
作者&投稿:超乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

兔老爹这次带给你的是塞缪尔·厄尔曼(Samuel Ullman)的名篇, 青春(Youth).

A man came home form work late, tired and found his 5 years old son waiting for him at the door. "Daddy,may I ask you a questIon ?" "Yeah, sure, what is it?" replied the man. "Daddy, how much do you make an hour? " " If you must know, I make $20 an hour."" Oh,"the little boy replied, with his head down, looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I please borrow $10" the father was furious, "If the only reason you asked

that is so you can borrow some money

to buy a silly toy, then you go to bed." The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. After about an hour or so,the man had calmed down. And started to think. Maybe there was something he really needed

to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the iIttle boy's room

and opened the door."Are you asleep, son?" he asked. "no daddy," replied the boy. "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier." said the man, "Here's the $10 you asked for." the little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry agaIn. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father. "Why do you want more money? Is you already have some ?" the father asked. "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do. "the little boy repiied, "Daddy , I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time ?Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."

1.Our school life is colorful. I have eight lessons every doy . And we have maths lessons, Chinese lessons ,English Lessons and so on.And I think my teacher is frendly to me. They always help me with my study.For example ,my English always help me to learn English.And after school, I often play sports with my classmates.For example ,we play footballs.I think it is good for my health.
<br>2. have a sweet and happy family. There are three people in my family,they are my father,mother and I.My father is a businessman.He has much work to do.He works very late every day.But as soon as he has the time,he will go shopping with my mother and me or watch TV and chat with us.
<br>My mother is a good woman.She works hard,too.She doesn't like doing housework, but she keeps our home tidy.Every day when I get home from school,she has delicious food ready for me to eat.My mother likes the house to look clean.She doesn't let us drop things on the floor.If my room is untidy,mymother will tell me off.
<br>I am an only child. Both of my parents love me very much.Though they love me,they are always strict with me.They often ask me to work hard.I have lots of interests.They always support me in these.I like to give speeches,so they let me take part in the speech competition.I like English,so they helped me to find a good teacher.They hope I can be successful one day.
<br>This is my family.I like this warm and quiet family.

I remember,I remember,The house where I was born,The little window where the sun came peeping in at morn;He never came a wink too soon,Nor brought too long a day,But now ,I often wish the night had borne my breath away.我还记得,我还记得,我诞生之地的房子,那小窗,太阳...

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Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish.The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it. When she left the meal, she was still very hungry. "I am ...

When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp Linking Mum at the other end and me this.When grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket By which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.Then homesickness took the shape of a grave,Mum inside ...

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youth--最美的英文散文 YOUTH Samuel Ullman Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness of the ...

下面是一篇5分钟左右的英语双人朗诵材料,希望您喜欢:Male Speaker:Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack. He was always daydreaming and had a big imagination. One day, he asked his mother, “Mom, can I have a pet?”Female Speaker:“A pet? What kind of pet do you want,...

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.青春不是年华,而是心境;It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees.青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions;而是深沉的意志、宏伟的...

一篇英语朗诵 有关志向 未来的 谢谢啊 急
Never give up,Never lose hope.Always have faith,It allows you to cope.Trying times will pass,As they always do.Just have patience,Your dreams will come true.So put on a smile,You'll live through your pain.Know it will pass,And strength you will gain 永 不 放 弃 ,永 不...

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振安区13766895462: 急需初二年级的英文朗诵稿? -
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振安区13766895462: 请帮我找一篇适用于朗诵的英语小短文,适用于初一——初二 -
保雯尿嘧: All that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 万物不变,是我们在变.你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想 think it over……好好想想…… today we have higher buildings...

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保雯尿嘧: I Believe I believe.* I believe in love because my wife taught me how.* I believe that a dance with fear leaves you winded, yet wiser.* I believe that having children has made me a better man.* I believe Speed Racer knew that Racer X was really his ...

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保雯尿嘧: The Star 星星 (1) Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星! How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形, Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中, Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的钻石. (2) When the blazing sun is ...

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保雯尿嘧: How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday . As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It's a beautiful city , bule sky and bule sea .The ...

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保雯尿嘧: (一)I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn't go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we ...

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保雯尿嘧: I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves ...

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