英文翻译: 你的内在美胜过外表

作者&投稿:蔽策 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
内在美比外在美重要 英文~

我用翻译机翻的 可能有错误= =


Many people, especially women, when they heard someone praise, she said: "wow, hello, ah the United States," "You become so beautiful", they always Minzui smile, pretending to be shy of the state to respond to: "no pull "but in fact is very happy inside. May be why so few have heard people say: "Hello smart" class thing?
Since the promotion of a new era is more focused on inner beauty, why duplicity of people to meet others, vanity and so praised it? The hypocrisy of people who due to praise the immense happiness? This also shows that most people value their beauty, interested in pursuing their beauty, and in that glamorous surface, but no ink has a virgin heart, they will pursue the external, rather than to understand substantial intrinsic, such a person like a drive shell, virtual no real, not held in high esteem, it is difficult to be successful in the increasingly fierce contemporary society, will certainly be difficult to find its own footing.
Do not let the bright appearance of your eyes covered, open Xinchuang, with knowledge, with the talent to open up your brilliant path in life.

You can only see the true love when the problem come.

Great success

The activity is better than words.

Your virtue is better than your appearance


Your inneral is more beautiful than your appearance.

Your inner beauty is better than your appearance.
Your inner beauty transcends your look.

beauty inside is better than outside of you

You are much more beautiful at heart.

矿区13189027944: 求关于内在美比外表美更重要的英语格言!急! -
明郑香草: A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人不可貌相. A good fame is better than a good face. 好的名望胜於好的相貌. Birth is much, but breeding is more. 出身固然重要,教养更且重要.

矿区13189027944: 内在美永远比外在美好用英语怎么说 -
明郑香草: 内在美永远比外在美好 英文翻译_ The inner beauty is better than the outside.

矿区13189027944: 英语翻译这首诗告诉我们不应该只在乎一个人的外在美,有时候内在美更重要. -
明郑香草:[答案] From the poem,we know that it is not right to only care about the outward beauty. Sometimes,the inner beauty is more important.

矿区13189027944: 不要过多注意你的外表,内在美才是最重要的(翻译成英文) -
明郑香草: Dont care much about your appearance,inner beauty is the most important.

矿区13189027944: 内在美和外表美英语怎么说怎么用英语的常用说法形容一个人不光外表美,而且心灵美能不能连在一起说成一句话啊,单词好查 -
明郑香草:[答案] men like the girl who has not only external beauty but also inner beauty.

矿区13189027944: 外表美并不是真正美,内在美才是最美丽的,最重要的.也许你不美丽,也许你不高大,但只要你有鸿鹄之 -
明郑香草: Outer beauty means nothing, coz inner beauty is exactly what makes you beautiful. Perhaps, you're not looking pretty good, but you'll one day reach the peak of success if you got a great ambition.

矿区13189027944: 求关于“内在美,外在美”的英语四级作文最好附带翻译 -
明郑香草:[答案] 英文:Inner Beauty and Physical BeautyIt is generally believed that physical beauty refers to a person's appearance which is gracefully appealing to other; while inner beauty means a person's mora...

矿区13189027944: 翻译成英语《我认为当今社会不仅外在美重要,内在美一样重要,所以不管我们的外表怎样都不可以改变,但我们可以让我们内心更美 -
明郑香草: I think that not only external US of society is important in the nowadays , inner beauty is alike important , reason why is changed disregarding how all our outward appearance can not, but we can make our heart more beautiful .

矿区13189027944: 内在美比外在美更重要.的翻译是:什么意思 -
明郑香草: To compare the inside beauty,the outside beauty is also very important.

矿区13189027944: 内在美胜于外在美的理由!
明郑香草: 内在美、可以在不经意之间散发出一种气质 , 内在的气质 ,久而久之自然胜过了外在那些庸俗的美

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