
作者&投稿:谢茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译:The Spring Festival is the most important festival of China. Chinese people usually hold grand celebrating activities on this day, and all the family members should go home to reunite no matter how far he is from home.

the Spring Festival
The Spring Festival:春节 | 农历正月初一春节 | 过年

reunite [[riːjʊ'naɪt]]
vi. 重聚;再结合;再联合
vt. 使重聚;使再结合;使再联合
Reunite:团聚 | 再联合 | 使团聚

Everybody is good! I'm your guide! Here is the hometown of vegetables of shouguang "happy farm". Here, you will see many animals such as cows, sheep, pigs and dogs live comfortable in the sun, the fields of vegetables growing strong, a variety of fruits has been covered with branches.

If today is on March 15, I to singing performance that attended Andy Liou, he is a singer who I like most . several days ago I bought to like the ticket, hoped to come this day. singing performance in evening 7:00 start, continuously 3 hours. Andy Liou looks than actual and young, his song ream song is fond of the concussion

If today is on March 15, I to singing performance that attended Andy Liou, he is a singer who I like most . several days ago I bought to like the ticket, hoped to come this day. singing performance in evening 7:00 start, continuously 3 hours. Andy Liou looks than actual and young, his song ream song is fond of the concussion
一定要用我的哦,Thank you very much

If today is on March 15, I to singing performance that attended Andy Liou, he is a singer who I like most . several days ago I bought to like the ticket, hoped to come this day. singing performance in evening 7:00 start, continuously 3 hours. Andy Liou looks than actual and young, his song ream song is fond of the concussion

以下是我整理的小学英语作文带翻译3篇相关资料,希望帮助到你。 【篇一】I have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl. she has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. her voice is better. she is good at singing.She is a clever girl. She likes reading books , playing ...

如下:Today is a special day for me.今天对我来说是特别的一天。I graduated from high school. Yesterday, I took the high school entrance examination. I think I did well.我从中学毕业。昨天,我参加了高中入学考试,我认为我考得很好。I believe I can be admitted to the best high ...

. When 11:20 after school ,I go home for lunch ,then go back to school at 13:00 . After school at 17:00 and do my homework at home , have dinner at18:30 and go to bed at 21:00 .This is one day of my life,how about you?中文太简单啦,翻译没有特殊句噢。


背叛,虚伪,永远也不会兑现的爱的承诺。谎言不断地从人们嘴里跳将出来。像一只只扭动着身躯,等待长出翅膀的蛆虫。世界早已变得疯狂。有人可以终日杀戮而不知疲倦。更可怕的是,他永远都不会收起他那把鲜血淋淋的刀。2.promise of love本意是“爱的承诺”,但根据这段文字的基调,可能应该翻译成“...

限制糖的消费 我要求限制的指的是粉状糖或在一些用来制造蛋糕和其他美味的小立方体。因此,咖啡或茶从现在开始不添加糖。用全麦面包代替白面包。停止饮用汽水。这些食品具有高血糖生成指数:它们含有大量的糖的能很快被人体消化吸收,癌细胞需要大量的葡萄糖迅速发展。带有大量的糖能帮助身体肿瘤的发展,...

也许你们有道理吧~第四篇:一个搞笑的故事 Leblanc女士刚刚给她的孪生双胞胎买了异样的衣服。两个小盆友马上就换上了新的衣服。Madame Leblanc就询问售货员:这里有镜子可以看一下自己么?售货员回答:为什么需要镜子呢?他们只需要相互看一下就好了啦~呼~终于翻译完了,,,累感不爱啊!!!


动物园之旅欢迎来到动物园,下面是我们的计划,请大家认真听,首先我们先参观儿童动物园,然后我们走去鸟世界,接着我们去非洲区,哪里有大象和狮子,不过不用担心,因为笼子会很安全,然后我们进行午餐,每个人都要带午餐,但是你们不用带饮料,因为哪里到处都是买饮料的。 午饭后,我们会去亚洲区,...

Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.一旦一个小男孩住在一个农场,似乎远离无处不在。He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm.他必须赶在日出,每天早上,以帮助他父亲的农场。 During sunrise he would ...

丹棱县13629592099: 请大家帮我翻译一篇初一小短文,中文翻译成英文,句子要正确,照这翻译就行了!我的家庭 内容:我是✘✘✘.今天是周末.我的爸爸妈妈正在厨房里做饭.... -
城政积雪:[答案] 翻译为; Hey!I'm.It's weekend today.My father and my mother is cooking in the kitchen.My grandma and grandpa is in the living room to watch tv.I do my homework in the bedroom.My pet is a chair.

丹棱县13629592099: 帮我翻译一篇英语小短文 -
城政积雪: 1.母亲将他领回家 His mother brought him home2.他对科学产生兴趣,在十岁时,在家里建立了一个科学实验室 He became very interested in science. When he was 10, Edison built a science laboratory in his home. 上面是我就原文的翻译.因为...

丹棱县13629592099: 英语翻译请帮我把这篇汉语小短文翻译成英文:一天,一个小男孩去公园玩耍.他遇到了一只小袋鼠,于是,他便想带小袋鼠去玩.他们走着走着,袋鼠妈妈突... -
城政积雪:[答案] 一天,一个小男孩去公园玩耍.他遇到了一只小袋鼠,于是,他便想带小袋鼠去玩.他们走着走着,袋鼠妈妈突然出现了,他不放心男孩带小袋鼠出去玩,便把小袋鼠强行塞进了自己的育儿袋.男孩很怕袋鼠妈妈,连忙跑开,小袋鼠也跟着...

丹棱县13629592099: 请帮我翻译一篇短文英语,谢谢!Lucy:Hi Bob.How do you find your school?Bob:I like it very much.It's nice.Lucy:what subjects do you have?Bob:Besides maths ... -
城政积雪:[答案] 露西:嗨,鲍勃.你喜欢你的学校吗? 鲍勃:我非常喜欢.学校非常好. 露西:你有学什么科目? 鲍勃:除了数学和英语,我们有其他技能培训. 我们都学习计算机科学.我们中的一些人学习厨艺和驾驶 露西:你喜欢什么训练课程? 鲍勃:我喜欢...

丹棱县13629592099: 帮我翻译一篇短文(汉译英)
城政积雪: "Who in your mind is your star" In my heart, my star is my mother. My mother paid a lot for me. When I was young, my mother accompanied me every day. I often fall sick, my mother very sad. Well, when I'm sick, my mother is also happy, and I love ...

丹棱县13629592099: 英语翻译求英语大神帮我把一段国语小短文翻译成英文 请不要使用翻译工具感激不尽!在这个世上值得我们敬佩的英雄多如繁星,但我最敬佩的英雄只有3人.... -
城政积雪:[答案] There's a lot of heroes be good for us to admire.But,just 3 of the heroes that i most respect.Speaking about hero,what is a really hero?For me,the person that makes astounding achievement are hero,the...

丹棱县13629592099: 请给我一些很简单的英语短文 要有中文的翻译哦 -
城政积雪: Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and ...

丹棱县13629592099: 请英语高手替我把一篇中文文章翻译成英文,谢谢! -
城政积雪: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh University is a privately established institute of higher education, the coeducation, one of for nowad...

丹棱县13629592099: 一个简单的英语小短文,麻烦各位帮我翻译一下. -
城政积雪: One of the things I happiest occurs in this afternoon. In math class I finished Inge go bookstores and buy books, in casual, I found a Lee him self Junki calendars, I'm very happy, took it to redemptive home, this is one of my happiest thing.

丹棱县13629592099: 请求帮我翻译一篇小文章,翻成英文的,真的很谢谢,急~~~多多给分.谢谢!!! -
城政积雪: 咱俩的名字很逗啊...... The After-Viewing Impression of WeaknessThe story of ordinary people are most impressed. The film Weakness describes a story of the famous American football player Michael Jerome Oher before rising to fame....

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