
作者&投稿:殷淑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love my roommate.He is so cute,and have a great body.I want to fuck him.Last weekend,we take shower together,and I touched his penis.Oh my god,it make me feel so good.Then I sucked his penis and drank his sperm.And he licked my toes,and told me that he love me too.I think I am gay,and love my roommate. 谢谢望采纳---栗花时候


For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with roommates, before university, they live with parents, so they don’t have the experience to live with others. It is a new thing for them, students have to learn to live with their roommates, it is hard for them to create a harmonious environment.
The first thing to get along with roommates is to communicate. Communication is a key word for them, if roommates don’t talk to each other, then they don’t understand each other, when comes to the argument, the situation becomes worse. So students should communicate with roommates often, get to know them.
The second thing is to be considerate. Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer late, then you have to make some sacrifice, you need to sleep early tonight, for not to disturb your roommate. Doing this will make your roommate moved, they will be considerate for you, too. If you are in trouble, they will come to help.
The problem of getting along with roommates is not easy, we should learn to tolerate with each other, be more patient and considerate.

here are a few ways to improve the relationship between your room mates.

First and foremost, communication between each other plays a very important role to maintain a healthy relationship. Whenever you or your room mate face any problem, discomfort or disagreement, it is very important for both of you to discuss about the matter. Do not choose to keep everything in your heart. If you do not like what your room mate did. Tell him or her. Let them know about it. Discuss the matter with them and settle it. Do hold grudges with your room mate.

Second, you and your room mate must work out a timetable. Set roles and house chores equally based on each other's abilities. Be responsible on the duty you are assigned to. If it is your day to sweep the floor then complete the task. Do not be lazy or be a last minute worker. Coorporation is very important for a good relationship between room mates.


所以说,建议大家能够从开始就呈现给室友最真实的自己,完全没有必要藏着掖着,想把最美好的一面展示出来。只有,他们完全了解你是怎样一个人以后,才能够更好地与你相处,即使在平时的开玩笑,也会更有分寸。坦诚相待,用最真实的自己与别人相处吧,就是第二个“生存法则”!03 避免逐渐成为“讨好...

大学四年和你相处最久的莫过于你的大学室友了,最了解你的也是大学室友,尽管他们可能不是你最好的朋友,但是你们需要在一起生活四年,和室友保持良好关系还是很重要的,那该怎么做呢?1. 共同维护宿舍卫生。宿舍是大家共同居住的地方,每个人都有保持宿舍卫生的责任,大家可以做一张值日表,轮流打扫...

互相帮助:当室友有困难时,不要事不关己高高挂起,翘着二郎腿看好戏,这样事非常糟糕的,有可能还会让室友觉得你可以帮却拒绝帮忙而心生怨恨,室友关系岌岌可危,相反的,若是你有这个能力,能及时帮助的,室友会对你感激万分,以后若是你有需要帮助的时候,他也会倾力相助的,室友关系自然会好。 爱护宿舍、整洁宿舍:同在...

1. 相互尊重和包容:尊重和包容是良好室友关系的关键。尊重对方的隐私、空间和时间,不要随意进入对方的私人领域。同时,要理解和包容对方的习惯和行为方式,建立互相包容的氛围。2. 建立有效的沟通渠道:保持开放和诚实的沟通对于室友之间的相处至关重要。定期举行室友会议或者进行日常交流,可以帮助大家更好...

1. 建立良好的沟通:保持开放、诚实和尊重的沟通是与室友相处的关键。及时沟通问题、需求和期望,避免让问题积累或产生误解。2. 共同制定室内规则:与室友一起制定室内规则,包括关于卫生、安静时间、共用空间的使用等方面。确保每个人都参与其中,达成共识并尊重规则。3. 尊重彼此的个人空间:尊重彼此的...

与室友和谐相处是宿舍生活中的重要一环。以下是一些建议,帮助你与室友建立良好关系:1. 建立有效的沟通:与室友保持开放、坦诚和积极的沟通是建立良好关系的基础。及时沟通问题,分享需求和意见,共同解决困扰。定期举行室友会议,讨论宿舍事务,并确保大家都参与其中。2. 尊重个人空间:在宿舍共享空间生活,...


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