
作者&投稿:充米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is a nice day .
My mon asked me to help her did some housework.
First I washed my clothes ,and then cleaned my room.
This afternoon I went shopping with my friends,I bought a blue T-shirt .
Wow ,I have a full and happy day.

1. I have a happy winter vacation. I stay at home and go to the countryside during the summer vacation.
At home, I do my homework. I watch TV, too. I love English Today. Because I like English very much. I also like “Tell it like it is”. I watch them everyday. Sometimes I play the computer. I can watch MV and learn English on the computer. I often clean my room.
I live in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma. They are both sixty years old. In the countryside, I can do many interesting thing there. I play with dog. The dog is cute. I like fishing with my fiends. I really feel happy living in the countryside.
2.The winter holiday is coming.I'm relaxed all the day.But I feel boring.I think that I should make a plan for my holiday as soon as possible.
I got up at half past seven today.Then I brushed my teeth in the washroom and had breakfast in the dining room.As a saying goes,"The early bird catches the worm."So I always get up early.
From eight to nine,I went out to bought some food with my mother.There were many vegetables in the market.And there were lots of people in it. At about half past nine in the morning,I did my homework in my study until twelve.
Although my holiday is busy,it's very happy.


The winter holiday is coming. I am very excited. I want to better my holiday plan. Now let me tell you my plan.

I’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. On the fifth day, I’m going to do my homework. Of course, I’m also going to do some housework. Lunar New Year’s Day, I’m going to take a trip with my parents. I think it must be very happy. I can hardly wait!

In the first six days of February, I’m going to visit my relatives. It’s going to be fun! After a few days, I’m going to finish my homework, because I am going back to my school on February 16th.




I like travelling. So in the holiday, I will go to a place of interest with my family. Then I want to learn an musical instrument, such as guitar. I also wanto to keep fit. So I will take exercise every day. I would like to run in the morning and play basketball in the afternoon.

I plan to go somewhere interesting.So I am going to a beautiful to travel with my friends .we have lots of things to do there.We can have great fun fishing,swimming,shopping etc .Go on a picnic and take many photos there.I think I will be very relaxed and energetic after I come back .A beautiful vacation,I can't wait.

I am going to clean my room
I will travel some beautiful places
I am going to visit my grandparents
I will do some exercise
I am going to join a party with my friends


小学六年级英语作文 假期计划 10-15句要有汉语
I will do my homework.我将做我的作业。I will do some housework.我将做家务。I will buy some flowers.我将买一些花。I will visit my relatives in Spring festival我将在春节拜访我的亲戚。I will go to a park.我将去公园。I will visit my friend.我将拜访我的朋友。I will surf in...

The big holiday is coming. Oh, God! I can't wait! Wana know my plans are? Come, sit. Let me tell you slowly. :)I have always wanted to visit the Honolulu.Know why? casue the beach ,the bitchs,the night life man! Huh..Okay, kidding aside. I'm gona check out the ...

但是,这些假期,并不漫长,在假期时间,你不但可以像马儿一样快乐的奔跑,也可以悠闲自在的做自己想做的事,让自己轻松一下,心灵也终于可以放假了! 以‘‘放假了"为主题写一篇作文 《放假了》 今天是放假第一天,我睡了个痛快,以此来消除一学期的疲惫。 正当我做着好梦时,一只强有力的大手把我从被窝里揪了出来....

我的假期生活优秀作文5篇 要想写好作文,优秀的题材是少不了的,所以平常要多少读书,多看看作文,积累知识,才能写出好的作文,以下是我为大家收集的我的假期生活优秀作文5篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 我的假期生活优秀作文1 生活不会总是那么枯燥乏味的,如果你有一颗热爱生活的心,有自己的兴趣爱好,认真品味生活...

你能跟我说说你最想做的事吗 2. 假期里最有意义的一件事作文600字 谁能告诉我啊 蜘蛛记 今天,我独自躺在床上,眼睛半张半合,无意间,我看到墙壁上有一个黑乎乎的东西,我想:这会不会是一只蜘蛛啊!我怀着好奇心,便站起身,走上前去,想看个究竟,没想到,它竟然动了起来。啊!它真的是“八脚怪”!我吓...

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是我精心整理的假期优秀作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 假期优秀作文1 寒假,一个漫长的假期,在这个假期里,你都干什么呢?“看电视,玩儿电脑,逛街”只是玩吗?如果你只是吃只是玩儿的话...

My summer holiday from July to August is coming. Here are somethings I list which maybe most people do:First I will have a good rest to sleep for more than 10 hours everyday.Second I will relax myself to visit some places of interest. Such as Zhang Jia jie in Hunan ...

讲假期的英语作文 用将来进行时写 是写去什么什么地方,打算怎么去...
every evening.What about your plans?我的假期快要到了。我有一些假期计划,现在我会与你谈谈我的计划。我会与我母亲在家做些家务。在我的业余时间里,我会和我的朋友看电影或者踢足球。有时我会和我的父母去我的祖父母 家看望他们。我还会在每天晚上做我的家庭作业。你的计划呢?

求一篇七年级语文作文题目是{假期生活}300字以上 谢谢!

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溥牵芪龙:[答案] My summer holidayHello,everybody!Today,I will tell you something about my summer holiday.I often get up at a quarter past seven.Sometimes,I get up at half past seven.Then I brush my teeth and wash my ...

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溥牵芪龙: Today is a nice day . My mon asked me to help her did some housework. First I washed my clothes ,and then cleaned my room. This afternoon I went shopping with my friends,I bought a blue T-shirt .Wow ,I have a full and happy day. .

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溥牵芪龙:[答案] The summer vacation is coming soon.We will have a two-month holiday.After a tiring school year,I'm going to relax myself.I will spend my vacation with my grandparents.I will stay with them for about ...

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