
作者&投稿:夹谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Favorite Sport
Many people like to do some sports in their free time,I like too.But everyone have a sport that they like most.So,today,I want to talk about my favorite sport.
My favorite sport is basketball,I like it when I was a little girl,at that time I was in the primary school,I often play basketball with my classmates after school.Basketball is a sport that can make you healthier and stronger.First of all,to play basketball,you need a good physical power that can support you to run fast and long,then you can have the advantage in the first step.Secondly,you have to know about the rules of the game,to understand what you can do and what you cannot do in a basketball game is very important for a basketball player,it can help you make fewer mistakes in the match.The last one and the most important point is about the skill,to improve your dribbling skiil can make you to be the most bright person in the playground!
This is my favorite sport,maybe you can have a try and gain happiness from it.

A precious stone which called "The Heart of Ocean"brought a love story between Rose and Jack.
They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.On the way to love, they came across many obstacles but surmounted.Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big iceberg floated towards her.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved besides Rose and Jack.Death is the biggest obstacle for love to surmounte.In other to save Rose,Jack lay down his life.
In this movie,when teh ship suffered the unexpected,some people would rather help other people than save themselves,such as the sailors and the musicians.They moved me the most.This movie made me thought a lot in some fields,such as relationship of the people around you.For example,when we are facing love,how to express our feeling to our lovers and deal the problem about love with them;When we are facing the social problems,how to settle them perfectly? Let's suppose we are on the Titanic and taking different positions,what we should do when the unexpected coming?In my opinion,diferent people take the different positions and we do different things in society,but the most important thing is that we should assume our responsibilities.
As a whole,this movie not only has a wonderful plot but also provide food for thought.

My Hobby
I have many hobbies.In my spare time,I like playing computer.It can make me relax and let me get more knownledge on the Internet.
we can using it chatting with each other,playing game,watching video,receiving news,and so on.
However,we should not play game for a long time。


这就是我的爱好玩电脑。 作文二: 实不相瞒,说到爱好我仿佛有千言万语,实在太多了。可拿起笔来脑袋里却像塞了车,惭愧! 先从唱歌开始吧,我从小就喜欢发自肺腑地唱,其实是吼。当时智商太低,从咿咿呀呀到一词半句,3岁才勉强能唱完首歌。就这天份居然也得到了一些人的恭维,其实谁会说小孩唱歌难听呀?没想到...

我爱电脑作文1 从外观上看,电脑很普通,很多地方都能看到。它有一个白色的盒子,里面有一个类似的电视显示器和一个有许多英文字母和数字的键盘。不要小看这三件事,因为它的肚子里塞满了各种集成块,功能卡,驱动等等。有了打印机,就可以把编辑好的文档打印成漂亮漂亮的文字。通过编程,计算机可以做一些有趣的事情。...

它在给我带来快乐的同时,虽然也增添了不少麻烦,但说句真心话,我还真离不了这个欢喜冤家。 我们家好不容易买了电脑作文500 我有一个新朋友,它的名字叫电脑,我认识它已经有两年多了,它和我结下了深厚的友谊,现在,我可以在电脑里大显身手,尽情的遨游。 电脑有一个主机、一个显示屏、一台打印机、外加上两个...

介绍电脑作文1 “嗨!大家好,我就是能为那些好学者提供资料的‘万能小博士’;也是能让那些中小学生误入歧途,整天在空虚的网络中生活的‘坏蛋’;我就是人见人爱的电脑。” 我,是电视的“弟弟”头方方正正,手只有一只,还有一个相当于我的大脑的“笨重”身子。我有许许多多的兄弟姐妹,比如:方正式电脑,联想牌、...

我爱你,我的知己好朋友——电脑。作文 【篇七:我的朋友“电脑吴”】 我有个朋友是个贪玩分子,他很小的时候就特别喜欢玩电脑,因此得了个美名——电脑吴。 “电脑吴”今年九岁了,他身材不高,看起来矮壮矮壮的,留着一头短发,显出了一种男孩子特有的粗犷、豪爽,一双黑亮有神的大眼睛透着一份机灵。哪怕是...

我家有三口人,我,妈妈 和爸爸。下面就让我一一介绍 我,我是一个可爱,活泼的女孩。我12岁了喜欢穿一身运动服,我喜欢交朋友。做事马马虎虎。正是因为我有马虎的习惯,所以没次数学考试,就是因为一,两分与满分失之交臂,我喜欢和朋友一起出去玩。我的性格不拘小格大大咧咧。着就是一个可爱...

总之,我爱上了游泳! 我的课余生活作文10 一天周末,我和妈妈来到社区参加一个学习剪纸的活动。经过剪纸老师的介绍,我知道了,剪纸是中国古老的民间艺术,有着悠久的历史。剪纸艺术不仅有浑厚、单纯、简洁、明快的特殊风格,还反映了农民那种朴实无华的民风。窗花是剪纸内容之一,它代表着幸福、吉祥、喜庆之意。窗花的...

师:一个景点,可以介绍的东西很多,要选取最有特色的内容。 (3)提示参观游览的注意事项。 师:可以适时提醒游览时的注意事项,或提出“当文明游客”的要求。 二、范文引路,学习写法。 1.出示范文《天坛导游词》(附后) 师:导游词的题目,一般都是景点的名称,这样可以使人一目了然。按照本次习作的要求,同学们可以选...


营口市19880057839: 英语作文介绍爱好玩电脑60字初三 -
油耍银翘: My Hobby I have many hobbies.In my spare time,I like playing computer.It can make me relax and let me get more knownledge on the Internet.we can using it chatting with each other,playing game,watching video,receiving news,and so on.However,we should not play game for a long time.

营口市19880057839: 介绍自己的学习情况和个人爱好!(初中英语作文) -
油耍银翘: My Hobby Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i know a lot from computer.I think computer not only give me joys but also let me know many things. 翻译;每个人都有自己的业余...

营口市19880057839: 求帮写一篇英语作文.100词.关于介绍自己的业余爱好.假设你是李华.最近,你的外国笔友Harry来信,询问你的业余爱好(玩电脑,拍照,爬山,玩溜板(... -
油耍银翘:[答案] Dear Harry, Thank you for your letter.(谢谢你的信)Have you been doing.(你最近过得怎么样) You want to know my hobbies, now, i'll tell you.(你想知道我的业余爱好吗,现在,我来告诉你)I enjoy playing computer(我喜欢玩电脑)I like sports, ...

营口市19880057839: 一篇自我介绍的英语作文,写你的兴趣爱好,像 l like …… l don't like ……汉语写也行,比如我喜欢玩电脑游戏,喜欢狗,什么的 -
油耍银翘:[答案] 我用汉语,你翻译吧: 我叫某某某,我是个某某(如:兴趣广泛的男孩),我喜欢某某某(如:玩电脑等),我喜欢的宠物是某某某(如:猫等).

营口市19880057839: 初三英语:求一个关于玩电脑利弊的作文 -
油耍银翘: Nowadays ,computer is a part of our life. And computer games are children's favorite. Computer games can make us feel relaxed and excited ,but they can also cause us some problems. For example, they may make us forget to study , to do ...

营口市19880057839: computer improves my english study 初中作文 60字左右 -
油耍银翘: Computer improves my english study With the help of the computer,I can find many study material in need,I can turn to the expert for help if I don't know someting in study.There are many teaching vedios by real teachers,many relative English books ...

营口市19880057839: 帮写一篇英语作文
油耍银翘: 我就当场即兴写一篇吧,绝对原创!(由于我不知道英文里撇号怎么打,就用双引号代替了,请见谅) Titie:My hobby Hobby is important to everyone,it not only help you piay well in something,but also give you happiness during it.Playing computer...

营口市19880057839: 初三英文作文computers (60字)要的是初三的哟~最好是结合初三的牛津版英语书中的第2课最好下面有中文翻译一遍! -
油耍银翘:[答案] With the develop of modern technology,computer is widely used in my life.With the help of computer I can learn of anything in the world.With computer's help I can work easily,so I have more free time ...

营口市19880057839: 写一篇考试英语自我介绍作文 本人15岁 名字 黎超 爱好玩电脑 在东坡中职校 机电二班读书 速度 急!!! 50字左右
油耍银翘: Hello,My name is LiChao.I am 15 years old,I study in DongPo School,Second Grade.And I like play compute games very much!Because i think it is so interesting!This is me! (手机打的好累,希望对你有帮助) 电脑打错了应该是Computer Playing computer

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