在乎你,却要假装不理你 Obviously in love with you,but he forced himself to forget you. 明明喜欢你,却强迫自己忘了你 希望能帮到你啊...选我为答案吧.谢谢~~~

布拖县15743779169: 英文翻译,高手进
绽狠阿苯: No matter what happens,i'll be right here waiting for you.But now,i have to devote myself to my study.

布拖县15743779169: 英文高手进!翻译一下!
绽狠阿苯: 直译:"这么多美妙的东西是一场视觉盛宴" 意译:"大饱眼福"

布拖县15743779169: 英文单词翻译 英语高手进 -
绽狠阿苯: of course 当然可以.(用来回答别人的请求)May I use your pen ? Of course . Please go ahead .当然可以, 请拿去用吧!

布拖县15743779169: 英文翻译(高手进)
绽狠阿苯: 你要记住哦,这个世界上没有人值得你为他哭,即使有那样的一个人值得你为他而流泪,你也不要哭泣.真正值得你去哭的那个人他永远都不会让你哭.无论世界变成什么样子,无论你在什么地方,我都希望你可以一直笑.即使孤单,即使寂寞...

布拖县15743779169: 英文翻译高手进
绽狠阿苯: Baby! The husband love you forever! How English translation

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