有谁能帮忙翻译一下 郝歌 唱的英文版 东风破和发如雪的歌词吗?

作者&投稿:詹禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁有东风破 发如雪 英文歌词啊~

发 如 雪
Hair flowing, snow falling

狼牙月伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪
A crescent moon, cold and gray,
Is when my fair lady pines away
A cup in my hand,
Downing snow and wind of all kind

是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非
who upsets my former life
stirring up dust and grief?

缘字诀几番轮回 你锁眉哭红颜唤不回
Our fate is already written down,
No matter how many times it goes round.
hard and sad you wrinkle your brows
crying over beauty fading like the hours.

Even if history goes up in ashes
my love never ever dies.

繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶
of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands
I only take one scoop to bear in minds
Obsessed with the butterfly
flapping in your after life.

你发如雪凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁
Hair flowing, snow falling,
It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting.
Whose heart is touched when incenses are burnt?

邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美
Inviting the moon to light up a past,
full, and bright, the love shall ever last.

你发如雪纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁
Your hair flows as the snow falls
Scattering away hot tears
Who, in my wait, has advanced in years?

红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔刻永世爱你的碑
Slightly drunken is the worldly Red Dust;
Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart


everybody say
everybody say yeah
everybody say yeah yeah
i said yeah......
i never knew how to prove my love to you
it seems so real that you make my life fulfill
why can't we keep our love perfect, please still
where(why) did we lose it baby what can i do
time can erase the words you whisper in my ears
my world is scared and stayed and i can't catch it clear
i pretend and smile through out thousand years
bury it'll be pain that we can never hide
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
oh baby please don't leave me give me one more chance
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we'll be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
so baby please don't leave me don't never never walk away
time can erase the words to whisper in my ears
my world is scared and stayed and i can't catch it clear
i pretend and smile through out thousand years
bury it'll be pain that we can never hide
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
oh baby please don't leave me give me one more chance
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
so baby please don't leave me never walk away
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
so baby please don't leave me never walk away
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
so baby please don't leave me never walk away
why can't you stay why can't you give me an answer straight
we will be regreting if we're waiting for too long
i will be safe if you don't push our love away
so baby never walk away

  Cool crescent and pining person
  Fill my cup with a legend
  Who bothers the Pandora of history
  To unveil the mystery?
  Life cycles glide by
  You weep the deaf bygones and ask why
  Bright my love shall ever shine
  Amid ashes of time
  A drop of love could be enough
  In a river of better days weathered
  The butterfly haunts me
  It’s nobody but thee
  Your snowy hair waves,helpless to the parting
  For whom can my pray be touching?
  Oh,Dianda,purify our memory
  And fulfill our story
  Your snowy hair waves ,tears dancing
  Who is to age right here waiting?
  Oh,my love ,it never regrets and fades
  Even on the world wide web half a wake
  Copper mirrors innocent ponytails
  Run wild as you may I’d always stay

一盏离愁孤单伫立在窗口 我在门后假装你人还没走
All alone in wait by the window,
Stands a sad lamp in parting sorrow.
To linger behind an unbelieving gate,
Isn’t my longing gaze all but too late?

旧地如重游月圆更寂寞 夜半清醒的烛火不忍苛责我
Lonelier is the moon full and cold,
Bitter still is when an old love retold.
A midnight candle struggles to keep awake,
Isn’t a sleepless grief all but my mistake?

一壶漂泊浪迹天涯难入喉 你走之后酒暖回忆思念瘦
To the end of the world I drift,
With a pot of wine too heavy to lift.
The wine revives a memory thin and thick..
Doesn’t it warm up all but a heart so love-sick?

水向东流时间怎麼偷 花开就一次成熟我却错过
How can I bear to steal the hour
As water flows east to catch a flower,
Soon blooming, soon withering, and so forgotten.
Didn’t my life miss all but a fateful blossom?

谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破 岁月在墙上剥落看见小时候
Who played over a lute amid east breezes,
Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces?
A weary wall stands peeling and silent.
Doesn’t it remind all but an age innocent?

犹记得那年我们都还很年幼 而如今琴声幽幽我的等候你没听过
Youthful hours are no more and passed.
Am I alone holding to by-gones fast?
In vain is the music blown to float.
Isn’t my wait all but a sobbing note?

谁再用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破 枫叶将故事染色结局我看透
Never could the same lute ever play
A tune long gone and blown far away.
Maples live for a moment bright and brief.
Wouldn’t our story come to all but a grief?

篱笆外的古道我牵著你走过 荒烟漫草的年头就连分手都很沉默
Beyond hedges an ancient path forgot the time
When we walked along with your hand in mine.
Parting words speak less than a silent tear.
Isn’t memory all but smoky grass far and near?


福山区19621471651: 跪求!!郝歌版 花田错 英文歌词(最好中英对照)!
祢夏乳酸: 花 田 错 A mistake in the Flower Festival 夜好深了 纸窗里怎么亮着 deep in the night ... ble to bring the snow-covered spring 当时空成为拥有你唯一条件 我 又醉 when space ...

福山区19621471651: 谁有郝歌唱的英文版《发如雪》 的完整歌词 谢谢 -
祢夏乳酸: 2006年2月27日,武汉大雪,李杜老师触雪生情,即兴将周杰伦的歌曲《发如雪》翻译成美妙的英文,现刊录如下与大家分享. 发 如 雪 Hair flowing, snow falling 狼牙月伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪 A crescent moon, cold and gray,Is when my fair ...

福山区19621471651: 请问谁有郝歌唱的<<发如雪>>英文版的歌词? -
祢夏乳酸: 如 雪 Hair flowing, snow falling 狼牙月伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪 A crescent moon, cold and gray, Is when my fair lady pines away A cup in my hand, Downing snow and wind of all kind 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非 who upsets my former life ...

福山区19621471651: 谁能帮我听出郝歌唱的英文版的发如雪和东风破的歌词,高分!不是叫你翻译
祢夏乳酸: I can feel you near, in control You've taken my mind please spare my soul Left alone to cleanse the night Forge what's right, sanctify How can I be to blame? It's been done now the wounds still remain Crucify and deny me Static, silent, just let me ...

福山区19621471651: 发如雪的英文版叫什么名字 -
祢夏乳酸: 发如雪的英文版叫:Snowy Hair 歌名:Snowy Hair 歌手:郝歌(uwechue emmanuel) 专辑:《红与黑》发行时间:2006-07-28 歌词:狼牙月 伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非 Cool crescent and pining person Fill my cup...

福山区19621471651: 周杰伦的歌被翻唱成英文歌曲的有哪些?拜托各位了 3Q -
祢夏乳酸: 1、一位非洲赖比瑞亚的歌手郝歌(uwechue emmanuel)在他的专辑《红与黑》中,将周董的《发如雪》、《东风破》两首歌填上英文词重唱,不过周董所属阿尔发唱片表示,这两首歌的词曲并未对外授权.因此,郝歌“中翻英”的作品,其实是侵权行为.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

福山区19621471651: 高分跪求各位英文高手大侠帮忙!!!
祢夏乳酸: 花 田 错 A mistake in the Flower Festival deep in the nightWhy does the paper window still leak light? Do you stay up all nightOnly to share with me a faint candlelight? Nothing but a chance encounteror a dream in the Red Chamberstrips my...

福山区19621471651: 快乐大本营 陈司翰来的那一期和郝歌和快乐大家族唱的那首英文叫什么啊?去哪里有下载他们唱的啊? -
祢夏乳酸: 我知道我知道我知道,《修女也疯狂》里的插曲,等等,百度中... 上歌词: i will follow him follow him wherever he may go and near him i always will be for nothing can keep me away he is my destinyi will follow him ever since he touched my ...

福山区19621471651: 周杰伦有什么歌被翻译成英文来唱的?
祢夏乳酸: 东风破 郝歌 唱的

福山区19621471651: 帮找下郝歌发如雪英文歌词.高分 -
祢夏乳酸: wah, come on, everybody say, everybody say, yeah, everybody say yeah, i said yeah, i said ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...i never knew how to prove my love to you,it seems so real that you make my life fulfill,why can't we keep our ...

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