张謇 英文文献

作者&投稿:偶巧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. inherit / follow Zhang Jian's spirit.
2. adhere to Zhang Jian's spirit.
3. pass down Zhang Jian's spirit.





Zhang Jian (1853-1926), Zi Jizhi and Hao Sean, was born in Changle Town, Haimeng, Jiangsu Province. He, Number One Scholar in later Qing Dynasty, was a well-known industrialist and educationalist.
Zhang Jian was a very active and influential person in the fields of politics, economics and culture in late Qing Dynasty and early the Republic of China. He had been the first adviser for Ministry of Commerce, Qing Dynasty, Director of Jiangsu Counseling Bureau, Director of Lianghuai Salt Administration, Director of Central Education Association, General Manager of Business Affairs for Nanjing Temporary Government, General Manager of Agriculture and Commerce of Beiyang Government and General Director of National Irrigation Works. His true dream was to take this opportunity to promote national capitalism in China. And he devoted all his life to the career of making his dream true.
Zhang Jian made many miracles in his life. He made great efforts and achieved a lot in many fields such as economics, politics, education, culture and charity. He not only established and ran the largest national industry in the country----Dasheng Group, but also created a lot of Number Ones. He contributed a lot to the formation and development of China contemporary educational system. His idea and practice of “Father Education Mother Industry” brought many miracles in the development of Nantong. His “New World” success in Nantong made Nantong a “Model County” at that time. Mao Zhedong once said that speaking of national industry, four people shouldn’t be forgotten; and when speaking of light industry, Zhang Jian shouldn’t be forgotten.

Zhang Jian’s main works:
Nine Records of Zhang Jizhi,
Diary at Home of Liuxi
Self-Made Chronicle

Zhang Jian died in 1926, and was buried in Yuanbaoyu, Lu Hong Dam, Nantong. His graveyard was late called “Tomb of Sir Se”


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