
作者&投稿:赧梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译句子 1.这是你第一次和外国人讲英语吗? 2.我的一位朋友在一家外国公司工作。 谢谢急!~

1 Is this your first time that you talk with foreigners in English?
2. One of my friends works in a foreign company.

1.Feuerbach: love, is to become a person.
2.Shakespeare: A person knows very well that the indulgence at how love is a foolish thing, but at others ridiculed after shallow boring, but will own one's own face, still fall into the embrace of gentle love. Since男欢女爱wonderful,珠联璧合are seamless.
3.Rousseau: If we say that love is worried about unrest, then respect is trust; an honest person and love are not only disrespectful, because we love the reason why a person is that person because we think we have respect for quality.
4.Goethe: in love, the most valuable possession is not, but respect and love each other.
5. Freud: healthy and normal for love, since the required combination of the two emotions, on the one hand are two of the beloved相悦heart conditions, on the other hand, are sensual sexuality.
6.Cervantes: passions just fun, joy, the desire faded, the so-called love is finished. This is the natural dividing line should not be crossed, and only true love is unlimited.
7.冈察洛夫: foundation of love is not the kind of hypocritical sentiment shaken ----- Jiao possession of it at the palace of resplendent gold lock can not stand the temptation, should not listen to a few ambiguous words, the kind of strong love, willing to go through fire and water.
8. Mencius: food and sex also.
9.Lin Yutang: a children's wife is his mistress, while a child has is his wife, his mistress.
10.Zhou Guoping: love those who are not bound each other, is that they have confidence in the performance of love, no one who is now the end is still no one who can not do, this is true love.
11.Su Qing: is for the sake of the flesh, I also have to seriously advocate the spirit of love.
12.Fu Lei: to find a permanent partner, but also much more rational to consider the feelings of not being fooled. One lover's vision of marriage will change, becoming yourself do not believe, or think of this in advance, and must bring endless suffering.
13.Laoshe: love if it is not bitter, sweet taste from where? Love Without tears, the laughter coming from where? Love is mysterious, valuable and necessary, without him, there is only one subtilis, along Huangsha love而哭and昏乱are有味, real! People should not the love of freedom, the freedom of all are false, and people of both sexes if there is no love, all love is empty.
14.Hu Shih: the price of love are suffering, love is suffering.

1 Please show your passport
2 This is the Card Number and this is the password.Here is the ID Authentication Code
3 Here you are

1.please show me your passport.
2.This is the account,this is the code.
3.take it please,

1. Please show me your passport.
2. This is your username. This is your password. This is your authentication code.
3. Please take them.

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It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing...

永福县15234343832: 会英语的,帮帮忙!本人在网吧上班,附近有外国人.请帮我翻译以下句子.1,请出试您的护照.2.这是卡... -
冷阅盐酸: 1 Please show your passport 2 This is the Card Number and this is the password.Here is the ID Authentication Code 3 Here you are

永福县15234343832: 在网吧上班 用英语怎么说 -
冷阅盐酸: working in the internet cafe

永福县15234343832: 打算去网吧做个小网管``个人简历该怎么写?~ -
冷阅盐酸: 我专科生,假期就在网吧上班,第一月600,第二个月700,管两顿饭,扣500押金,应聘的时候,老板只问我做没做过,我说做过,还问我能干多久,我说如果合适能干半年,因为过年必须回家,(撒谎) 我把自己的电脑600块处理了,实在忍...

永福县15234343832: 当网吧收银员需要懂哪些英语? -
冷阅盐酸: 至少是一些收费标准和一些食物名称价格,网吧位置和本地的地理位置.还有一些电脑配置和网络故障.还有些客人平常的要求and so on .

永福县15234343832: 会英语的帮帮忙,帮我用英语翻译一段自我介绍!
冷阅盐酸: My name is 111, from Guangxi, is a boy. I this person only in front of acquaintances will behave very outgoing, met a stranger is more introverted. I am an emotional person, sometimes will be rather baffling is not happy, and sometimes will be rather ...

永福县15234343832: 网吧收银员遇到外国人不会讲英文怎么办 -
冷阅盐酸: 在网吧上网的也有不少学生会英文的,你可以大声喊一下 谁会英文的来给老外翻译下,要是没有就只能指手画脚的 比划比划了,要是还搞不定,就打开网页中英文翻译,让老外把想说的话打上去,翻译过来你就看懂了,再把你说的话打上去,翻译过来 老外也能看懂了. 请采纳下吧

永福县15234343832: 有谁懂计算机和英语的,可以和我交朋友,帮我学习吗??
冷阅盐酸: 我是山东来重庆上学的大一学生.我的英语自认为还可以,现在没配电脑也不算了解.

永福县15234343832: 请教一些网吧常用英语,各位达人请帮忙啊!! -
冷阅盐酸: 1. Welcome to 123 Net Bar!2. Please get ur PC card here and the deposit is 2 Yuan and you need to pay the cost by hour. After you finish, the rest money and deposit will be given back to you. Would you like to have 10 yuan in your card?3. It will ...

永福县15234343832: 关于网吧常用英语 -
冷阅盐酸: 1.how long will you surf the internet?2.the cost here is 2 yuan per hour3.you can change another computer.4.cola is for 3 yuan ,spring/mineral water is for 2 yuan5 please input the figures into the computer which is given by this paper

永福县15234343832: 请问"我有1年在网吧做网管的工作经验"用英文怎么说?
冷阅盐酸: I have 1 year to make the network management in the internet bar thework experience . 快步英语”网址 www.from2000.com

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