
作者&投稿:保贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Haiyan in his series of novels, the love of its unique mode of the "difficult fiscal Chengjuan Shu-Girl" in the interpretation of moving spirits. Beautiful image of youthful heroine, persistent pursuit of the ideals of love stick inalienable, into the social life of the unique feeling and thinking. Haiyan's charm also lies in the tragedy which contain complex, its roots in the human and social values conflict. Haiyan complex so that the tragedy of his novels full of power and influence

Good afternoon,every examiners. I am pleased to be able to sit here and take the exam. My name is MARK, I'm 16 years old, my hometown is in Anhui Province. I am studying in Shanghai Southwest Engineering School now. The school I'm studiying in a secondary school and my major is industrial and civil construction (civil engineering). I am cheerful, wide range of interests. Usually, I likes to play basketball, play computer, listen to music and so on. I am a happy boy.
My family is composed of three members, my father, my mother and me. My father is a businessman and my mother also. Our family is very happy, there is laughter every day.
I wants to be a architect in the future, and so that I can build many beautiful and large houses, this is my dream. Although my English standard is not high, but I will work hard to learn it. I think this is a challenge .only by defeating myself can Istand on this society. This is my self-introduction, wish all of you a happy afternoon Thank you!

市场部 : Marketing Department
销售经理室 : Sales manager
内勤部 : Office Management
拓展部 : Business Developement
会议室 : Meeting Room
茶水间 : Canteen
接待室 : Anteroom
培训室 : Training Center
总经理 : General manager
总经理助理: Assistant of GM

Market Department
Sales Manager's Office
Inside Department
Business Development Department
Meeting Room
Tea Room
Reception Room
Training Room
General Manager
Assistant of General Manager
财务部 Finance Department
财务总监 Chief financial Officer (CFO)



Marketing Dept.
Sales Manager Room
General Services Dept.
Development Dept.
Meeting Room
Refreshment Room
Reception Room
Training Room
General manager
General manager assistant

Marketing Department
Office of Sales Manager
Staffing Deaprtment (Human Resource Department)
Development Department
Conference Room
Coffee/Tea Room
Reception Room
Orientation Room
General Manager
Assistant to General Manager

I would be very sad after concluding four years’ university life because have been in school since I was a kid. What’s more, graduation from university just means my study career has finally come to an end.2:要想在网上学习,只需有一台电脑,一台电脑不会占用很多空间,网上有...



Whithey 惠特尼 Asamoah 阿萨莫阿 Cloutier 克劳特 Meshkov 梅什科夫 Canning 坎宁 Korzynietz 科尔吉尼特兹 Livermore 利沃摩尔 Daz 达兹 Vernon 沃农 Baffi 巴菲 Heinrich 海因里奇 Gilbert 吉尔博特 Montoro 莫特鲁 Fontanesi 丰塔内西 Dutort 达托尔特 Munch Gardyne 加达因 Gilfiuan Ingroviue ...

一位在美的留学生,想要考国际驾照。在考试时因为过于紧张,看到地上标线是向左转。他不放心的问道:turn left?向左转?监考官回答:right。对。(right可以做“对”或“右边”讲)于是他立刻向右转。很抱歉他只有下次再来。某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:i am sorry...

请帮忙翻译一下这几个听力对话,非常感谢 1、これで今日の宴会をお开...
1、これで今日の宴会をお开きとさせていただきます 今天的宴会就到此结束。お开き不是开始,而是结束的意思,是为了避讳 2、甲:手伝ってあげたいけど、今、ほかの仕事抱えてるから 我想帮你忙,可现在还有别的工作。乙:何とか頼むよ。尽量帮帮忙吧 3、甲:バイキングはいいね。好きな...

翻译如下 这张图片中出现了超过10000颗恒星,覆盖了附近一个叫做大麦哲伦云的星系中大约130光年宽的区域。照片中最微弱的恒星比人眼所能看到的暗1亿倍左右 词汇 appear in在出现; 表演; 出庭 covers掩蔽; 遮盖; 盖; 覆盖; 撒上,洒上,溅上; 覆盖物; 掩蔽物; 套子; 罩子; 躲避处; 避难所; ...

1我需要一位志愿的观众。老师帮一下忙好吗 I need one voluntary audience. Could Mr.xx\/ Missxx give me a hand,please?1掌声鼓励一下 Let’s clap hands for him (or her).三罐饮料,等一会我会请你选中其中的一罐,拿起来举高,等一下。你的选择在我的预料之中。Three cans of drink,...

...用翻译软件,希望英语好的亲们劳烦一下帮我这个忙吧 谢谢啦 真诚求...
找老外翻译的 lthough traditional family or accounts for mainstream position, but there have been many women need is a tender, considerate, caring person's husband. Now Japanese women divorce rate is rising year by year of 2002, Japan has 289836 couples got divorced, than in 2001 ...

マジック 来自于英文中的 magic 一词,是直接借用过来的,意思为“魔术”。

任城区19618821672: 帮忙把这些中文翻译成英文,要正确的!
商岸派君: He came back to find you ... Three ... four, close your doors and windows ... Five ... six, do a good job of your quilt Seven ... eight, you will stop breathing ... Nine ... ten, you will not sleep ...

任城区19618821672: 帮忙翻译一下这几句汉语
商岸派君: 1.He had lived there for about 8 years,then he moved to New York. 2.After graduating from a school in Shanghai,he went to Europe on the third day. 3.My holiday time is still long,and then i offer to go with her.

任城区19618821672: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几个文言文的句子??速求~~!! -
商岸派君: 出自《史记·蒙恬列传》 1 (恬任外事而毅常为内谋,)名为忠信,故虽诸相(将)莫敢与之争焉 翻译:(蒙恬在外担当着军事重任而蒙毅经常在朝廷出谋划策,蒙恬蒙毅)被誉为忠信大臣.因此,即使是其他的将相们也没有敢和他们争宠的...

任城区19618821672: 帮忙翻译一下这几个中文句子
商岸派君: 1 Liang Shan-po and Chu Ying-tai as saying three years ago with English. Butterfly love oral, especially good at imitating Martin Luther King's speech. Lovers as one dream to go abroad, a dream that one day a BBC moderator. TOEFL and GRE ...

任城区19618821672: 有几句中文帮忙翻译下.(最好不要有语法错误)
商岸派君: 1.He is the NBA player most fat, no one can defend him. 2. His speed is very agile, has to be admired. 3. A new generation of superst 4. This is his wife. 5 NBA players in the team as long as the effect. Each year can earn tens of millions, or even up ...

任城区19618821672: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几个句子,翻译好了加分50!
商岸派君: 1, seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once 看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But ...

任城区19618821672: 英语翻译请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下午散步.3.来参观一下我们的新学校吧! -
商岸派君:[答案] Let's enjoy this weekend My grandfather often goes walking in the afternoon Come and visit our new school!

任城区19618821672: 英语翻译求个大神帮下忙翻译下几个句子 由中文翻译成英文 1他被认为是我们学校最好的老师2在你做决定之前,请在考虑一下3我以低价买了这块手表4我... -
商岸派君:[答案] 简单,如下 1. He is regarded as the best teacher in our school 2. Please reconsider before you make up your mind ...

任城区19618821672: 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下下面的句子,汉译英,但要正确率高啊!1他住在一个四面环山的小村庄,简直太美了!(好像和最高级有关) 你说的对,它是我们这... -
商岸派君:[答案] 1他住在一个四面环山的小村庄,简直太美了! He lives in a village with mountains around it.How beautiful it is! 你说的对,它是我们这最美的村庄了. Yes,you are right.It's the most beautiful village here. 2我再也没有见过任何一个人比他更高,我认为他...

任城区19618821672: 帮忙翻译几个句子(不要翻译器翻译的哦) -
商岸派君: 1.you are the ``` in my heart.2.i take great pity in witnessing the story end, so does every one else as i believe.3.when i am confronted with drawbacks, having y...

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