
作者&投稿:方灵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Students, you must have read "Cinderella," this fairy tale it. Major topics of this fairy tale has a little girl named Cinderella by her stepmother and two sisters, abuse, however, Cinderella got the help of a small pigeon, after a series of setbacks, finally became the bride of Prince , and lived a happy life. But then, such a thing has happened since the eyes of Cinderella's two sisters were blind in one small pigeon pecked, the stepmother was very angry, they led the two sisters left the palace, to a small town in their field came to town, we found that there are tens of meters across the trail on both sides of a cross, rack pinned dead, very afraid. Later, the stepmother one asked to know, you can open the door below, you can call God ... no one wanted his disciples. However, only the shaman's three questions to answer in order to become his apprentice, otherwise it's been crucified. Stepmother very much wanted his two daughters to become the shaman's apprentice, but is not afraid to answer the question on the shaman, was crucified. At this point, he was anxiously toward the approach. Finally, he decided, his two daughters at home every night to cover the shaman sorcerer and his wife listen to the dialogue, if the shaman and his wife answers the mystery about the three things that can become stepmother's daughter the shaman's apprentice, learning spells. However, they did not even overheard a few days a little harvest night, but that night they are to be discouraged, and finally overheard the mystery of the three answers. In this way, the two sisters to answer three questions to the shaman, became a shaman's apprentice, learned all the skills of the shaman. After two sisters learned to the sorts of witchcraft, would do bad things, people is that they both hated '"One day, my sister told his little sister:" Sister, we have now become invincible, and just by magic, we cure each other eyes, to the splendor of Cinderella away! "" It's a good idea! "My sister said so insidious, sisters night into the palace, the Cinderella and her maid into a rabbit, to throw them away then, my sister gets himself into a Cinderella, her sister into their own a maid so that they became a palace, enjoy the wealth and status, the prince felt Cinderella changed, become so greedy, people tired of Cinderella into the rabbit, he believed himself to be back the palace, so she prepared a year and when the Prince married keepsake tokens of love - crystal shoes, and take it as evidence to debunk the conspiracy both a sister day, the Prince in the meal, found under the table a pair of cute little rabbit, hare pointed to the queen at home, and shook his hand, said she is a fake queen, and then they pointed to his rabbit, and a thumbs-up, said he is the true queen; Then, rabbit and pointed to the queen, waving a hand around, and pointed to himself, that is false Wang Houyong magic to transform itself into a rabbit; rabbit and pick up a piece of bone worn on the hand, and waving in his head three times, said that only with the fake queen of jewelry in her own head three times to lift the Magic play the Prince asked for a shaking his head, said the rabbit, then do not believe, so they come up with a bunny slipper, the prince look after, and suddenly , and hurried to the little rabbit holding an empty room, went to leave the Queen's room, took out her jewelry business play in the rabbit head three times, his beautiful Cinderella appeared in a room, to prevent false Queen know the next day, the Prince is forced to admit false false queen, and then check into the cell, let him give her stepmother and sister's whereabouts. Finally, the stepmother in the town was captured, his sister was caught in the palace , and sister scared the next day, put their cut of the Prince received a real queen - Cinderella, since they lived a happy life


she married and that's the best ending . why do u want to say sth. about her marriage. Love is beautiful and marriage is plain. though marriage is plain , but she may still feel happy and maybe she likes to be a housewife and a kind mother while working .


就在这时,来了一位非常漂亮的姑娘。这时大家都在议论纷纷:“好漂亮的姑娘啊!” 任君公主看到后,很是高兴,心想:“老天爷终于开眼了,终于让我相中了一位漂亮姑娘。”任君公主忙对宫女说:“就选这位刚来的漂亮姑娘了!” 任成四公主的养女被选上王妃了,这下可把神巫婆婆高兴极了。任成公主忙问神巫婆婆:“接下...

树上还点着几千支蜡烛,一闪一闪地好像星星在向她眨眼问好。小姑娘把手伸过去,唉,火柴又熄灭了,周围又是一片漆黑。 小姑娘又擦了一根火柴,她看到一片烛光升了起来,变成了一颗颗明亮的星星。有一颗星星落下来了,在天上划出一条长长的火丝。所有的星星也跟着落下来了,就像彩虹一样从天上一...


唉,姑娘呀,不要沉溺于男子的爱情中。男子沉溺在爱情里,还可以脱身。姑娘沉溺在爱情里,就无法摆脱了。当桑树叶子枯黄,纷纷掉落了,就像那浓情渐渐退去,爱意不再。 自从我嫁到你家,多年来忍受贫苦的生活。淇水波涛滚滚,水花打湿了车上的布幔。我并没有做错什么,可你,就像变了一个人!你不再情意绵绵,不再温柔...




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“小姑娘”露出了坏王后凶恶的嘴脸,她终于得到了应有的下场。 白雪公主为了不让七个小矮人再孤单,便把他们一起留在城堡里,从此,他们在一起过着幸福快乐的生活。 从前,有一位老爷爷和一位老奶奶,他们的岁数都已经很大了,但是却没有自己孩子。老爷爷和老奶奶常常叼念说:“我们要是有一个孩子该多好呀!”冬天...

卢氏县18923607243: 灰姑娘后传 -
狐类麦道: 同学们,你们一定看过《灰姑娘》这篇童话吧.这篇童话主要讲有一位名叫灰姑娘的小姑娘被她的继母和两个姐姐虐待,但是,灰姑娘得到了一只小白鸽的帮助,经过一番周折,最终当上了王子的新娘,过上了幸福的生活.但是后来,又发生了...

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狐类麦道: 自从嫁给王子后,他们一直过着美好的生活.但是,好景不长.灰姑娘长胖了,王子嫌她太丑了,想娶她的两个姐姐.王子便对灰姑娘说:“你太丑了,简直比你姐姐们还要丑.”灰姑娘伤心地说:“亲爱的,难道你不要我了,难道你不喜欢我...

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狐类麦道: 还有一个星期就是灰姑娘的生日了,仆人们正在忙里忙外的准备灰姑娘的生日庆祝会.管家也一直在准备着邀请嘉宾的名单.起初,管家并不想邀请她的两位姐姐和后母的.但善良的灰姑娘却执意要请,否则心里过意不去,仆人们便只好照办了...

卢氏县18923607243: 求一部灰姑娘的续集名? 内容大致是,王子和灰姑娘在一起后,过上了幸福的生活,而她的姐姐们和后母却过着 -
狐类麦道: 仙履奇缘3:时间魔法

卢氏县18923607243: 灰姑娘续编用英文 -
狐类麦道: 灰姑娘——续写 公主和王子一起过着很幸福的生活,可是好景不长.国王危在旦夕,王子面对哥哥和弟弟,似乎他们都很想拥有这个国王的位置,但是王子一点都不想,他只想和灰姑娘过平凡的日子.“弟弟,父王就快要去世了,他这个王位的...

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狐类麦道: I still believe 是由迪斯尼美少女Hayden Panettiere演唱. 要注意还有一首也叫这个名字的歌是Maria Carey唱的,那是完全不同的另外一首,不要把两个弄混了哦

卢氏县18923607243: 跨界喜剧王关晓彤灰姑娘后传里说唱的那首歌有人知道是什么曲子吗跨界
狐类麦道: 是防弹少年团的歌《荷尔蒙战争》改编的

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