Too much dreaming 1. dream 不可数吗? 2. too much 后面为什么用ing形式?

作者&投稿:钮周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
too much dream的问题~

Dream 这里表示梦想是不可数名词。所以不能加S.
Much 只能修饰不可数名字。
Many 修饰可数名字。

注意标点符号,谓语动词是has rise,所以后面是非谓语动词,加ing


镜湖区18817894834: Too much dreaming 1. dream 不可数吗? 2. too much 后面为什么用ing形式? -
壹启参芪: 因为你这句子没有常规主语,所以dream作主语,同时dream又是动词,所以只能加ing变dreaming作动名词形式.dream不可数,跟water一样的道理,你不可以以任何形态来划分dream或者water的个数,所以dream没有复数形式.

镜湖区18817894834: ...ideas can carry over into dreams.Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream.But we often don't remember the dreams.Too much dreaming can ... -
壹启参芪:[答案] 1.B 这题的答案就是把第一句Dream may be more important than sleep. 变形一下而已 2.B 3.C 从文中的 They may think ... B错误,由文中The mind is hard at work when we dream. 可见大脑并不是不工作. C错误,文中有Too much dreaming can be ...

镜湖区18817894834: ...a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember the dream. Dreams can disappear (消失) quickly from memory (记忆). Too much dreaming ... -
壹启参芪:[答案] quarter 2.No,they do not. 3.Too much dreaming is bad for our health. 4.People often have dreams at night,but they cannot remember them clearly.If people had been thinking something all day,toughts would carry over into dreams.Too much ...

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壹启参芪: 在加拿大和美国,人们享受娱乐(请客在家.他们经常邀请朋友过来吃饭时,一个聚会,或只是咖啡和对话.这是种东西人们说当他们邀请某人到他们家:“你愿意和我们一起吃晚饭星期六晚吗?”“嘿,我们有个聚会在星期五.你能来...

镜湖区18817894834: ...These thoughts can carry over into dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't re - member the dream. Too much ... -
壹启参芪:[答案] 1.The dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time.2.Because they may have been thinking about their work all day.3.NO.People often forget the dream.4.Too much dreaming is bad for our health5...

镜湖区18817894834: B “Dream may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream,” some scientists say. Dream tak -
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壹启参芪: Do you remember your dreams ? Do people have the same dreams ?Why do me dream ? there are many questions about dreams .We dream during the REM stage of sleep .We have about five periods of REM sleep during the night .THE fist REM ...

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