
作者&投稿:寸昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

how far
go to school by subway / take the subway to school
from the school to the train station
walk / on foot
how long
about five kilometers from the school

1. 警告某人某事
2. 设法做某事
3. 尤其,特别
4. 努力做某事
5. 避开...
6. 与...相连
7. 多达
8. 采取措施做某事
9. 关心,在意,在乎
10. 给某人一个惊喜
11. end with...
12. on average
13. encourage sb. to do sth.
14. carry out/realize
15. be popular among sb.
16. develop interests in ...
17. belief
18. to one's delight
19. on top of
20. belong to

2.Borrow the some thing from the someone
3.Do the some matter through
5.Plant trees
7.The day after tomorrow

8. 匆促出自
9. 清理黑板
10. 变化进入
11. 到惊奇
12. 投宿
13. 在街道中
14. 掌管

1.Good luck 祝你好运!2.catch up(with) 赶上 3.agree with 同意某人意见 4.hurry off vt.赶快离开 5.from now on 从现在起 6.落后,跟不上 fall behind 7.请随便吃 help yourself 8.一...就... as soon as 9.生(某人)气 be angry with sb 10.片刻之后 a moment ...

1. get a volunteer\/rewarding work 2.well done 3.obey basic rule 4.put ... as a work 5.at the same time 6.in time 7.on time 8.the first to do

next to 在医院旁边 at the post office 恐龙展览 in front of 上下车 I'm not sure 寻找 有不会得可以再问我

17.好几百;许许多多 hundreds of 18.各种各样 all kinds of 19.过时的 这个我不会,刚才用百度查了一下,有很多个词组:过时 guo shi 1.out-of-date; outmoded; passe; antiquated; bygone; out of season; out of mode 2.to go out of fashion; to die out 20.未来 in the future ...

上面都欠全面,做早操和眼保健操都要用复数.1.keep healhy 保护健康 2.on his way to school在上学的路上 3.last August 去年八月 4.have a good time 玩得开心 5.five kilometres away 5公里远 6.做眼保健操 do eye exercises 7.不到一周 less than a week 8.使...忙 keep ...busy ...

至少 at least 遗漏,忽略 leave behind 为...做好准备 prepare for 课外活动小组 after school club 习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth.靠自己 relay on oneself 想一个主意 have an idea 精心打扮 dress up 在月圆的那天晚上 at the round moon night 在过去 in the pa...

词组互译(10分)小题1:意见一致 ...
小题1:be in agreement小题2:on display小题3:not…in the slightest小题4:in the way小题5:at present小题6:to one’s rurprise小题7:go to sleep小题8:make a decision小题9:deal with小题10:be angry with小题11:(很)合某人的意小题12:与…保持距离小题13:关掉小题14:使失望或...

1.你看起来很累 You look tired 2.HAS代表什么?What does "has"mean?3 下星期 next week 4 上次last time 5 You were defeated 我们被击败了 6 What was the score?比赛比分是多少?7 下周六next Saturday 8 一场艰苦的比赛 a hard competition 9 这次我没选上 I failed to be ...

词组互译:①too late ②every rijht ③feel sleep④go to bad earlier...
楼主你这个里面有的单词是打错的,我姑且按我的理解来给你做了翻译,希望能够帮到你!!①too late 太迟了 ②every night每个夜晚 ③feel sleepy困倦;昏昏欲睡 fall asleep. 入睡;睡着 ④go to bed earlier 早点上床睡觉 ⑤pick pine nuts 捡松子 ⑥enjoy the sunshine享受阳光 ⑦warm ...

1 他的白衬衫 his white shirt 2 很多连环画书 many\/a lot of comics 3 几瓶水 a few bottles of water 4 等绿灯 waiting for the green light 5 her grey skirt 她子的灰裙 6 his black trousers 他的黑裤 7 whouse jeans 谁的牛仔裤?

大邑县18736674309: 中英文互译(词组)1.停车2.向某人借某物3.做完某事4.到达5.植树6.开会7.后天8.rush out of9.clean the blackboard10.change into11.to one's surprise12.put up... -
银图对氨:[答案] 1.Parking 2.Borrow the some thing from the someone 3.Do the some matter through 4.Arrive 5.Plant trees 6.Conference 7.The day after tomorrow 8.匆促出自 9.清理黑板 10.变化进入 11.到惊奇 12.投宿 13.在街道中 14.掌管

大邑县18736674309: 二、 中英词组互译. 1. 你的铅笔 - __ - 2. 我的书包 - __ - 3. 在那里 - __ - 4. 一个大蛋糕 - __ - 5. 两个红色机器人 - __ - 6. listen to - __ - 7. for you - __ - ... -
银图对氨:[答案] —、 1. your pencil 2. my schoolbag 3. over there 4. a big cake 5. two red robots 6.听 7. 给你 8. 在门的旁边 9.在地板上 l0.……怎么样

大邑县18736674309: 中英文词组互译1.a good place to read books2.动身去某地3.take a vacation4.stay here until September5.玩得开心6.show me your photos7.have a very relaxing ... -
银图对氨:[答案] 1一个好地方读书 2Go to a place 3采取休假 4一直呆在这里直到9月 5Have fun 6让我看看你的照片 7有一个非常轻松的暑假

大邑县18736674309: 英汉词组互译: 1.你的铅笔___________________ - 2.我的背包____________________ - 3.他的字典___________________ - 4.她... -
银图对氨:[答案] 1.your pencil 2.my backpack 3.his dictionary 4.her ruler 5.an eraser 6.一个卷笔刀7.拼写你的名字 8.用英语 9.失物招领10.一串钥匙

大邑县18736674309: 英语英汉词组互译1.去滑雪_______2.去远足_______3.玩得开心______4.做作业________5.row a boat______6. -
银图对氨:[答案] go skiing go hiking enjoy yourself do homework 划船

大邑县18736674309: 英汉互译翻译词组.注意:词组.1、一群______________2、数百的________3、数百的____________4、解决_____________5、做出,计算出_________... -
银图对氨:[答案] 1. a group of 2. hundreds of 3. hundreds of 4. to resolve 5. work out

大邑县18736674309: 中英文词组互译 -
银图对氨: 1the program I like2twice a week3watch TV4at the weekend5(忘了)6结果7一月三次8多久(问频率)9大多数学生10去电影院…鄙视为赚分而赚分的…

大邑县18736674309: 英汉短语互译1.在……和……之间2.因……而发笑 -
银图对氨:[答案] 1、在……和……之间:between...and... 2、因……而发笑:laugh for sth

大邑县18736674309: 中文翻译英文词组.. -
银图对氨: 1.stop doing;2.finish doing;3.stop to do;4.tell jokes;5.The long golden locks;6.want sth;7.kind of;8.four bowls of porridge;9.medium height;10.a new look;11.the captain of;12.wear glasses;13.not…any more;14.remeber doing;15.remeber to do;16....

大邑县18736674309: 搜几个中英对照词组
银图对氨: 1. Thames River(旧名Tamesis或Tamesa,在英格兰牛津又称伊希斯河River Isis) 2. watch the changing ofthe Horse Guards 3. the changing of the Guards 4. the National Gallery 新世纪英语七年级上U2L1词组吧~

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