求一首英文歌 男声唱的

作者&投稿:宰父券 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






歌手是:Kelly Rowland


take my hand -Simple Plan

这首歌名字叫做only love
trade mark的作品

Two a.m. and the rain is falling(凌晨2点,雨在下)
Here we are at the cross roads once again(我们再次来到这分手的十字路口)
You're telling me you're so confused(你告诉我你是那么彷徨)
You can't make up your mind(你无法下定决心)
This is meant to be you're asking me(那是不是意味着你在回绝我)
But only love can say(可是只有爱可以回答)
Try again or walk away(从头开始或远远离开)
But I believe for you and me(然而我坚信,对于你我来说)
The sun will shine one day(阳光会再一次照彻大地)
So I'll just play me part(因此我只是扮演我的角色)
And pray you'll have a change of heart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变)
But I can't make you see it through(但我无法让你明白)
That's something only love can do(有些事只有爱可以决定)

In your arm as the dawn is breaking(晨熹在你的臂膀间升起)
Face to face and a thousand mines apart(面对面心却相距千里)
I've tried my best to make you see(我用尽全力让你明白)
There's hope beyond the pain(痛楚过后还有希望)
If we give enough if we learn to trust(如果我们给予足够,如果我们学着去信任)
But only love can say(可是只有爱可以回答)
Try again or walk away(从头开始或远远离开)
But I believe for you and me(然而我坚信,对于你我来说)
The sun will shine one day(阳光会再一次照彻大地)
So I'll just play me part(因此我只是扮演我的角色)
And pray you'll have a change of heart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变)
But I can't make you see it through(但我无法让你明白)
That's something only love can do(有些事只有爱可以决定)

I know if I could find the words(我知道如果能够找些话)
To touch you deep inside(从内心深深触动你)
You'd give our dream just one more chance(你会给我们的梦想再一次机会)
Don't let this be our goodbye(不会让这次成为我们的永别)
But only love can say(可是只有爱可以回答)
Try again or walk away(从头开始或远远离开)
But I believe for you and me(然而我坚信,对于你我来说)
The sun will shine one day(阳光会再一次照彻大地)
So I'll just play me part(因此我只是扮演我的角色)
And pray you'll have a change of heart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变)
But I can't make you see it through(但我无法让你明白)
That's something only love can do(有些事只有爱可以决定)
That's something only love can do(有些事只有爱可以决定)

边坝县15816855031: 求一首英文歌,是一个男人唱的. -
郑浦肝精: Take Me To Your Heart把我放在你心上 歌手:Michael Learns to Rock 专辑:Take Me to Your Heart hiding from the rain and snow 躲开雨和雪 trying to forget but i won't let go 试图忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘...

边坝县15816855031: 求一首英文歌,男生唱的 -
郑浦肝精: 歌曲:Yellow演唱:Coldplay(玩酷乐队)所属专辑:《Yellow》Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was ...

边坝县15816855031: 求一首英文歌男生唱的 -
郑浦肝精: 那歌词是不是I remember years ago,someone told me I should stay,也是男声,歌名是

边坝县15816855031: 求一首英文歌,男生唱的,很欢快的一首歌 -
郑浦肝精: jason mraz的歌吧 超好听!!!!!!!可能是lucky~~~~~ 他的l'm your也好好听哦!!!!

边坝县15816855031: 求一首男的唱的节奏感强的英文歌 -
郑浦肝精: 歌名:down 歌手:jay sean lil wayne 专辑:all or nothing 我超喜欢这首歌的!!!嘿嘿~~应该是去年下半年或是今年上半年出的一首歌.jay sean还有很多好听的歌.给你推荐一首,叫:maybe. 还有一首歌也叫down,是jason walker唱的.推荐你也听听哦~\(≥▽≤)/~

边坝县15816855031: 求一首好听的、英文的、男声的、适合唱的歌曲 -
郑浦肝精: 歌名:Just A Dream 歌手:Jason Chen 歌名:Until You 歌手:Shayne Ward 歌名:Lights Off 歌手:Jay Sean 歌名:Don't Make 'Em Like Me 歌手:Cyrus DeShield这几首节奏不是很快 我觉得应该可以 但是宏亮...我就不懂了 你看看合适你不

边坝县15816855031: 求首好听的男声英文歌!!! -
郑浦肝精: 那是patrick nuo的Five days,歌词如下:it was love at first sight on the second of july met her on the third floor four times in one night it was a little bit of magic and the time stood still she took me to another side she got the key to my will tell me how ...

边坝县15816855031: 找一首英文歌 男生唱的 -
郑浦肝精: Police On My Back 撞击乐队(The Clash)7 Days 克雷格 大卫(Craig David)Ain't It A Shame 涅磐(Nirvana) Friday I'm In Love The Cure Sunday To Saturday 接招合唱团(Take That) Boring Day 周华健 Disco Club 黑眼豆豆(Black Eyed Peas) 黑眼豆豆的自我感觉最有节奏 这些都是男生唱的英文歌 都还有sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday 希望楼主满意 请及时采纳 谢谢

边坝县15816855031: 求好听的男声的英文歌.要纯净的那种.谢谢 -
郑浦肝精: 1、the saltwater room(深海空间) -美国电音新秀 清新的男声,甜美的女声.第一时间听到时有种欢快的感觉,仿佛真的置身在蔚蓝的海边,迎面吹来清新的海风....那么的甜美,那么的清爽,那么的惬意...2、love to be loved by you(我愿意你...

边坝县15816855031: 求一首英文男声歌曲名字 -
郑浦肝精: 好,我给你介绍一些比较好听的歌曲: 签名:放羊De孩子 【热门新歌】 1. 兰亭序 2. 魔杰座 3. 天亮了 4. 小酒窝 5. 好人卡 6. 稻香 7. 摇滚怎么了 8. 乔克叔叔 9. 童年的时光机 10. 窗外 11. 沿海公路的出口 12. 故事 13. 校花 14. 安静了 15. 右手边 ...

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