旅游景点介绍的翻译方法 旅游景点介绍的翻译方法英文

作者&投稿:郝卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。
China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".
Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.
The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.
Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.
Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.
Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".
Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.
Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."


Thank you for introducing us tourist attractions
谢谢你thank you
介绍introduce; present; recommend; suggest
美国America; the United States of America (U.S.A.); the States; the United States (U.S.)
旅游景点scenic spot; tourist spot


tourist attractions
临近单词:tourist _ourist flow
英 [_t__r_st] _ [_t_r_st]
复数: tourists
a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure
busloads of foreign tourists
a popular tourist attraction/destination/resort
为游客所喜爱的旅游景点 / 目的地 / 胜地
the tourist industry/sector
旅游业 / 部门
Further information is available from the local tourist office .
a member of a sports team that is playing a series of official games in a foreign country
距离旅游景点 _sukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;
shakespeare's birthplace
伦敦旅游景点_ondon Sights
意大利旅游景点介绍_taly Attractions
越南旅游景点介绍_ietnam Attractions
威尼斯旅游景点介绍_enice Attractions
旅游景点疯狂性爱_ottest Getting His Attention
汉诺威旅游景点介绍_annover Attractions
Ponte_ecchio_n Florence_s_ne_f_he_amous_ourist_ttractions_n_taly,_nd_onsidered as_he oldest_tone_rch bridge_n_urope.


tourist attractions
tourist _ourist flow
距离旅游景点 _sukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;
shakespeare's birthplace
伦敦旅游景点_ondon Sights
意大利旅游景点介绍_taly Attractions
越南旅游景点介绍_ietnam Attractions
威尼斯旅游景点介绍_enice Attractions
旅游景点疯狂性爱_ottest Getting His Attention
汉诺威旅游景点介绍_annover Attractions
Ponte_ecchio_n Florence_s_ne_f_he_amous_ourist_ttractions_n_taly,_nd_onsidered as_he oldest_tone_rch bridge_n_urope.
"We_re going_o strengthen_he_ecurity_t_cenic spots..._o make sure no_harp_eapons_an be_rought into_he_rea,"_eijing_lympic_pokesman_ang Wei_old__ews_onference.
After all,_uman_ower_s_eadily available_n_retty_uch_ny_rea_ith_eavy_oot_raffic,_uch as__ancefloor, or a_ourist_ttractions.

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