
作者&投稿:阮新 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我不是计算机专业的,有些专业名词我也不懂 只能翻译成这样了。。。


In today's world, the computer plays an important role. As Internet widely application, the increasing popularity of computer, the rapid development of the computer network increasingly facing enormous threats, such as: information disclosure, hacker attacks, virus infection, computer network security becomes the important influence network performance problems, the safety of a network information system should ensure that transmit information integrity, confidentiality, undeniable sex etc. Use the password techniques can maximize the elimination of these threats, guarantee the security of network information, prevent information tampered, forged. Current security communication and network security technology is a lot of more phyletic, including data encryption is the guarantee of information security core technical measures, information encryption is the main component of modern cryptography. This paper introduces the modern network information security system and the problems of the construction of information security cryptography technology in the application.



Network information security and cryptography
Today's world, the computer plays an important role. With the extensive use of the Internet, the increasing popularity of computers, computer networks, the rapid development of increasingly facing a huge threat, for example: Information leakage, hacking, virus infection, computer network security has become an important issue affecting network performance, a network information security system should ensure that the transmission of information integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and so on. Using cryptographic techniques to maximize the elimination of these threats, the security of network information security, prevent information being tampered with or forged. Protection of communication and present many different types of network security technologies, including data encryption technology to protect information security measures for the core technology, information encryption of modern cryptography, the main components. This article outlines the construction of modern network information security system problems, and cryptography in information security application.
Keywords: Information Security Cryptography Cryptography Network Security

heat treatment vacuum furnace,that is to utilize the vacuum system in a specific room(furnace chamber),to exhaust part of the inner substances,make the pressure in furnace chamber below 1 standard pressure,and the inside in high degree of vacuum condition ,then to heat treat ...

专业英文:Major;Specialty。专业指的:(1) 专门从事某种学业或职业。(2) 专门的学问。(3) 高等学校或中等专业学校所分的学业门类。(4) 产业部门的各业务部分。(5) 是指一种物质或某种作业的作用范围。


I am the Jinzhong University Mathematics Department of information and computing science professional a level 2014 Freshman


Therefore,the PID controller has three parameters,that must be tuned to obtain satisfactory control.因此,PID控制器要达到预期的控制结果,其三个参数必须是已被调谐的。Notice that there is only one derivative tuning parameter.要注意的是这里只有一个导数调谐参数 It has same units(单位,机组...

大学里面的“专业”翻译成英文:specialty ; profession 专业英语 Specialty English ; Specialized English ; Professional English ; English for Mechanics 法律专业 legal profession ; LAW ; personal statement ; ZBF 专业伦理 professional ethics ...

Abstract:With the continuing development of advanced highways construction ,the management and quality control requirements for slipform paved concrete pavement is also getting higher and higher. Effective management of mechinery equipment is a necessite which determines the quality and ...

铣刨机 milling machine 内燃式破碎镐 internal combustion broken-hoe,internal combustion crushing pickaxe 冲击夯 battering ram 平板夯 compactor 参考资料:科技英语强手团

Selecting a low-strength bolt to be used with a Class 600 flange joint with proper gasketing will require the bolts to be torqued beyond their yield point, or, at the very least, beyond their elastic range, To explain this briefly, bolts act as springs when they are installed...

武威市19661376213: 英语翻译不要有语法错误 -
蛮松奇力:[答案] It's so careless of him to make such a mistake!

武威市19661376213: 英语翻译不要有语法错误,当然汉字能弄这么优美,英语只要是这个意思就好不要求一字字的抠翻译器的就别来了- - -
蛮松奇力:[答案] In places of desperation,I glance back to you. 楼上都有语法错误 - -

武威市19661376213: 求推荐一款专业的英文翻译软件,专业的,不存在语法错误的,不要有道,百度翻译. -
蛮松奇力: 如果是仅仅翻译单词、有道这种免费的就可以了,想要专业点可以用牛津电子版、还有英美两种发音呢,再想专业点就可以用朗文的.但如果是翻译句子,你放心,我北外的研究生导师都不承认现在有任何一款自动翻译软件可以完美避免翻译错误.

武威市19661376213: 什么是计算机英语? -
蛮松奇力: 计算机英语与其他专业英语的最大区别就在于它的“日新月异”,特点也不少:客观、严谨、准确、精练,专业术语多,缩略语经常出现,合成的新词多,介词短语、分词短语和名词性词组使用频繁,长句、祈使句和被动语态使用较多,方程与...

武威市19661376213: 【急】求高手英文翻译,无语法错误,所以机器什么的就不要来了,句子不要翻的太死板,谢谢!
蛮松奇力:您好,可翻译为:Alway thinking that if I could have one twentieth of tenacity from yours,then my life would be a little different.But as a matter of fact,my life has been different for you.满意速速速采纳并给好评,谢谢! 其他翻译是错误的,没用虚拟语...

武威市19661376213: 本科论文答辩时老师会很注意摘要的英文翻译部分语法问题吗? -
蛮松奇力: 不会的,大多教授也不是英语专业的,所以不太在意这些语法错误,但是专业词汇千万不要错!

武威市19661376213: 英文翻译 大概翻就可以 不用很华丽 但尽量不要出现语法错误 谢谢~ -
蛮松奇力: The Laser Strike is a new-rise competitive amusement which With high-tech simulation to humen battleground.It'the idea of made from...

武威市19661376213: 求准确英语翻译,不能出现语法错误,由于本人毕业设计说明书要英语翻译,求大神帮忙? -
蛮松奇力: Along with the media industry development, make people understand the world of media in a variety of ways. Feature films as a kind of high reliability, rich in content and way of the media, has been widely used in various media. Character feature ...

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