
作者&投稿:甘趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

虽然有的题目比较费时间,但是也只能 这样来提高自己的学习水平,多和老师交流,在网上是问不到答案的哈
老师是很乐意学生去问问题的,问多了 老师也会给很多学习上的建议


一 1.pleased 2.free 3. queen's 4. Although 5. famous
6-10. CCAAC 11-15. BCBAC

二 16-20 BCAAC 21-25 DCCAC 26-30 BCABC

三 31-35 BACAB 36-40 DDCAB

四 41-45 CBCBD

五 46. didn't go to bed until
47. He was ill, but he went to the museum with us
48. Although Jane was sick yesterday, she still went to school
49. so that he can learn
50. enjoyed ourselves
六 51. won't be back until
52. all over the world
53. has gone to the library
54. so that I could see better
55. many different kinds of fishes
七 56. cross 57. look 58. left 59.right 60. visitors 61. go 62. take 63. wait 64. get 65. pay

八年级的学霸们 谁做过这张英语周报 第三期求答案
hard. hardly hardly


Everyone should go to school,But there are many diffierent school,Here is my drean school. In that school,there is no teacher.Many robots can teach you about your lessons,YOU needn't take books with you ,you can use your computer.My school had better have an amusement park....


Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to niushoushan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,...

best to make our world more and more beautiful.第1版 参考答案 话题阅读 I.1.Very loud noise 2.laws II.B处 文化视窗 I.1.A 2.D II.However,it is the bus that people often take to go from place to place in the city.百科掠影 I.1.Because aspider has eight legs ...

invite preparing travelers opening surprised



听句子,选择与其...EBFCA 听对话 ABCBC CBBCA Mr.Smith 10:00 11:30 听对话too far away Lucy 单项选择CBBDBBCADBBCBDB 完形填空DADACBACBACDB 阅读理解 难度❤CCDAB 难度❤❤FTFTT 词汇A)true own meters influence husband B)decision luckily thinner ate danger 将下列...

山阴县17014501382: 八年级人教版英语周报第十七期答案要2010年的周报要快我会一直等 -
愈毅新力:[答案] 一 1.pleased 2.free 3.queen's 4.Although 5.famous 6-10.CCAAC 11-15.BCBAC 二 16-20 BCAAC 21-25 DCCAC 26-30 BCABC 三 31-35 BACAB 36-40 DDCAB 四 41-45 CBCBD 五 46.didn't go to bed until 47.He was ill,but he went to the museum ...

山阴县17014501382: 八年级人教版英语周报第十七期答案 -
愈毅新力: 一 1.pleased 2.free 3. queen's 4. Although 5. famous 6-10. CCAAC 11-15. BCBAC 二 16-20 BCAAC 21-25 DCCAC 26-30 BCABC 三 31-35 BACAB 36-40 DDCAB 四 41-45 CBCBD 五 46. didn't go to bed until 47. He was ill, but he went to the ...

山阴县17014501382: 初二上英语周报第17期答案 -
愈毅新力: 一、单项选择1-5 ABDAB 6-10 DCBBC 11-15 BDDAD 二、适当形式填空1. shopping 2. freezing 3. showery 4. joking 5. usually6. be 7. did… arrive 8. to go 9. rain 10. to improve 三、完成句子1. best … arrive in2. to bring … because … to take ...

山阴县17014501382: 初二上英语周报第17期答案unit5helpinglesson13 -
愈毅新力: 初二上英语周报第17期 English weekly on the second day of the seventeenth

山阴县17014501382: 八年级上学期英语周报第17期答案 -
愈毅新力: 一 1.pleased 2.free 3. queen's 4. Although 5. famous 6-10. CCAAC 11-15. BCBAC 二 16-20 BCAAC 21-25 DCCAC 26-30 BCABC 三 31-35 BACAB 36-40 DDCAB 四 41-45 CBCBD 五 46. didn't go to bed until 47. He was ill, but he went to the ...

山阴县17014501382: 八年级下册英语周报 人教版 27期 -
愈毅新力: 我也是八年级,这是27期的标准答案. 记得采纳最佳答案哦21-25 DCCAD 26-30 AACBA 31-35 BCBBA (单项选择)36-40 DDBCB 41-45 ADBDA 46-50 BACDA 51-55 driving simple what humans factories 56-60 bored could housework usually possible (完型填空)61-65 ABADA 66-70 CDCDB 71-75 FGEAB (阅读理解) 绝对是这样的

山阴县17014501382: 英语周报报纸答案八下(英语周报报纸答案)
愈毅新力: 1、21-25 BBDCA 26-30 DACCB 31-35 BACDD完形 BDACD ABCDA CAABB ABACB阅读 ADBC DBAC BACD CACD ADBC76 had-has 77 with-to 78 about删 79 that-it 80 come-comes 81 into删 82 him-himself83 job前加the 84 stay-stays 85 正确.

山阴县17014501382: 初二下册英语周报27期答案
愈毅新力: 2版:随身连B 同一句转换ofer to you 随身连:3.happiness 幸福 4.kindness 仁慈 5.darkness 黑暗 6.lonliness 寂寞 随身连:7.alone 8.alone lonely 9.alone 10. lonely 随身连:11.enjoyed 12. running 13.playing 短语收藏夹:1.in an accident 2.so ...

山阴县17014501382: 八年级上册英语周报答案 -
愈毅新力: move to \all over \buy for \seats \ save \,don' As for \ hold \communicate with 61---65 No; radio station \,希望可以帮助到你;southern\unit12 16----25 D A B C B C C A C D 26--30 D E A F C 31--40 A A D B C A D A D D 41---45 T F F T T 46--50 D ...

山阴县17014501382: 八年级英语周报17期答案那个有?快! -
愈毅新力: 急需锕、谢谢ナ家问题补充:你们好慢噢,一会涐自己都写完了,加油加油,要帮忙噢,虽然一楼回答罘対,但昰谢谢ろ,那个甚么悬赏分送沵、 一1.

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