
作者&投稿:东方史 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、一般现在时(The Indefinite Present Tense).
She is a worker.
They are worker.
He has a bike.
We have a bike.
I am the king of the world.
Do you work?
Does he work?
Has she a cake?
Does she have a cake?
Yes, I do.
No, he does not.
Yes, she has
No, she has not.
3.否定句式。一般现在时的否定句式在动词前加do/does not的形式构成。如:
She does not work.
They do not have a cake.
此外,一般现在时的主要动词在第三人称单数时,要在词尾加-s或-es。其规则如下:以ch sh x s 或o结尾的动词加-es,以y结尾的动词要先把y改写成i后,再加-es;其余情况一般直接加-s即可。
二、现在进行时(The PresentContinuous Tense).
现在进行时一般用在表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作,或即将发生的动作,多指按计划或安排要进行的动作和表示反复出现的习惯性动作(如always总是、 continuously不断地等词)。现在进行时一般可以从句中找到时间标志词,如now, these days at the moment等词语,就必须用现在进行时态来表示。其构成形式为主语+be+现在分词+其他。现在进行时态的三种句式简要介绍如下:
They are working on the farm now.
I’m leaving for BeiJing tomorrow.
He is not looking.
Is he always saying that?
Yes, she is.
No, she is not.
三、一般将来时(The Future indefinite tense).
一般将来时多用于口语中,常表示要去做的事或可能要发生的事。一般将来时由be going to +动词不定式构成。其用法简单列举如下:
1.肯定句式。一般将来时的肯定句式由“be going to +动词不定式”构成。be在不同的人称形式下,其形式也是不同的:主语是第一人称单数用am、第二人称单数用are,第三人称单数用is,其余情况下均用are。如:
We are going to visit guiyang.
2.否定句式。一般将来时的否定句式由“be not going to +动词不定式”构成。be在不同的人称形式下,变化与在肯定句式下相似。如:
We are not going to stay with him.
3.疑问句式。一般将来时的疑问句式把be放于句首:“be+主语+ going to+其他?”构成,be在不同的人称形式下,变化与在肯定句式下相似。如:
Is he going to talk with her teacher?
Yes, he is.
No, he is not.
四、一般过去时(The past Indefinite tense).
一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。一般过去时用动词过去式表示。动词过去式按其构成形式有规则和不规则变化两种情况。规则动词的过去式一般直接在词尾加-ed,即:动词原形+ ed;无规则变化的需要边学边记。其用法简单列举如下:
She worked here .
She was here .
2.否定句式。一般过去时的否定句式由:“主语+动词过去式+ not+其他”构成。be在不同的人称形式下,变化与在肯定句式下相似。如:
I did not work here .
We were not here.
Did you work here?
Was he here?
Yes, I did .
No, I did not.
五、过去进行时(The past Continuous tense).
过去进行时态表示的是过去某个时间正在进行或发生的动作。其构成形式为:“主语+was/were+现在分词”构成。一般情况下,过去进行时态有一些提示性词语,如at this time yesterday , at that time,或由when引导的时间状语从句。过去进行时态用法简单列举如下:
I was working.
We were working.
2. 否定句式。过去进行时态的否定句式构成形式为“主语+was/were+ not+现在分词+其他”构成。was/were的用法与肯定句式的用法相似。如:
I was not working.
We were not working.
3.疑问句式。过去进行时态的疑问句式只需把was/were提前放在句首即可。其构成形式为“was/were+主语+ not+现在分词+其他?”构成。如;
Was she working?
Were they working?
Yes, she was .
No, she was not.
六、现在完成时(The Present Perfect tense).
1. 肯定句式。现在完成时的肯定句式一般表现为“主语+ have(has)+过去分词+其他”。have(has)的用法为,在主语是第三人称单数的情况下,用has;其余情况用have。如:
He has been to Japan before.
We have written it.
2. 否定句式。现在完成时的否定句式由“主语+ have(has)+ not+过去分词+其他”构成。其中have(has)的用法与肯定句式下的用法相似。如:
They have not written it.
He has not written it.
Has she written it?
Have you written it?
Yes, she has .
No, she has not.
此外,现在完成时的过去分词与它的过式相同,不规则的动词的过去分词需要在日常学习中边学边记。值得强调的是,现在完成时与过去式是有既区别又有联系的。一般情况下,当有一个表示到现在为止这段时间的状语,用already, yet, just as yet, ever, never等这类副词作状语,或一件已经发生的事,不考虑它是什么时候发生的,而主要考虑对现在的影响时,多用现在完成时。
七、一般过去将来时(The Simple past future tense).
My teacher said there would be an English exam tomorrow.
2. 一般过去将来时在表示习惯性的动作时,其句式为“should或would+动词原形+其他”构成。无论在什么人称情况下,都用would而不用should。如:
Every evening he would talk with his neighbour.
八、过去完成时(The past perfect tense).
My mother had gone to work when I got up.
九、现在完成进行时(The present perfect Continuous tense).
1. 肯定句式。现在完成进行时的肯定句式由“主语+have(has) been +现在分词+其他”构成。其中,主语是第三人称单数时用has;其余情况一律用have。如:
She has been working.
We haven been working.
2. 否定句式。现在完成进行时的否定句式由“主语+have(has)+ not +been +现在分词+其他”构成。其中have(has)的用法与肯定句式下的用法相似。如:
She has no been working.
We haven not been working.
3.疑问句式。现在完成进行时的疑问句式只需把助动词have(has)提前放在句首即可。句式为“Have(has)+主语+ been +现在分词+其他?”构成。其中have(has)的用法与肯定句式下的用法相似。如:
Have you been working ?
Has he been working ?
Yes, he has .
No, he has not.
此外,有些不能用在现在完成进行时态的动词,如like, love, know, seen, hear等,这类动词只能用在现在完成时的情况下。
十、将来进行时(The future continuous tense).
1. 肯定句式。将来进行时的肯定句式由“主语+shall(will) be +现在分词+其他”构成。其中shall一般常用在主语是第一人称的句子中;will用在第二人称和第三人称的句子中。如:
We shall be doing .
She will be doing.
2. 否定句式。将来进行时的否定句式由“主语+ shall(will)+ not+ be +现在分词+其他”构成。shall(will) 的用法与肯定句式下的用法相似。如:
I shall not be doing.
You will not be doing.
You can take our lives, but you’ll never take.
What will you be doing at eight tomorrw morning?
十一、将来完成时(The future perfect tense).
将来完成时主要表示将来某个时间会发生的事情。将来完成时一般由“主语+ shall(will)+ have+过去分词+其他”构成。在主语是第三人称时用will;而其余情况用shall。如:
I shall have finished this paper by supper.
They will have arrived home by now.
十二、将来完成进行时(The future perfect continuous tense).
将来完成进行时表示将来某时前一直进行的动作。将来完成进行时的主要句型由“主语+ shall(will)+ have+ been+现在分词+其他”构成。其中shall(will)的用法是:在主语为第三人称时用will,其余情况用shall。如:
In another month’s time, he will have been studying here for two years.
十三、过去将来时(The past future tense).
1. 一般过去将来时(The past future in definite tense).
I thought you would agree with me.
2. 过去将来进行时(The past future Continuous tense).
I thought you would be sleeping.
3. 过去将来完成时(The past future perfect tense).
过去将来完成时主要表示从过去某时看将来某时会业已完成的动作。由“should/would+ have +动词过去分词”构成。如:
I thought she would have told you about it.
4. 过去将来完成进行时(The past future perfect continuous tense).
过去将来完成进行时表示从过去某时看至未来某时以前会一直在进行的动作。由“should/would+ have been +动词现在分词”构成。如:
He told me that by the end of the year he would have been living there for thirty years.

决对是正确的了,就是12道很奇怪,应该是用who has的,题目有错吗?那么恕我才疏学浅了,但是答案决不是C!!!

1 What do you think ______solve the problem ?
A you can do B can you do
C you can do to D can you do to
2 In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister.
A to cry; to cry B cry; cry C to cry; cry D cry; to cry
3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.
A rises B rose C raises D raised
4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees.
A there B where C that D which
5 He _________ Alice for ten years.
A married to B has married to
C has married D has been married to
6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.
A but B except C as well D besides
7 They won`t allow us ________ at this beach.
A swimming B to swim C swam D swim
8 Is this factory ______you visited last week?
A that B where C the one D in which
9 The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way.
A that; because B why; that C that; that D for; that
10 Is the river_____ through that town very large?
A which flows B flows C that flowing D whose flows
11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.
A playing B to be playing C play D to play
12 The red rose is the only one _____I real like.
A which B who C that D whom
13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.
A those B which C what D that
14 Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.
A when B that C at which D where
15 I prefer________ at home to ______outside.
A staying, playing B to stay, play
C staying, play D to stay, playing
16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop.
A same as B the same like C the same that D the same as
17 The pen _______she writes letters is broken.
A which B that C with which D by which
18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.
A take part in B join C taking part in D joining
19 I`m sure the red team will ______the game .
A win B beat C defeat D succeed
20 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.
A who B whom C of whom D whose
21 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.
A Since B Because C thanks for D Thanks to
22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_______
A in and out of abroad B at home and abroad
C at home and at abroad D in home and out of abroad
23 ---Are you going there with them ?----If you go,__________.
A I also go B so do I C so I will D so will I
24 -----The flower is beautiful.---____________
A So is it B So it is C It is so D So it is
25 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent for different reasons.
A were; was B was ; was C was; were D were; were
26 We haven’t had any success _______
A before long B so long C by far D so far
27 Travellers ____our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou and many other places of interest.
A for B to C till D by
28 If a man ______succeed, he must work as hard as he can.
A will B should C is going to D is to
29 ----I am sorry I didn`t do a good job.
-----Never mind. ______ you have tried your best.
Above all B In all C At all D After all
30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ____healthy eating habits.
A find B create C develop D prepare
31 We have spent _____money on English books .
A a great deal of B a good many C a plenty of D a number of
32 _______met, it won`t be easily forgotten.
A If only B When if C Once D Once you were
33 The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.
A in, of B from, of C between ,in D of ,in
34 You should put_____ “s” at the end of this word.
A a B / C an D the
35----What`s ______population of China ?
----China has_____ population of 1.2 billion.
A a; the B the; a C /;/ D the; the
36 It`s _______here. We can`t work long hours here.
A very much cold B much cold
C much too cold D too much cold
37 _______terrible weather we`ve been having these days!
A How a B What a C How D What
38 ----Have you decided when_____?-----Yes, tomorrow morning.
A will you leave B to be leaving
C are you leaving D to leave
39 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.
A call B calling C called D to call
40 Train services are now back to ______after three days of typhoon.
A usual B common C ordinary D normal
41 He is the best ____English in our class.
A at B in C for D to
42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____the head.
A in the B on his C on the D in his
43 Did John hit Bob ____eye ?
A in the B on the C in his D on his
44There is ____ interesting ____ today`s newspaper.
A anything …in B nothing. .in
C something. .on D nothing.. on
45 Has your teacher given you any advice______ your study?
A in B to C on D with
46 It`s bad manners to laugh _____ others when they are _____ trouble.
A at ,in B over ,at C with ,on D to, with
47 Betty doesn`t have enough money to buy that coat. It`s very ___.
The price is too_____.
A high, high B expensive, expensive
C expensive, high D high, expensive
48 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______comfortably. A wearing B wear C wears D is worn
49 The diamond is _________.
A very valuable B of great value C great value D A or B
50 Behind the dancer there was a woman _______a large diamond ring.
A carrying B dressing C wearing D having

1-5 CDABD 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 ACDAA 16-20 DCBAA
21-25 DBDBC 26-30 DBDDC 31-35 ACCCB 36-40 CDDCD
41-45 BCABC 46-50 ACCDC
1.The girl could hardly understand what he said, ______ __________?(反意问句)
2.How many sheep are there in Australia. ?(宾语从句)
She asked ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ in Australia.
3. They have sold out the light green dresses.(被动句)
The light green dresses _______ ________ _________out.
4. He got too angry to speak. (同义句)
He got _______angry ______he ________speak
5. Tom may be on the team ,or Jack may .(简单句)
_________Tom _______Jack may be on the team.
6. She didn’t reach the top of the mountain.
Her brother didn’t reach it ,either.(合并成简单句)
______ _______ __________her brother reached the top of the mountain.
7. The sweater costs 200 yuan .(划线提问)
_______ ________ _________the sweater __________?
8. Think hard ,and you’ll have an idea.
_________ __________think hard ,you’ll have an idea.
1. 美国和澳大利亚都是说英语的国家。
________America _________Australia_______ ________ _________
2. 我们俩都不知道他的电话号码。
_______of us______his telephone number.
3. 尽管医生已经劝了他戒烟,他仍然和以前抽得一样多。
_______the doctor has told him to ________ ________, he still_______ ______ ______ ______before.
4. 艾尔斯山位于澳大利亚东南部。
Ayers Rock lies ________ _________ ________ _________Australia.
5. 那天早晨我们在太阳出来之前就起床了。
We ______ ________early in the morning before the sun ________.
6. 山顶上有多少人?一个也没有。
_______ _______ ________are there _______ ______ ______the rock?
7. 她想要与汤姆谈谈有关他在校学习的事。
She feels_______ _______ a talk with him_______ his study at school.
8. 就在那时他似乎听到窗外有奇怪的声音。
At that moment he_______ _______ _______ a strange voice _______ the window.
9. 他请求我呆在那儿直到他回来。
He asked me_______ _______ _______ _______ he came back.
10. 会议还有多久会结束?
How _______ will the meeting _______ _______ ?
11. 一个人一辈子干好事是不容易的。
It's not easy _______ one to do good _______ _______ _______.
12. 汤姆的母亲决定让他们停学几天。
Tom's mother_______ _______ _______ him _______ _______ _______ for a few days.
13. 万事开头难
_______ _______ a hard _______ .
14. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
_______ is difficult if you _______ _______ _______ _______ it.
一、1.could she 2. how many sheep there were 3. have been sold
4. so, that, couldn’t 5. Either ,or 6. Neither she nor
7. How much does, cost 8. If you
二、1.Both ,and ,are Enghlish-speaking countries
2. Neither, knows
3. Though ,stop smoking ,smokes, as much as
4.in the southeast of
5. got up, rose
6. How many people, on top of, None at all
7. like having, about
8. seemed to hear, outside
9. to stay there until
10. soon, be over
11. for, all one's life
12. decided to keep, away from school
13. Everything has, beginning
14. Nothing, put your heart into.

初一(上)英语选择题及答案 (300道)
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1.选B.表示我也是。一般用do,did等助动词,而不用have 2.选b。表示赞同,有强调作用。注意与第一题区分。3.选A 【翻译】北京天气比南京差。一般用that代指天气。4.选C 【翻译】当我进来时,没有学生正在写东西。有正在的含义,选c或d,在正式写作中用单数.选 C 5.选A 就近原则,选a...

b breaks into 这里指 突然进入 .c little little修饰earn d that It is... that 强调句 d cut down be cut down 砍伐 请采纳

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永修县15113071261: 求英语高手帮忙,20道选择题作业、在线等 -
关程威普: 2 calls for1 significant2 benefits4 network1 offensive1 seriously3 for1 reluctance3 instinct1 assure4 put up with1 conviction4 effective3 on1 frustration4 annoyed1 capacity\2 figure out3 in spite of4 continual

永修县15113071261: 40道英语选择题,在线急等,高分悬赏

永修县15113071261: 帮我出一下初一上学期的英语单项选择20道(快点,急!!!) -
关程威普: 您好!十道选择题:( B )1.What do you have____lunch? A.in B.for C.of ( C )2.-________ _Yes,she does. A.Do you like apples? B.Is it his fruit? C.Does she like fruits? ( B )3.My sister Sue likes________. A.egg and bananas and apples B.eggs,...

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