
作者&投稿:山连 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

中国的高铁,动车,快车,从速度方面来介绍一下:(1)高速铁路列车(G)速度约300km/h。(2)动车组旅客列车(D)速度通常在150~200 km/h之间。现代已提高约300Km/h。(3)直达快速火车(Z)速度在140Km/h以上。(4)快速火车(T)速度约130km/h。(5)普通快速火车(K)速度约90Km/h。但是因为要让路,所以实际上时间会延长。
1) High-speed railway train (G), speed of about
300km / h.
2) EMU passenger trains (D), speed i usually between 150 ~ 200 km / h. Modern has been increased, about 300Km / h.
3) Direct express train (Z) at speeds above 140Km / h.
4) fast train (T) , speed of about 130km / h.
5) ordinary fast train (K) , speed of about 90Km / h. But because of the way to go, the time is actually going to be longer.


“动车组”与“High-speed rail”没有必然联系。“动车组”未必是高速列车。


·What is "Multiple Unit"?

动车组,是铁路车辆形式的一种,类似英文的“Multiple Unit”(MU),即轨道复合单元。
Chinese so-called "动车组" is similar to "Multiple Unit"(MU) in English, which is a type of railway vehicle groups.


·What are the differences between MU trains and troditional trains?

Opposites to a troditional train, a unit of MU train is not a single vehicle(locomotive or carraige) but a group of specific vehicles.
Each group contains at least a vehicle with actuation device(Actuation Vehicle, AV) and at least 0 vehicle without actuation device(Non-Actuation Vehicle,NAV).
The entile group is under monitoring and operating from the driver's cab as a single unit.
A MU train is conposed by at least one of such units.
When at bussiness state, it is impossible or very hard to add or remove a vehicle in the unit, but in some case, it is convenient to add or remove a unit in the entile train.
Thanks to the mutual-control-system(MCS) between each unit, a driver can still monitor and operate the entaile train in one of the cabs even the train is conposed by more than one unit.
However, due to the length of passenger-platforms and the capacity of the MCS, the amount of the units in a single train is not unlimited.


·What can MU trains do?

For general cases, MU trains accelerates faster and deceleration faster than troditional trains.
As a result, in a same period and a same path, MU trains can stop at more stations than troditional trains.
Also as this result, the density of the trains can be increased and the railway can be more efficient.
Because of the high acceleration and deceleration, MU trains are often be used for inner-city trafic or environs trafic as railway buses, such as subway and so on.



一点点 你看看
High-speed rail is public transport by rail at speeds in excess of 200 km/h (125 mph). According to UIC, "high-speed train" is a train that runs at over 250 km/h on dedicated tracks, or over 200 km/h on upgraded conventional tracks.[1]

Typically, high-speed trains travel at top service speeds of between 250 km/h and 300 km/h (155 mph and186 mph). The world speed record for a conventional wheeled train was set in 1990 by a French TGV that reached a speed of 515.3 km/h (320.2 mph), while a Japanese magnetic levitation train (maglev) JR-Maglev MLX01 in development has reached 581 km/h (361 mph). Currently, however, the only magnetic levitation train in commercial service is operating in Shanghai, China. In the coming years more Maglev trains are planned in the country.

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CRH China Railway Highspeed EMU是动车组的英文简称(全称 Electric Multiple Units)

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种咽福尔: 把动力装置分散安装在每节车厢上,使其既具有牵引力,又可以载客,这样的客车车辆便叫做动车.而动车组就是几节自带动力的车辆加几节不带动力的车辆编成一组....

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清河县13494375667: 什么叫做动车组?时速多少?
种咽福尔: 由动车(2辆或以上)与拖车编为一组,且是固定编组,这样的车叫做动车组,网友“一笑而过”复制的那段并不准确.我国CRH系列中,CRH1型200km/h左右;CRH2型200~250km/h左右;CRH3型350km/h左右;CRH5型250km/h左右.目前的“中国铁路第一速”是CRH3型在京津城际创造的,394.3km/h.

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