
作者&投稿:褚鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.---Do you mind if I open the window?
---_______ I feel a bit cold.
A: Of course not. B: I'd rather you didn't. C: Go ahead D: Why not?
would rather sb did sth.宁愿某人干某事
这个句型要求would rather 后面的从句用一般过去时表示虚拟语气,表达现在或者将来的愿望。
又如:I would rather you came tomorrow than today.
2.China, which has the largest population of the world,joined the WTO in 2001, ____15 years of talks.
A: to end B: ended C: ending D: ends
(正确答案选C,ending 15 years of talks做什么成分呢)
3.--Do you regret not having gone abroad?
--Not at all. I ________ as much. but I'm glad to contribute to our motherland.
A: didn't earn B: am not earning C: hadn't earned D: haven't earned
D 现在完成时强调动作对现在的影响。用在这里不合适。
4.--Brad was Jane's brother!
___ he reminded me so much of Jane! ( 此句怎么翻译)
A: No doubt B: Above all C: No wonder D: Of course
5. As far as I know, she is seldom, ______ . absent from school.
A: if ever B: if much C: if not D: if any (为什么选A,怎么翻译)
if ever 如果曾经有的话。if not如果不 if any 如果有的话(强调数量)
如:Correct the mistake if any.
if much没有这种用法。
6. The three nations were wise enough not ______ the agreement until they could discuss it further.
A: to sign B: signing C: having signed D: to have signed (为什么选D)
enough 后常接不定式,所以排除B 和C。
选D 不定式的完成时表示已经签署协议。
7. ________ Zhai Zhigang began his historic step in outer space, all we Chinese felt excited and proud!
A: When the first time B: At first C: The first time D: For the first time (为什么选C不选D)
The first time是连词,引导状语从句。
For the first time是介词短语在句中做时间状语,不可以引导从句。
如:I have been here for the first time.
8. He was busy writing a story, only _____ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.
A: to stop B: stopping C: to have stopped D: having stopped (为什么选B)
stopping once in a while to smoke a cigarette.是现在分词做伴随状语,
A to stop是不定式作状语,和only搭配表示出乎意料的结果。。
D having stopped 表示在谓语动词was writing之前完成的动作。
9.______ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
A: Before B: Where C: Unless D: Until (正确答案选B,这是个定语从句吗,先行词是什么)
又如:Where there is a will, there is a way.
10. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _____ each year.
A: is washing away B: is being washed away C: are washing away D: are being washed away (为什么选D不选B)
huge/large quantities of 修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词都用复数,要和quantities一致。
a large quantity of 修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数,和quantity一致。


1) caught 是catch 的过去分词修饰 the girl。没有
caughting 这个字的。

2)invited 是 invite 的过去分词修饰 the artists,不是句子的谓语。had been invited 是过去完成式,只在谓语中出现。

3)opened 是 open 的过去分词修饰 the bookstore 。the bookstore 是被open 的,不能用现在分词 opening。



1. 强调句型结构:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子未被强调部分。
其特点是:如果去掉it is/was和引导词that,则剩下部分是一个完整的句子(有时候需要调整句序)。
2. 给楼主变化一下看看:
如:The road accident happened suddenly yesterday.
对状语suddenly强调,则为:It was suddenly that the road accident happened yesterday.
How was it that the road accident happened yesterday?
3. 如果该疑问句做宾语从句,则变成“疑问词/引导词 + 陈述句”结构即:how it was that the road accident happened yesterday.
4. 答案B错误,原因在于the road accident happened yesterday中并不缺少表示sth的主语/宾语等,而会缺少how所代替的方式状语。

首先疑问句在陈述句中应该使用陈述语序,用...it was


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1。with five thousand books在句中是做伴随状语,修饰前面的名词,因此A library with five thousand books意思为一个有五千本书的图书馆,所以用has,类似的还 有the man with a book in his hand is our teacher 2.papers意思是试卷,而paper是纸 3。与第一题相同,The mother with her little...

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高中20道英语选择题 50分求助 拜谢
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① 第一道选D 大家都分析得很好 advertising 表示广告业 advertisement 表示各种不同的广告 ② 第二道应该选B 一楼是正确的 deserve doing 表示的是被动的意思,它等于 deserve to be done,所以A和C不对 have nothing to do with sth.表示“和...无关”的意思,这是固定搭配,所以最后选B 另外...

1.及物动词 vt.1.通知,告知,报告[O5][O6][(+of\/about)]I informed his wife of his safe arrival.我通知他太太他已平安抵达。He informed her he was thinking of entering medical school.他告诉她他想进医学院。不及物动词 vi.1.告发,告密[(+against\/on)]He informed against the drug...

C.To my mind D.All the above 答案是D,我选B,另外A好像也对,有C这种说法吗?答:这种题目是最没有水平的题。可以这么说,以后只要见到D. All the above, 你就选D好了,正确率没有100%也有90%!析:英语选择题到目前为止只有单选题,就是四选一!如果前三个中只有一个对的,第四...

第2份 高中20道英语选择题 50分求助 拜谢
30 This book had five before it was actually published.A. revision B. revisions C. edition D. addition 此书出版前修订了5次。本题答案:B. revisions 31. She is very possessive mother.A. the B. \\ C. an D. a 本题答案:D. a 32. However, at times...

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尖山区14731872327: 一道高二英语选择题(请进!请详细说明!谢谢!) The reporters hurried to the airport ,only - ____ - that the flim stars had just left by air. -
镇万力百:[选项] A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. to be told

尖山区14731872327: 高中 英语选择题(要每题详细讲解)1.--Jack,how did it - _ - that you made so many mistakes in your homework? - -I myself have not figured them out yet.A.occur... -
镇万力百:[答案] 1.--Jack,how did it ___ that you made so many mistakes in your homework? --I myself have not figured them out yet. A.occur to B.come about C.bring about D.get down 答案解释一下各个选项的意思 Occur to 相当于happen to 后面接动词原形表示 碰巧...

尖山区14731872327: 一道高中英语选择题,求详解 -
镇万力百: 应该选C.这个地方whether、if什么的可以省略,然后am, is, are还原成be提到前面.这是个比较习惯性的用法,记着就行了.肯定是C!!这种用法我见多了……

尖山区14731872327: 问一道高中英语选择题<求详解>
镇万力百: 选A 虚拟语气 do是加强语气而且这里要倒装 前面是过去完成式这里用过去式did i began: 我只有把这本书再读一遍才能真正开始了解其中各角色之间的复杂关系 (事实上我还没读 ) 是did I begin 呵呵

尖山区14731872327: 一道高中的英语选择题~谁能解释下? -
镇万力百: We wrote a letter______get help 答案B正确 hoping在这里做目的状语,且表示与主语之间存在逻辑上的主动关系 我们写信的目的是得到帮助. 不定式做状语表示将来的状态 过去分词做状语表示被动.

尖山区14731872327: 请教一道高中英语题,请详解 -
镇万力百: 此题主要考查lie in/on/to的区别:...lies in...,表示前者位于后者的范围内...lies on...表示前者位于后者的某个方向(且两地接壤)...lies to...表示前者位于后者的某个方向(不接壤) 很显然,苏格兰与英格兰接壤,且苏格兰亦属于大不列颠领土,毫无疑问选C!希望我的回答令你满意.

尖山区14731872327: 高中英语选择题,求解释. -
镇万力百: 1.B.will be flying 将来进行时 2.A.knows先行词被the only one 修饰时,定...

尖山区14731872327: 高中英语单项选择题 详解 -
镇万力百: 1. 答案:D.2. 翻译:你说他是在哪里买鱼和薯条的?3. 解释: 1)do you say在英语中被称为插入语,一般放于疑问词之后,而且其后的(疑问句所特有的)倒装句序要改成陈述句序. 再如:How od is he? 加入插入语do you say后,则→ How old do you say he is? 2)所以,选项中必须是为正常主谓宾句序的选项,而AB都是倒装句序,排除AB; 而用that去引导宾语从句时不必的,排除C.

尖山区14731872327: 一道高中英语选择题 并解析
镇万力百: 选A.首先是复数形式你懂的吧;其次,本题中的sell表示书卖得好,是表示书的一种性质,特性等.比如,this food tastes good.就不是is tasted good.这种被动态.多积累啊..加油!

尖山区14731872327: 一道高中英语选择题【求详解】
镇万力百: A 句意:你认为他到这后有多长时间了?句型 it is(it has been)...since+过去时间,意思是:自从...已有多长时间

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