
作者&投稿:廉奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I love English--英语演讲稿
As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.
But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!

Thank you!











How I learn to speak English. I think, in order to speak English fluently, The most important thing is to lay a good foundation. That is to pronounce English words correctly and to have a good intonation. I spent a lot of time in reading aloud my lessons which helped me a lot in clear pronunciation and correct intonation. The second thing is to memory a lot of sentence patterns. The third important thing I believe is to practice. Speaking English is just like any kind of skill. You can only attain excellence through practicing. The last is to form a habit of thinking in English If you think in Chinese and translate them in your mind into English before you open your mouth to speak, you would never be able to talk fluently and naturally. In conclusion, I want to make clear that there is much to be desired in my oral English. I have to keep on studying and practicing in order to improve my English. That’s all .Thank you! (2)Growing with English Back in the years when I was only six years old or so, I had my first taste of English. It seemed very strange to me. At the very beginning, I was not so interested in this strange language. Moreover, the English TV program always took time away from my cartoon shows. As a result, I started to hate English. Time flies. Things completely changed at the end of my primary school life. In the last exam of the whole primary school period, I did so well in English that I got a full mark. I found that I could do a perfect job in English if I put my heart on it. This exam seems to be a turning point on my road of studying English and has really inspired me. Although there are still many challenges waiting for me, these setbacks won’t hurt my confidence and will push me to study harder. Nothing is impossible for willing hearts and I believe, in the future, I can fly as high as I wish to. 翻译:英语伴成长 早在我六岁左右的时候,我便开头接触英语了,当时候,英语对我来说是相当奇怪的,我对这奇怪的语言也不感兴趣,更何况爸爸总强迫我瞅几个英语教学节目,节目时间又总与动画片时间相冲突。因此,我开头讨厌英语。 时间匆匆过往,在我小学生生活的最后,情况彻底改变了,小学阶段的那次毕业考试,我的英语发挥的相当的好,拿得了满分的好成绩,我发现只要我用心学一定能学的好。这次考试在我的英语学习道路上的信心,是一个转折点,确实鼓舞了我。即使还有许多的挑战等着我,这些困难并不会伤害我的自尊心,反而会促进我学习更努力。 世上无难事,只怕有心人。我相信,在未来,我将如愿以偿的展翅高飞

My future As the song goes “ My future isn’t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I ’d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away . How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it’s hard work , and I ’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I’ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there ’s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won’t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life . 翻译:我的未来 作为歌曲go和go的复数“我的将来isn’t a梦见.”当每次轻轻烧焦它的表面的时候,我爱带来自我信心的歌曲.我相信假若我们有勇气要纠缠着他们.When,我们所有些梦能成为现实我是年青我的父亲今后总是问自我我是的.有的时候我发现它灰常困难给出某些答复.“我想要成为一名医生.”“我想要成为一名老师.”和“我’d像向是一科学家!”许多这些答案是或许灰常孩子气和荒谬.可是我从不认为他们是远离. 多么选定苍蝇的时间!谁能给他的未来一定义?我清楚晓得那些高楼基于坚实的基础的.作为一个学生,我将往致力,和努力学习使一合乎情理.我的目标是要中学撂学后替最好的大学报名参加进一步研究.我晓得跨过许多困难和挫折it’s努力工作和我’ll情欲高潮.可是无论啥样的那些是I’ll,接着接着努力和从不撂弃.我的老师说’s仅有些种类的人民那那里确实是成功的:是足够艰苦忍受勇敢的那些.即使我won’t达到目标,由于我已经为我的生活而努力,我为我所作的没遗憾.

勇气是一个积极的概念,描述了在面对困难、挑战、压力或危险时不畏缩、不退缩的精神状态。以下是关于这一词汇的 1. 基本含义:英文单词“courage”源自拉丁语,直接的意思是“心脏”或“心灵的力量”。这反映了勇气的本质,即内心的坚定和力量,使人们能够面对生活中的各种困难和挑战。2. 勇气在不同...

周作人所说的“美文”开始近似于西方的Essay,后来又接近于晚明小品,在这种融会中西,贯通古今的借鉴、模仿、创造中他形成自己独特的,也是经典的“美文”思想。下面是我带来的初中英语朗诵美文,欢迎阅读!初中英语朗诵美文精选 勇气 The courage of life is often a less dramatic ...

Hello everyone,it's really my honor to be here.Today, shall we talk about courage.Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women. Courage is the mother taking care of her sick child in the early morning hours. Courage is the ...

I think a man of courage will value truth and justice,and not hesitate in his actions to do what he thinks is right,There is no such word as fear in his dictionary.〔关于勇气的英语作文〕随文赠言:【受惠的人,必须把那恩惠常藏心底,但是施恩的人则不可记住它.——西塞罗】

勇气的英文是courage。一、详细释义 勇气是指在面对困难、危险、挑战或恐惧时表现出的坚韧、决心和勇敢的品质。它包括挑战自我、坚持信念、迎接困难和承担风险等各种行为和态度。勇气常常被视为一种积极的品质,能够帮助人们克服困难、追求梦想,以及展现出内在的力量。二、组词 1、courageous:勇敢的。2、...

勇气的英语翻译 勇气用英语怎么说
在英文交流中,理解并恰当运用这些词汇,能够更准确地传达和赞赏他人或自我展示的勇敢行为。例如,如果你想表达"他有无比的勇气去面对困难",可以说"He displayed immense courage in tackling challenges"。这样,不仅展现了语言的精确性,也传达了对他人精神的肯定。因此,当我们谈论"勇气的英语翻译"时,...

Do Not Lose CourageCourage is very important.Everyone needs it.We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail,but we can’t lose courage.If we lose courage,we can’t do anything...

10、希望是坚强的勇气,是新生的意志。hope is a strong courage, is the will of the newborn.11、有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。have the courage to bear the fate, this is the hero.12、唯有那净我灵魂鼓我勇气的才叫诗。only the net drum i my soul's poems of courage.13、你有...

勇气 勇敢的英文怎么写?
勇气,胆量:courage 例句:Courage was the virtue he most admired.胆儿(俗语),(有)种:guts He had the guts to admit that he was wrong. 他有种承认错误。

一个人有多大克服困难的勇气,决定了他能获得多大的成功。那么你知道勇气的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面我为大家带来勇气的英语单词和相关英语表达,欢迎大家一起学习。勇气的英语单词1:courage 英 [ˈkʌridʒ] 美 [ˈkɚrɪdʒ, ˈkʌr-]勇气...

宝塔区19437664230: 求一篇关于勇气的英语演讲稿最好是在150字左右~~~没有特殊要求,只要句型严谨易内容易懂并具有一定的煽动性就行~最后一句希望让别人认为是自己的... -
宗政欢去乙:[答案] Hello everyone,it's really my honor to be here.Today,shall we talk about courage.Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women.Courage is the mother taking ca...

宝塔区19437664230: 求一篇关于勇气的英语作文.急求 -
宗政欢去乙:[答案] Hemingway often thought of courage as a person's ability to be calm and controlled in the face of death. His theme is presented in his novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls?" the story "The Old Man and the Sea" and in our textbook "A Day's Wait". By ...

宝塔区19437664230: 求英语演讲稿一份以勇气为题材,什么是勇气,勇气和勇敢的区别,等等,也可以是其他方面的 -
宗政欢去乙:[答案] A Matter of Courage 关于勇气(以下仅供参考,可以自己适当修改或补充) Hi,welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax,I'm Faith.Today,shall we talk about courage. Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men ...

宝塔区19437664230: 求一篇关于勇气的英语演讲稿!! -
宗政欢去乙: Hello everyone,it's really my honor to be here.Today, shall we talk about courage. Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women. Courage is the mother taking care of her sick child in the early morning hours...

宝塔区19437664230: 求一篇关于勇气的英语作文.急求 -
宗政欢去乙: Hemingway often thought of courage as a person's ability to be calm and controlled in the face of death. His theme is presented in his novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls?" the story "The Old Man and the Sea" and in our textbook "A Day's Wait"....

宝塔区19437664230: 英语演讲,高手指教: 我要写关于勇气的演讲稿, 可以为我列出一个框架来吗? 另外,勇气的近义词可以是?怎么样用其他词来表达勇气 ?突出勇气 改变世... -
宗政欢去乙:[答案] 第二个问题:勇于第一个问题我用中文写各位在座的女士们、先生们你们好!我叫XXX,今天,我能站在这里,深感荣幸,这不仅要感谢XXXXXXX对我的青睐,更要归功于我那“不可一世”的勇气.XXX曾说过:“……”………………是啊...

宝塔区19437664230: 求以“the courage to try”为题的一篇3分钟英语演讲稿.
宗政欢去乙: During one's whole lifetime,one shall always try their best to make their life journey wonderful and un forgettable.And that would make the things go. Why don't you have such courage to just have a try?And today, I tried.Maybe my oral English is so ...

宝塔区19437664230: 英语演讲,高手指教: 我要写关于勇气的演讲稿, 可以为我列出一个框架来吗? 另外,勇气的近义词可以是?
宗政欢去乙: 第二个问题:勇于 第一个问题 我用中文写 各位在座的女士们、先生们 你们好! 我叫XXX,今天,我能站在这里,深感荣幸,这不仅要感谢XXXXXXX对我的青睐,更要归功于我那“不可一世”的勇气. XXX曾说过:“……” ……………… 是啊!那么多的名人对勇气各有各的看法,可是,他们的话里,对勇气,都有一种深深的感激与赞美. 说说自己的感受. 总结一下. 让勇气之花开满人间,让勇气之美传递到每个人的心中! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢!

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