
作者&投稿:卷连 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is
to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the
coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient
and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry
about the location.Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses
are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study
will become more popular in the future.

我既不喜欢雍容华贵的牡丹,婀娜多姿的水仙,也 不喜欢傲骨的菊花,光采照人的向日葵.唯有"出淤泥而不染"的荷花在我心 目中占有重要的地位。它那亭亭玉立的身影,给我留下了深刻的印象。 那年暑假,我和爸爸一起去成都游玩,在成都人民公园的荷花塘边见到了 荷花。 清晨,我踏着晶莹的露珠,披着薄薄的晨雾,信步来到荷花塘边。观赏这 半醒半睡的荷花。 来到塘边,一片诱人的翠绿立刻映入我的眼帘。那是满塘荷叶。清晨的露 珠落在了荷叶上面,小水珠游说滴溜溜的滚着,呈露着盎然的生机。荷叶的姿 态各不相同,有的宛转靠在水面,有的直立而起,撑起一伞的潇洒,一伞的飘 逸。 我们向前走着,终于看到了荷花。荷花大大的。有的是迎夏怒放,有的是 含苞待放,

  At present, for the sake of the safety of students, we cant go to school without gathering together. Its the longest winter vacation in history. For our study, the teacher tutored us live online.
  In order to deal with the epidemic, all provinces and regions across the country launched a live action of "no suspension of classes" for teachers, and many educational institutions launched various learning software. Famous teachers online free teaching, help students learn, online tutoring.
  Because of the live broadcast of online classes, teachers in various provinces have different arguments. Hunan Nezha said to most students that the teaching effect of online courses is not guaranteed at all. Why does this formalism

online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is
to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the
coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient
and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry
about the location.Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses
are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study
will become more popular in the future.

the life of online learning is still a little easier.他们的学习密度不同,正常学习上午有四节课,而网络学习只有两节课。网络学习的优点在于可以晚点起床,学习进度提升,学习密度下降,作业虽然多了,但还是网络学习的生活轻松一点。The advantage of teaching in school is that the teacher can impr...

Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it.But every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages. The details are as follows.On one hand,INTERNET has many advantages.We usually search information or send E-mails for study for it can rise ...

一篇关于网络的英语作文。 要求:1.文章中要写出网络对学生的学习和生活...
Some people believe that the Internet has a positive impact on students by providing a variety of resources for their studies. However, I strongly disagree with that claim since internet brings some negative effects on students such as internet addicts and the reliance too much on ...

In the cyberspace many people use only one language to learn it, and work in it, which is, really, English. English is the language for cyberspace, as one works and learns anything in cyberspace, it is much better and easier for one to use English to learn and work in ...

Nowadays,with the development of IT, E-learning is becoming increasingly popular with many people.However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. Firstly,they think it will make people lazy, we may not being able...



初二英语作文 Jim沉迷与网络游戏,学习成绩下降,请你写一封信来劝说他...
Tom(这是你的化名) 翻译:亲爱的吉姆,我已经听到你沉迷\/沉溺于玩电脑游戏。 就我的观点来看,这将是一个伟大的时间玩电脑游戏浪费。此外,玩电脑游戏太多会危害你的健康,尤其是你的眼睛。更糟糕的是,有些游戏充满暴力,不适合我们的孩子。因此,我希望你能改掉这个坏习惯尽快。以下是我的一些...

译文:网络游戏可以放松心情,释放压力,提高反应能力。2、Some online games can add fun to learning.译文:有些网络游戏可以增添学习乐趣。3、Playing games on the Internet makes your hands agile, improves your typing level and the application of computer knowledge.译文:上网玩游戏让双手变得...

《中学生应该怎样利用网络》 英语作文

新绛县17235757547: 关于网络学习的英语作文 -
长郝盐酸: Internet is getting into people's life and becoming more and more popular. Experts are now working on setting up a national long-distance educational system in China to provide educational opportunities via Internet.In reality, the educational via ...

新绛县17235757547: 英语作文:关于网络学习的感受 -
长郝盐酸: Last week I attended an on-line class recommended by my friends and as follows, I'd like to share how I feel.First of all, it makes it convenient to attend lectures given by first-class teachers. Secondly, with the help of visual aids and advanced ...

新绛县17235757547: 英语作文 上网学习的好处 -
长郝盐酸:[答案] The Advantages of Online Learning In recent years, online learning has been popular with the public gradually .compared ... there are three aspects of advantages about online learning. In the first place, online learning change passivity of study into the ...

新绛县17235757547: 初中英语作文关于学习上网的记事作文六十词即可 -
长郝盐酸: As we are students,we should have good study habits.For example:We should preview the books,so that we can understand the teacher easily next day.And when we finished the lessons,we should also review the books.Remember,don't do the ...

新绛县17235757547: 假如你是李华,最近学校开设网上课堂,你参与了学习,并感受到网上学习的便利.的英语作文80字英语作文, -
长郝盐酸:[答案] Recently,our school has rebuilt the online classroom. I joined in them learning something useful. I found it easy to learn and I feel that the convenience of online learning . On the internet,you can make a lot of clever friends.You can ask them some ...

新绛县17235757547: 帮忙写一篇英语作文—“关于网络学习”200词左右.不要复制,转载的!大一的作业,希望在线写,要写的通俗一些,不要让老师一看就怀疑.分大大的,我就... -
长郝盐酸:[答案] Everybody understands that computer and its internet which are the results of the modern science and technology have been ... banking,transportation, entertainment,communication,design and so on,you canno avoid using the computer and internet....

新绛县17235757547: 用英语写一篇作文:我为什么要参加网络学习,不少于80词,帮帮忙!!! -
长郝盐酸: Nowadays, there is an increasing number of students who learn online. Online learning indeed can bring about many advantages. It is convenient to learn online. Teachers only have to upload reading materials and video lectures. Students can just ...

新绛县17235757547: 初二英语作文 关于网络的 -
长郝盐酸: In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言.一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助. for ...

新绛县17235757547: 网络学习的好处,兴起的原因,求一篇英语作文
长郝盐酸: With the rapid development of science and technology, tele-education has sped up in our country. While many people speak highly of its advantages, others see more disadvantages deriving from it.The advocates of tele-education give their ...

新绛县17235757547: 急需一篇英语作文关于网络学习利弊的作文 -
长郝盐酸: as a saying goes ,every coins has two sides.so does internet learning.we can get countless learning materials and information on internet.however,it will cause much healthy problems such as short sight and radiation.


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