
作者&投稿:弓符 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Spider man is an American comic hero in rare and Superman, Batman, the eponymous hero of justice, was originally an ordinary college student Peter Parker, causing their body for the regeneration of the cellular structure obtained as a spider like ability due to an accident is a special poison spider bite. Carrying capacity is greater, the greater the burden of responsibility, the belief, so Peter Parker day is a good student, but one night will be dressed in a masked spider into the embodiment of justice.

Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.
Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten dunst.
It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.
The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.
Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.

《蜘蛛侠》剧情介绍:彼得帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。
彼得好友哈利的父亲诺曼(威廉•达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一家生物科技公司的老板,因自己公司生产的飞行器没得到军方首脑赏识而苦恼不堪。

Peter Parker is a typical 18 year old who is smart, but is picked on by Jocks and is too shy to talk to the beautiful Mary Jane Watson who lives next door. Until the day he is bitten by a radio active spider, then the next day he feels different, he can sense things coming at him, he can spin a web, he also has incredible strength, and he can stick to walls. At first Peter decides to use his new powers for show, but after a terrible tragedy, Peter decides to use his powers to stop crime and help people, by becoming Spiderman. Then a super villain called the green Goblin is bent on mass destruction, it is then up to Spiderman to stop him. I enjoyed this movie because it had a lot of action and was not boring.

Well I saw the first and Thought .. OK, nice movie, but nothing special. So I wasn't looking much forward to the second one. Boy was I wrong.. The second one has it all... And I mean all. Suspense, romance, action and some quite nice Effects. Tobey Maguire is performing well, and Kirsten Dunst... wauw.... she is breathtaking...And only 22, so we can only hope to see more of her the coming years. Last but not least, Alfred Molina, who is the bad guy. He is very convincing and very very nasty. The computer-effects used are better than I have ever seen. Now you get the feeling of flying. I recommend all to see this movie, yes girls too. Remember.. movies are best in the cinema!

Spider-Man 3 (2007)Peter Parker has finally found the balance he's longed for between his love for Mary Jane Watson and his responsibilities as Spider-Man. The city of New York and it's citizens are at last coming around and appreciating everything he has done as his crime-...

蜘蛛侠英文:Spider-Man。蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是美国漫威公司旗下漫画中的超级英雄,由编剧斯坦·李和画家史蒂夫·迪特科联合创造,初次登场于1962年8月10日的漫刊杂志《惊奇幻想》(Amazing Fantasy)第15期。并于8个月后的1963年5月开始连载个人刊,从而拥有属于主角名义的单行本主刊漫画《神奇蜘蛛侠》...


玛丽几度遭绿魔的袭击,都被蜘蛛侠化险为夷,这使玛丽感到蜘蛛侠就是她身边的一位朋友,一直在暗中保护着她。在一次家庭聚会中,诺曼意外地发现彼得就是蜘蛛侠后十分不安,致使哈里向他介绍女朋友玛丽时竟用粗俗的语音中伤她。自尊受挫的玛丽在得不到哈里明确的表态时,不得不与其分手。 舅妈遭到绿魔的袭击后,彼得怒...

蜘蛛侠简介 蜘蛛侠,也被称为彼得·帕克,是一位源自漫威宇宙的著名超级英雄。他拥有超人的敏捷、力量和灵活性,并因被放射性蜘蛛咬伤而获得了与众不同的蜘蛛感应能力。他的故事充满了冒险与正义。人物介绍及能力 蜘蛛侠是一位天才发明家兼普通学生,因一次意外被放射性蜘蛛咬伤,获得了超凡的...

蜘蛛侠2 故事内容(Eng)...有中英对照就必定会系最佳回答梗系^^...
更新1: 好感动呀...咁快就有人回复我...^^ 更新2: 但系..睇清楚 写得落 *** a既...只有四句=.=...得70几字...我想要最少100字...中2-3既程度 它是二年从早先影片的末端,并且彼得・Parker 发现他的双重生活越来越困难。飘摇地奋斗平衡他罪行战斗的责任以他的正常生活,...

蜘蛛侠的主角叫“彼得·帕克”外文名:Peter Benjamin Parker 其他名称:Spider-Man(蜘蛛侠)饰 演:托比·马奎尔、安德鲁·加菲尔德、汤姆·赫兰德 登场作品:《蜘蛛侠》系列、《美国队长3》、《复仇者联盟》年 龄:一直在改变 性 别:男 血 型:A型 身 高:177.8cm 体 重:76kg 妻 子:玛丽.简...

蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄,由编剧斯坦·李和画家史蒂夫·迪特科联合创作,初次登场于1962年8月出版的《惊奇幻想》第15期,因为广受欢迎,几个月后,便开始拥有以自己为主角的单行本漫画。本名彼得·本杰明·帕克(Peter Benjamin Parker),原是一位普通的高中生,后意外的被一只受过...

「你好,很高兴能助你成风破浪,如果是大学英语演讲presentation用的PPT话,就要自已再简单组织一下喔!(下配有中文,助你了解。)」 Plot: Tells the story of the orphan Peter parker (Andrew Garfield ornaments>from MeiYi sojourn in tertiary (Sally field) and class (Ma Dingxin) home, ...


阿克陶县18456281102: 用英文简单介绍一下蜘蛛侠这部电影如题 -
中叔胖赛格:[答案] 1.蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)的超级英雄.是由Stan Lee和Steve Ditko两名作者创造的.蜘蛛侠本名叫Peter Benjamin Parker(彼得·本杰明·帕克).Peter是一个孤儿,他和叔叔Ben和他的婶婶May一起...

阿克陶县18456281102: 求助蜘蛛侠故事概要英文介绍(急)用英语简要介绍蜘蛛侠的故事就可以 -
中叔胖赛格:[答案] 蜘蛛侠(1)的简介: Peter Parker is a typical 18 year old who is smart,but is picked on by Jocks and is too shy to talk to the beautiful Mary Jane Watson who lives next door.Until the day he is bitten by a radio active spider,then the next day he feels ...

阿克陶县18456281102: 用英文简单介绍一下蜘蛛侠这部电影 -
中叔胖赛格: 1.蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)的超级英雄.是由Stan Lee和Steve Ditko两名作者创造的.蜘蛛侠本名叫Peter Benjamin Parker(彼得·本杰明·帕克).Peter是一个孤儿,他和叔叔Ben和他的婶婶May一起生活.蜘蛛...

阿克陶县18456281102: 蜘蛛侠英文介绍(急) -
中叔胖赛格: 蜘蛛侠(1)的62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333234303731简介: Peter Parker is a typical 18 year old who is smart, but is picked on by Jocks and is too shy to talk to the beautiful Mary Jane Watson who lives next door. Until the ...

阿克陶县18456281102: 蜘蛛侠的英文 -
中叔胖赛格: 蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)

阿克陶县18456281102: 作文,英语,关于介绍蜘蛛侠 -
中叔胖赛格:[答案] When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed.The main host-peter who is handsome and brave.He helped so many people who is need others help. If we were him,whether we can sarcrified our love and friendship and even our ...

阿克陶县18456281102: 谁可以给我《蜘蛛侠》与《泰坦尼克号》的英文简介? -
中叔胖赛格:[答案] Plot Summary for Spider-Man (2002) 蜘蛛侠 A rather odd thing has just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker:after being bitten by a genetically modified spider,his body chemistry is altered mutagenically.He can now scale walls ...

阿克陶县18456281102: 请问哪有蜘蛛侠英文简介
中叔胖赛格: Plot Summary for Spider-Man (2002) 蜘蛛侠 A rather odd thing has just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker: after being bitten by a genetically modified spider, his body chemistry is altered mutagenically. He can now scale ...

阿克陶县18456281102: 蜘蛛侠用英语怎么说 -
中叔胖赛格: Spiderman.解释:spider为蜘蛛,跟man组成...人.如superman.

阿克陶县18456281102: 谁知道蜘蛛侠1.2.3的剧情介绍(英文),越多越好,急需
中叔胖赛格: 蜘蛛侠1 Based on Marvel Comics' superhero character, this is a story of Peter Parker who is a nerdy high-schooler. He was orphaned as a child, bullied by jocks, and can't confess his crush for his stunning neighbourhood girl Mary Jane ...

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