高二英语 句子翻译 中译英

作者&投稿:笃废 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.

1. Once you promised, you must keep your words. (Keep one's word)
2. She is very serious practicing in order to performance better in school games.(in order to)
3.The elder is walking in the street, arming with a yardstick. (with)
4. You must arrive to the airpoot and check in before the plane took off.(check in)
5. I say this mistake refering to you. (refer to)
6. Even though I fail 1000 times, I do not give up (even though)
7. The house belonging to the old woman will be sold .(belong to)
8. Several companies compete for that contract.(compete)

1.一般初识用meet with.第一个句子可以这么翻译
We have become the closest friends ever since I first met with Susan in high school.
2.最好把Resent 5 years 放到句尾。政治动荡的政治是political 不是 pretical
4.克服是overcome 是一个单词 不要分开写。
6.这些是these,不是those 。取得成效 一般说 get some effects 或 achieve effects.

1.Susan and I GOT TOknow each other in SENIOR high school.Ever since,we HAVE BEEN close friends.
2 IN THE LAST 5 years,the country has seen a series of rebellions and POLITICAL unrest.
3.THERE ARE signs that the global economy is recovering from recession.
4.The Olympic gold medal inspired him to OVERCOME a variety of difficulties in his life.
5.When was it that John changed his MIND AND joinED in the Civil Rights Movement?
6.Those measures which ARE aimed at decreaseing government expenditure have taken certain effects

第二个经历一般用experience,或者witness,把in recent 5 years放句尾吧
第五个what is the time when,后面你都差不多
第六个those measures aiming at the diminution of expenditure of government have achieve some effects

1.Susan and I have become the closest friends ever since we met in the high school.
2.It has seen series of riots and unrest in recent 5 years.
3.There are some signs that the wolrd economy is recovering from recession.
6.These measures aimed at reducing the expenditure of the government have ……

1.一般初识用meet with.第一个句子可以这么翻译
We have become the closest friends ever since I first met with Susan in high school
第二个经历一般用experience,或者witness,把in recent 5 years放句尾吧
第五个what is the time when,后面你都差不多
第六个those measures aiming at the diminution of expenditure of government have achieve some effects

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邢饼人参:[答案] 2 no one knows that who will win this game(宾语从句) 3 what he will say is unclear.主语 4 the master haven't tell us the news that when the English party will hold.同 1 the news that Mary told him is the game will postponed.表

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邢饼人参: 1.To do no matter what, we have firm belief. 2.As we all know,labour has created human and the beauty. 3.The traffic accident has created the permanent harm to Mary's vision.

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邢饼人参:[答案] 1.我把精力都用在功课上和实现我当医生的目标上. 2.免费晚餐过后,客人们还可以享受酒店室内的温水泳池. 3.参与者们都... 因此也包括重播(时收看的观众数). 10.这就不可避免地意味着更多的路上车辆以及更严重的地铁交通拥堵. 【公益慈善翻译...

彝良县15564862162: 高二英语的句子翻译
邢饼人参: 1.when the mother came in they pretend so study in. 2.they are discussing him ,when he came in. 3.i spent a lot of strength to persuade him to leare. 4.he could not accept their invitation.答案百分百正确.望采纳.

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