有so he can/is/does这种用法。但请问有没有neither he can/is /does这种用法?

作者&投稿:妫畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
你好!其实我的问题来自于一个倒装句的知识,即:有So he can/is/does,有没有Neither he can/is /does~

把 can 放到 he 前面就顺畅了:
A:I can't swim.
B:Neither can he.
A:He can't swim.
B:Neither can I.
表达“他确实如此”则是 He can't, can he? 或者 No,he can't.


有so he can/is/does这种用法。但请问有没有neither he can/is /does这种用法?
首先,【没有】neither he can/is /does这种用法。
①叙述了某种肯定情况后,用 so引起倒装句,其结构为:
So+be/情态动词/助动词+主语。 如:
——Tom is a top stdent。——So 【is】Jack.
——Tom can play the piano.——So 【can】 Jack.
——Tom goes to work by bike.——So 【does】Jack.
——Mike doesn't like reading novels.
——Neither/Nor does Mary.
It is/was the same with sb./sth.
So it is with sb /sth 例如:
——Tonny likes fish but he doesn't like meat.
——It is the same with Lily./So it is with Lily.
——Tonny is a nice guy and he gets on well with others
——It is the same with Lily./So it is with Lily.

*** 另外,当表示“某人确实如此”时,前后部分内容都关于同一个被谈论对象,用【So sb +be/情态动词/助动词】.例如:
——Tom is a top stdent。——So 【he is】.
——Tom can play the piano.——So 【he can】 .
——Tom goes to work by bike.——So 【he does】.
最后,由于neither【 两个都不;既不……也不 】表达意义所限,它不可能用于【对前述情况作赞同或认可】,因此,【没有】neither he can/is /does这种用法。

肯定倒装用:so can/is/does+he;
否定倒装用:neither can/is /does+he。
E.g. I can sing. So can he .
I can't sing. Neither can he .
I like singing. So does he .
I don't like singing. Neither does he .
I am a doctor.So is he.
I am not a doctor.Neither is he.
二、so引导的句子不倒装,起加强语气的作用。就只有so he can/is/does这种结构,表“确实如此”之意。
E.g.He can sing. so he can.

没有neither he can/is /does这种用法
so he does “【确实如此】”,表示对上文的叙述的肯定。注意:这里谈论的是同一个人。
如 -- Tom likes English. -- So he does. “-- 汤姆喜欢英语。”“-- 他确实如此。”
neither does he “他也一样”,表示上文【否定】的事实适用于下文的主语。
如 I don't like English, neither does he. “我不喜欢英语,他也不喜欢。”
没有neither he does 这种用法


有, 但句子结构不同!
1. You were on time and so was he. [ 不是"so he was/is!]
2. I can speak Korean and so can he.[不是 so he can" !]
3. I was offended and so was he. [不是 "so he was"!]
4. I worked hard and so did he.[不是 "so he did"!]

例外:强调句: (a) He's crazy, so he is! [不是"so is he"!]

例:She can't speak Japanese.他不会讲日语
Neither she can 确实如此

黑龙江省19182715183: 用 so+助/情/be+主语 英语造句 -
老狗贝感: so +助动词/情态动词/be +主语,表示'' 主语也这样''.如:1.--- Tom likes pop music.--- So do I. 汤姆喜欢流行音乐,我也喜欢流行音乐.2.---- Mary can speak Chinese.----So can her brother. 玛丽会讲汉语, 她的兄弟也会讲汉语.3. ---- You are an engineer.---- So is she. 你是工程师, 她也是工程师.

黑龙江省19182715183: 英语so that 句型 -
老狗贝感: 英语so that 句型如下: 1、so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是...

黑龙江省19182715183: SO引导不完全倒装句是不是只有助动词?说白点,是不是只可以 so he does.或so he has.不能so he is./so he can.什么的? -
老狗贝感:[答案] 根据上句,so引导的不完全倒装句可以是:So +主语+助动词/be动词/情态动词; 而表示“某人也是”应该用完全倒装,即:So +助动词/be动词/情态动词 +主语. 例句可以参照前两位的.祝你学习快乐,有问题常交流.

黑龙江省19182715183: So..that,such..that什么意思?so位于句首,用倒装. -
老狗贝感: so...that .... 与 such .... that ...都是句型,意为:如此.. so 放在句首,主句倒装.如:So strong is he that he can lift the big stone .

黑龙江省19182715183: so,as,for,because的区别
老狗贝感: because是“因为”,so是“所以”.如:Because he is ill,he can't go to school today.可以转换成:He is ill,so he can't go to school today.两句是一个意思.但是强调的部分不同.只是,这两个词不能在同一句句子中出现,有了because就不要再用so了,否则句子就重复了

黑龙江省19182715183: so is he.和so he is.的区别 -
老狗贝感: so is he 他也是 so he is 他确实如此

黑龙江省19182715183: so he is和so is he 分别怎么翻译?? -
老狗贝感: 他的确是这样 - so he is 他也是这样 - so is he ---He ia good at swimming.---So he is.同一个人---She is good at swimming .---so is he.主语不同,是两个人

黑龙江省19182715183: so +be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语什么意思 -
老狗贝感: 表示,xx也是一样. 你喜欢凤姐,我也一样. You like FengJie,So am I.你能学习游泳,我也能. You can learn swimming,So can I.你会去吃饭,我也会. You will have dinner,So will I.望采纳.

黑龙江省19182715183: 谁能帮我解决一下这个英语完形填空题啊Some people believe that dreams can tell them what will happen in the future.36 knows why this is so,but there are ... -
老狗贝感:[答案] 36—40 ACDBC 41—45 BADBB 46---50 ACDBB

黑龙江省19182715183: 他不会游泳,我也不会,用英语怎么说 -
老狗贝感: 正确说法:He can't swim. Neither can I.(Neither 表否定)如果是“他会游泳,我也会.”就要这样说:He can swim. So can I.(so表肯定)用来表示某种情况也适合自己.

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