on his way to work tom saw an old man knocked down by a bike后面怎么说

作者&投稿:逄旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On my way to(去掉to) home yesterday afternoon ,i happend to witness a traffic accident.when an old woman was crossed(把ed改为ing) the road,she was knocked down by a boy riding bike(把riding bike改为who was riding a bike),the boy was such(such改为so)frightened that he stood still at(at 改为on)the scence(拼写错误 应为 scene) but didn't know what to do.i quickly went(应为came) up and saw the old woman lie(应为lying) on the ground,making crying(应为made to cry) because of pain.i stopped(应为asked) a taxi and told the driver that(应为what) had happened.the driver drove them to the nearst hospial at once.to our relieve(应为relief) ,we were told that the old woman wasn't injured seriously after she was examined carefully.the boy was deep(应为deeply) grateful for(应为to) our help.

小题1:C 小题2:C 小题3:B 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲了什么是天堂和地狱?通过这个故事告诉人们劳动的意义。 小题1: 细节理解题。 根据 the man could not stand his present life and went to the owner again and said, “I really can not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would like to go to hell instead of living here.男人无法忍受现在的生活,一次次去找老板说,“我真的受不了这样的生活。如果你不给我一份工作,我想去地狱,而不是住在这里。可知选C。 小题2: 细节理解题。 根据 the man could not stand his present life and went to the owner again and said, “I really can not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would like to go to hell instead of living here.男人无法忍受现在的生活,一次次去找老板说,“我真的受不了这样的生活。如果你不给我一份工作,我想去地狱,而不是住在这里。可知应选C。 小题5: 归纳理解题。通过The owner of the palace laughed loudly and then said, “Do you think it is Heaven here? It is actually Hell!”宫殿的主人大声笑了,然后说:“你认为这里是天堂吗?它实际上是地狱!”故选B。

on his way to work tom saw an old man knocked down by a bike,and then tom take the old man to hospital


琼结县19814904607: on the way的用法,还有放在句子的位置 -
善帝加葵: 句首句尾都可以: on the way home; (不加冠词) on the way to school / the hotel / the station.(用定冠词) On his way home, he saw a woman crying. He said nothing on his way to school.

琼结县19814904607: on one`s way to和make one's way的区别 -
善帝加葵: on one's way to和make one's way的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、on one's way to:在去的路上. 2、make one's way:走自己的路. 二、用法不同 1、on one's way to:基本意思是“路,道,街,径”,一般...

琼结县19814904607: 为什么这里填on his way? -
善帝加葵: 这里应当是return, On his return to England... 因为句子很明显表达他从国外工作归来,这里不能说On his way to... 这样成了去某个(新)地方

琼结县19814904607: - On his way to work.的中文意思是什么?(有关地点的) 问句是: - Where does she have breakfast? -
善帝加葵: 选择A,在上班的路上 不过给出的答案都有问题.即使是A,比较合适而不至于产生歧义的答案或许该是“在去上班的路上”.这里to work是介宾结构短语其中work是名词to是介词,而不是作为不定式形式的to work.在不定式to work中,work是动词,to是表示work是不定式动词的小品词.因此,用替换法可以帮主判断:on his way to school he met his friend.很显然,这里to school是介宾结构,way to school当然不能理解成学校中的一条路人们在学校的上课过程就是在这条路上走并在这条路上吃早餐.

琼结县19814904607: on his way to是什么意思 -
善帝加葵: 在他去...的路上

琼结县19814904607: 跪求正确答案,是on one's way to doing sth还是on one's way to do sth!!各位高人谁能解释? -
善帝加葵: "on one's way to doing sth" : 接近做某事 He is well on his way to becoming an officer of the company 他就快当上公司的高管了"on one's way to do sth" : 在去做某事的路上 She was on her way to do some shopping when she was ...

琼结县19814904607: on his ways home对吗 -
善帝加葵: on one's way ...在...的路上 way不用加s 此外,home是副词,前面不能加介词等. 所以,正确的应该是on one's way home

琼结县19814904607: on one's way to是什么意思 -
善帝加葵: on one's way to意思是往…去的路上 一、on 英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n] prep.(表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时 adv.(放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去 adj.活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生着的...

琼结县19814904607: 用英语词组on one's way造十个句子!!谢谢 -
善帝加葵: I had better be on my way soon. I'll buy some bread on my way home. I am on my way to school.我在上学的路上 I was on my way to school when I met him.当我遇到他的时候我在上学的路上 On his way home,he saw a very beautiful bird.在他回家的路...

琼结县19814904607: on his road 和 on his way的区别 -
善帝加葵: 两者都有在路上的意思,前者更侧重于在人生或做某一件事的路上,后者指在途中(on his way home)

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