
作者&投稿:徐响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


先试着自己做做吧. 如果实在有不会做的题目, 就拿上来, 我们大家一起分析.

(P.S.: 七年级的同学会上来回答或公布答案的, 应该是相当少的了. 所以最好是靠自己.)


1 3 B
2 1 E
3 2 A
4 5 C
5 4 D
go visited enjoyed stayed studied had do
Who I talked with Jim.
How He went wo work by car.
Did No,they didn't,
What I read a newspaper during the meeting .
Why Because I was ill.
Whose Ann's mother came to school yesterday.
C cooked climbed
B played had
A enjoyed were
CDAEB 351624

c cooked climbed b played had a enjoyed were cdaeb 351624




人教版四年级下册英语作业本Unit 3 3答案
【答案】: 1、(1)far (2)mall (3)park (4)hurt (5)small (6)birth 2、(1)tall (2)car (3)bind (4)hurt 3、(1)ball wall (2)girl birthday (3)nurse hamburgers (4)car arm

人教版四年级下册英语作业本Unit 2 6答案
【答案】: 1、2 3 1 4 2、C D A B 3、(1)9:30 (2)what time 6:00 o’clock (3)what time is it?It’s 5:00 o’clock.

人教版三年级下册英语作业本Unit 2 3答案
【答案】: 1、(1)egg (2)red (3)pencil (4)pen (5)leg (6)ten 2、apple hand cat dad leg ten red pen

人教版三年级下册英语作业本Unit 2 2答案
【答案】: 1、(1)man (2)father (3)mother (4)woman 2、3 2 1 4 3、(1)D (2)C (3)A (4)E (5)B

人教版四年级下册英语作业本Unit 1 5答案
【答案】: 1、6 1 5 3 4 5 2、(1 - 6) F D A C B E 3、2 1 4 5 3

人教版三年级下册英语作业本Unit 3 3答案
【答案】: 1、(1)six (2)is (3)pig (4)thin (5)zip (6)milk 2、2 4 5 1 6 3 3、(1)milk (2)pig (3)six (4)gift (5)big (6)thin

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七年级下册英语作业本参考答案(一)Unit4第五课 Ⅰ、1、relax 2、read 3、follow 4、Don't play 5、make 6、helps 7、keep 8、get Ⅱ、Can, have to \/ must, can't, have to \/ ruust, can't. have to \/ must, can Ⅲ、略 Ⅳ、略 七年级下册英语作业本参考答案(二)Unit5第五课 ...


溆浦县18756458353: 七年级下英语作业本(2)第29页到31页的答案 -
寇标克银: P29-31 1 3 B 2 1 E 3 2 A 4 5 C 5 4 D go visited enjoyed stayed studied had do Who I talked with Jim. How He went wo work by car. Did No,they didn't, What I read a newspaper during the meeting . Why Because I was ill. Whose Ann's mother came to school yesterday. C cooked climbed B played had A enjoyed were CDAEB 351624

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寇标克银: 第八单元 我想吃点面条 楼主大人 我们的回答不是无聊 是针对您提出的那句英语的翻译 Unit 单元的意思 l'd like 我喜欢 l would like的缩写 some 一些 noodles 面条的复数 连在一起就是 第八单元 我想吃点面条

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