
作者&投稿:司选 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chinese students’ homework: in order to consolidate the theoretic knowledge, it is so boring and uncreative . It takes students a lot of time. There is beneficial aspect .Although sometimes students have many exams in their student life ,it can be good for them. It can make them easy to pass the college entrance examination and accept the higher education.
American students’ homework: Homework cultivate children innovative thinking and creativity.Not only does it develop good habits, but also cultivate independence, let the children easily adapt to the society .

mostly likely to be have no idea; whereas, asking them who the best football, basketball, baseball players are, you will get the answers right away. Girls in US like playing soccer and going to gyms. Chinese students only like sports they are good at. They don't feel like ever playing something they are not good at. Chinese girls barely do exercises. They hate sweating. They don't think sports have anything to do with them.
A good student in China studies by doing homework and extra exercises to get themselves more familiar with more types of questions. A good student in US would be more likely to go to libraries and read books that they are interested in. They often like working on a group project or research paper. They believe that is a better way to develop problem-solving skills and it is more fun to solve a realistic problem.

there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspectsAs we know ,I will set examples of China and America.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding

中国学生在美国学习中应该在课堂上活跃一些;和美国学生更好的沟通和交流,给学生们一些意见和建议吧。 如何和美国学生交流 要想真正获得留学美国的特别经验,最好与美国人及其他国家的学生交友。参加学校俱乐部、运动组织、学生会等都可促进社交生活。在当地社会方面,你可加入一些服务组织及义工组织、接待...


对于学生来说,这是一个充满活力和独特的地方,但对于某些人来说,过渡可能更具挑战性。以下是有关您第一次作为研究生在美国学习时会发生什么的一些提示。 体验美国生活方式美国是一个幅员辽阔的国家,人们的生活方式、价值观和他们所遵守的习俗可能因州而异。美国的许多地方都非常宽容,具有创造力...

美国留学 怎样和美国学生相处
我为大家介绍怎样和美国学生相处,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。 中国留学生孤身到国外求学,由于语言、环境以及文化差异等各种因素影响,难免会感到孤独,产生思乡情绪。那么如何与外国学生相处?如何能够融入到他们的生活?美国留学专家给大家提出了几点建议。国外...



为何美国学生家长有参加子女毕业典礼的传统,而中国学生家长很少参加子 ...
回答:题主其实已经提到了一些东西,美国学生家长参加子女的毕业典礼,那是他们的传统,但是中国学生家长很少参加子女的毕业典礼,是因为我们没有这种传统。 传统原因 在我国,结束学业通常不是由一个毕业典礼来结束的。如果你去看一年一度的大学入学考试,家长们在考试的最后环节等着去接孩子们,你就会理解的。或...


考试:美国学生同样面临升学考试 期中考试、期末考试以及随堂考试等各种各样的考试,让中国学生应接不暇。而美国学生也并非毫无压力的学习,他们也需要面临考试,同样包括升学考试。会有州级测试来评估学生是否可以升入下个年级,或是老师给学生个别测试来评估学生学到了什么。州级的测试是在一个课程的最后...

为来自发展中国家学生提供的奖学金:1.阿加汗基金会国际奖学金项目——为来自非洲国家的研究生提供奖学金。2.万事达卡基金会奖学金——非洲学生在美国和非洲学习的奖学金。针对国际学生的大学特定美国奖学金:1.美国大学新兴全球领袖奖学金 ——在华盛顿特区美国大学学习的本科奖学金。面向具有领导潜力...

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