
作者&投稿:酉庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)The best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching it feel able to learn.

The best reason for the success of the program may be that……它是情态动词may引导的表语从句,be是系动词,后面跟的makes是动词,之所以有feel,是使用make……do……用法,跟动词原型,表示'''使或能'''的含义。
(2)Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from "Sesame street" are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.

首先从though部分断开,是个表示’‘'虽然,但是'’‘的并列句。之后some teachers find that 开始的是宾语从句,内部嵌套了两层,第一层when first graders,时间状语从句,表示当什么时候,第二层里面有两个并列的结构,who have learned 这是个主语从句,修饰的是first graders,who have not watched 这是个主语从句,修饰的是children。

I firmly believe that with my confident and aspiring character, earnest, realistic and responsible working attitude, strong learning capability, and interest in this field will be helpful for my further study in this field.
with my confident and aspiring character是宾语从句中的介词短语 作宾语从句中的伴随状语

earnest, realistic and responsible working attitude, strong learning capability, and interest in this field是宾语从句中的主语 由并列的三个主语构成 working attitude、learning capability、and interest
will be helpful是宾语从句中的谓语

1.把taken改为given, 意思是:我在家是曾被父母无微不至的照顾
2.把taken改为given,并把used to改为am used to, 意思是:我习惯于在家被父母无微不至的照顾.

be used to sth.对某事感到习惯,类似结构:be used to doing,习惯做某事;used to do过去常常


1 My parents used to take care of me at home.
2 I am used to being taken care of by my parents at home.

I have been used to be taken care of by my parents at home.



一、逻辑主语:是非谓语动词动作的执行者或承受者;它们在逻辑上存在着主谓关系或动宾关系,但不能直接作非谓语动词的主语,因此叫逻辑主语。逻辑主语的判断:1. 句子主语就是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,它们之间是逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。例如: He likes helping others . (he 是helping 的逻辑...

问题三:表示正在进行中的句子 読んでいます中的います是不是いる+ます?如果是从语法说的话是动词て形+いる 表状态的持续

英语语法问题在线求助 急
as…as 中的第一个as是副词,修饰形容词young ;第二个as是连词,引起一个比较状语从句she was ten years ago 。than是介词或连词。conj (used after a comparative adj or adv to introduce a clause or phrase in which a comparison is expressed 用于形容词或副词的比较级之後, 引导表示比较关...

1. Whether the Sumerians were the first people to develop writing is uncertain。develop writing is uncertain。用的是现在时态,表明是一种客观现实。你应该知道说历史事件客观发生,太阳东升西落等等,自然、历史存在的情况用现在时。2.Helen never submits anything to an editor until revising it...

一个英语语法的问题 在线等!
1.have 不去掉的话是一个现在完成时态,可以表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作。have 是构成现在完成时态的助动词,没有含义。 have done。I have always thought traveling is a very interesting hobby.我常认为旅行是个很一项有意思的业余爱好。2.have去掉的话变成一般过去式,表示过去经常发生的动作...

character是宾语从句中的介词短语 作宾语从句中的伴随状语 earnest, realistic and responsible working attitude, strong learning capability, and interest in this field是宾语从句中的主语 由并列的三个主语构成 working attitude、learning capability、and interest will be helpful是宾语从句中的谓语 ...

所以答案是D 省略if 句子倒装 had i received =if i had received 4 这是so,,,that ,,,句型 选项AD 语法不对 本句主语是robots 表语是形容词clever 所以 应该 用 副词so 修饰形容词clever so clever 置于句首 句子要倒装 排除B 所以答案是C 7 表示方位的状语 前置 句子要完全...

用need,从句主语是what faults ,谓语是need,而反身代词himself在这里作状语,可以忽略,把它删了,结构就清楚了。第二个保持词性一致即可,poor是adj,而flatter是n或v,肯定不行。

答案:The story of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from other languages.这句话的表语是one of massive stealing。one of是massive stealing from other languages中的其中之一。massive是形容词修饰stealing,这里的stealing 是名词“盗窃”is可以加adv,副词可以修饰形容词和...

句型: 体言(A)+より+体言(B)+の+ほう+が+たかいです 顺序: A+和..比+B+的+(强调其)一方+(が表示主体)+高 直译: 比起A还是B高 より=比起,比 の=的 ほう=一方,强调几个中的一个 が=助词,表主体 たかい=高 です=敬语结句 这是比较A和B两个事物的基本句型.句型的意思是B...

灌南县15786503744: 英语语法题,直接引语转间接引语!在线等!将下列直接引语转化成间接引语.1.he said to his daughter,"I'll go to see a film with your mother tonight."2."Why... -
澹该博坦:[答案] 1.he said to his daughter,"I'll go to see a film with your mother tonight."--> He told his daughter (that) he would go to see a film with her mother that night.2."Why do you sleep in the open air last...

灌南县15786503744: 在线在线等!英语语法问题.you will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary 这句中为什么find后面跟... -
澹该博坦:[答案] 可以理解为动名词作find的宾语. 第二个to 是介词,后跟动词ing形式. 英语中有很多情况to 是介词,类似的有,solution to ,key to ,close to ,entrance to ;lead to ,contribute to ,object to .

灌南县15786503744: 七年级英语语法题!~简单的!在线等噢,只有几道题!( )Let's______play in the street. Father tells me______do so.A.not to;not to B.not;not to C.don't;to ... -
澹该博坦:[答案] 1.B Let's not do sth tell sb not to do sth 2.A 有几分,一点儿 熊猫有点儿可爱.

灌南县15786503744: 一个高中英语语法问题~!急!在线等!非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和现在分词.可是我们老师说having done 也是非谓语动词.为什么?问题:having ... -
澹该博坦:[答案] having done 是非谓语动词,是现在分词的完成式 不定式,动名词和分词,不仅仅只是现在分词还有过去分词.这是基本的几... 动作发生在谓语动作之前 如有疑问,请追问. 无疑后请采纳. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟. -----------与君共勉-----------

灌南县15786503744: 英语语法,在线等 -
澹该博坦: 68. Having reflected69.making70.delivered71. Being educated...what72. to enter73. but74. It..,is rich in75. adapting to...environment...is

灌南县15786503744: 一个初二语法问题,不难,在线等sb tell/ask sb how to do sth 这里how为什么放在这个位置上,那what 是what to do还是to do what 又如何区别什么时候是从句... -
澹该博坦:[答案] tell sb how to do tell sb what to do tell sb where to go tell sb when to leave 只要是wh-开始的,都放在to do 之前.意思是告诉某人“怎么”做某事等等.如果没有wh-的词,意思就是告诉某人做某事.

灌南县15786503744: 几个英语基础语法问题,大家帮帮忙,在线等候 -
澹该博坦: 和汉语一样的.主就是主语,一般由名词或代词充当谓就是谓语,一般是动词.宾就是宾语,一般是名词或代词.比如:Jack is a boy.这里Jack就是主语,is是be动词,就是谓语.boy是宾语.而a是数词,用来修饰boy.再如:He always plays PC game.这里He 就是主语,play是谓语,PC game 是宾语.always是副词,总是的意思.用在动词前充当状语

灌南县15786503744: 七年级下册的英语语法题!~!在线等噢,只有几道题!~很简单的( )He wants_______Hong Kong with his friends.A.goes B.go to C.to go to D.going( )The ... -
澹该博坦:[答案] 1、He wants .to go to Hong Kong with his friends. 2、The pandas are kind of shy,so please___be____quiet. 3、They are my friends .They are friendly to me. 4、why 5、very relaxing

灌南县15786503744: 高手帮忙看一个英语语法问题--------在线等get doing主要用于非正式文体中,通常表示某种特定动作的开始,尤其用于get moving,get going,get thinking等搭配... -
澹该博坦:[答案] 毫无疑问是打印错误, 不管got to thinking和got thinking是不是一样意思,在你提供的情境中,所举3个例子是来解释上面的话的,(尤其用于get moving,get going,get thinking等搭配中)3个例子分别对应这3个词.

灌南县15786503744: 英语语法在线等,急帮帮忙 -
澹该博坦: C 意思:这个孩子不信任地盯着这个陌生人.C 令每个人吃惊的是,这个孩子用木棍打破了湖面的平静.C 令我恼怒的是,情感与行动之间总是有差距的.D 这个正在设计的新塔将成为这座城市的主要...

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