A cat. A cat and a mat. A bat. A cat and a bat.翻译

作者&投稿:征股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
all you need is love ... and a cat怎么翻译,关键是后面那个and a cat。~

至于后面的a cat 是不是有引申义,要看上下文判断了,cat是否代表着什么

在英文里面,猫和狗代表冤家,《Cat and dog...于是有两个人,特别指一对夫妻,“lead a cat-and-dog life”就是过着吵闹不休的生活

A cat.一只猫
A cat and a mat.一只猫和一个垫子
A bat.一只蝙蝠
A cat and a bat.一只猫和一只蝙蝠


一只猫 一只猫和一块地毯 一只蝙蝠 一只猫和一只蝙蝠

雨湖区18089629815: a cat and dog 和a cat and a dog 的区别 -
韶高安乐: 您好,在英语中,a cat and dog 较少使用,更常使用 a cat and a dog.不过用一个冠词和用2个冠词的区别通常在于两个名词之间是否是成套或是互相关联着.所以:1)a cat and dog 指的是【猫】和【狗】是同时间出现,互相关联,缺一不可....

雨湖区18089629815: 如何判断单词前的冠词用a还是an -
韶高安乐: (1)以元音字母a、e、i、o、u开头且发元音音素的单词前用an. 例. a cup a cat a dog a cake 一个茶杯 一只猫 一条狗 一块蛋糕 (2)以辅音字母开头或首字母不发元音的单词用a.例: an eraser a coin an old bike a green apple 一块橡皮 一枚...

雨湖区18089629815: 四年级英语作文:A cat and a dog -
韶高安乐: Once upon a time, a dog and a cat were friends. One day, the cat's mother bought a dress for the cat. And the dog's mother bought aball for the dog, too. The dog gave the ball to the cat. The cat was very happy.The cat put the ball near the river. ...

雨湖区18089629815: 英语作文:A cat and a dog -
韶高安乐: 1. There is a cat and a dog 2. Hungry cat, a cat eating dog food, dog very angry, very afraid of cats 3. Very angry dogs, cats are afraid of 4. Tired and hungry cat, a dog eat 5. Cats do not like dogs, cats do not like dogs

雨湖区18089629815: 两个形容词前都有冠词,表示两个不同的东西.He raises a black and a white cat .... -
韶高安乐: 如果句中有a,就用单数:a black and a white cat.如果句中没有a, 就用复数:the black and white cats. 如果此处用了单数cat,则意思发生了变化:the black and white cat 这只黑白相间的猫. 补充回答: 英语语言表达,掌握了,就明白了: 一只猫:a black and white cat; the black and white cat 两只猫:a black and a white cat (通过两个冠词体现);the black and whtie cats (通过名词的复数体现) 有a肯定用单数,但是,有the就不一定了.

雨湖区18089629815: 英语翻译Two cats are before a cat.Two cats are behind a cat.And a cat is in the middle.How may cats are there? -
韶高安乐:[答案] 翻译一只猫前面有两只猫一只猫后面有两只猫一只猫在中间一共有几只猫?答案:three cats有三只猫因为:two cats are before a cat :一共有三只two cats are behind a cat:还是三只a cat is in the middle :三只中正好...

雨湖区18089629815: all you need is love ... and a cat怎么翻译,关键是后面那个and a cat. -
韶高安乐: 很简单啊,大意: 你所需要的只是爱....和一只猫---这句话的本意就是这个 至于后面的a cat 是不是有引申义,要看上下文判断了,cat是否代表着什么

雨湖区18089629815: There_ _ _- (is,are)is a dog and a cat.是不是is? -
韶高安乐:[答案] 是is 就近原则

雨湖区18089629815: 英语作文:A cat and a dog提示:1.有一只猫和一只狗2.猫很饿,猫吃了狗的食物,狗很生气,猫很害怕3.狗很生气,猫很害怕4.猫又累又饿,狗吃饱了5.猫... -
韶高安乐:[答案] 1.There is a cat and a dog 2.Hungry cat,a cat eating dog food,dog very angry,very afraid of cats 3.Very angry dogs,cats are afraid of 4.Tired and hungry cat,a dog eat 5.Cats do not like dogs,cats do n...

雨湖区18089629815: 有关猫的谚语 -
韶高安乐: A cat may look at aking.猫也有权晋见国王A living dog is better than a dead lion.一条活狗胜过一头死狮.All the cats are grey in the dark. 猫在暗中都是灰色的.Care killed the cat 忧虑缠身The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better ...

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