
作者&投稿:弭诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 经典励志电影 ---- 肖申克的救赎


My wife used to say I'm a hard man
to know. Like a closed book.
Complained about it all the time.
She was beautiful. I loved her. But
I guess I couldn't show it enough.
I killed her, Red.

Andy finally glances to Red, seeking a reaction. Silence.

I didn't pull the trigger. But I
drove her away. That's why she
died. Because of me, the way I am.

That don't make you a murderer. Bad
husband, maybe.

Andy smiles faintly in spite of himself. Red gives his

shoulder a squeeze.

Feel bad about it if you want. But
you didn't pull the trigger.

No. I didn't. Someone else did, and
I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess.

Bad luck? Jesus.

It floats around. Has to land on
somebody. Say a storm comes
through. Some folks sit in their
living rooms and enjoy the rain.
The house next door gets torn out
of the ground and smashed flat. It
was my turn, that's all. I was in
the path of the tornado.
I just had no idea the storm would
go on as long as it has.
(glances to him)
Think you'll ever get out of here?

Sure. When I got a long white beard
and about three marbles left
rolling around upstairs.

Tell you where I'd go. Zihuatanejo.


Mexico. Little place right on the
Pacific. You know what the Mexicans
say about the Pacific? They say it
has no memory. That's where I'd
like to finish out my life, Red. A
warm place with no memory. Open a
little hotel right on the beach.
Buy some worthless old boat and fix
it up like new. Take my guests out
charter fishing.
You know, a place like that, I'd
need a man who can get things.

Red stares at Andy, laughs.

Jesus, Andy. I couldn't hack it on
the outside. Been in here too long.
I'm an institutional man now. Like
old Brooks Hatlen was.

You underestimate yourself.


Bullshit. In here I'm the guy who
can get it for you. Out there, all
you need are Yellow Pages. I
wouldn't know where to begin.
(derisive snort)
Pacific Ocean? Hell. Like to scare
me to death, somethin' that big.

Not me. I didn't shoot my wife and
I didn't shoot her lover, and
whatever mistakes I made I've paid
for and then some. That hotel and
that boat...I don't think it's too
much to want. To look at the stars
just after sunset. Touch the sand.
Wade in the water. Feel free.

Goddamn it, Andy, stop! Don't do
that to yourself! Talking shitty
pipedreams! Mexico's down there,
and you're in here, and that's the
way it is!

You're right. It's down there, and
I'm in here. I guess it comes down
to a simple choice, really. Get
busy living or get busy dying.

Red snaps a look. What the hell does that mean? Andy rises and
walks away. Red lunges to his feet.


(turns back)
Red, if you ever get out of here,
do me a favor. There's this big
hayfield up near Buxton. You know
where Buxton is?

Lots of hayfields there.

One in particular. Got a long rock
wall with a big oak at the north
end. Like something out of a Robert
Frost poem. It's where I asked my

ANDY (cont.)
wife to marry me. We'd gone for a
picnic. We made love under that
tree. I asked and she said yes.
Promise me, Red. If you ever get
out, find that spot. In the base of
that wall you'll find a rock that
has no earthly business in a Maine
hayfield. A piece of black volcanic
glass. You'll find something buried
under it I want you to have.

What? What's buried there?

You'll just have to pry up that
rock and see.


《英国病人》We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on ...

人多的话 音乐之声 猫 歌剧魅影(都是百老汇的经典,大爱~~~)新一点的话,歌舞青春 摇滚夏令营(都是迪士尼的)黑白片 魂断蓝桥(这个我最喜欢,不是抄的···)罗马假日 乱世佳人 海上钢琴师(这个就是随便一说···)10分钟啊,歌舞青春里有关篮球的很多段都不错吧,还有一个是第一部里的,在...

泰坦尼克号:you jump i jump \/窈窕淑女\/森林之王:男主在大桥上荡秋千

这些都是我看过后的电影 比较喜欢的台词,存到我的空间里了。还会更新的~众神都羡慕我们,因为我们有一天会死.每一刻都可能是生命最后一刻,所以一切都变得更美好,这是你生命中最美好的一刻,每一刻都稍纵即逝。The gods envy us, they envy us because we're mortal.Because any moment might ...

《乱世佳人》人物,斯嘉丽(女) 梅兰妮(女) 黑人女保姆(女) 阿什利(男)情节:在聚会上斯嘉丽想和阿什利交往,却闹出了罗马的笑话,阿什利和梅兰妮互相倾心,黑人女保姆一直对斯佳丽疼爱有加,这一段在开头,斯嘉丽还是少女的时候,在他们庭院的聚会 我觉得比较不错,这是部很好看的电影!台词也...

...我不知道楼主多大,参加什么类型的口语比赛,抒情一点的可以是天使之城,但大多都被说烂了。或者还可以是简爱,符合你一男一女,时长算是我能想到最长的了,还得有点哲理~不过这些话的流传实在是太...就是简和罗彻斯特所谓最经典的那一段~这就不给你发了 给你一段我最喜欢的电影台词吧,不过...

求 有大段女生独白的英文电影
“大段女生独白”的电影是《简爱》,部分独白:1、If God gave me wealth and beauty,I would make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you now。如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难于离开我,就像我现在难于离开你一样。2、But God didn't do it。But our ...

.. I ain't nowhere... Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack.恩尼斯·德尔玛:(哭泣)好啊,走啊?干嘛不让我一个人呆着呢?正是因为你我才是现在的这个样子!我一无所有……无处可去……你**滚远点!杰克,我受够了!《断背山》片段 来自百度百科 ...

泰坦尼克号,最后那一段。。。即感人,而且大家都很熟悉。 ROSE:I love you Jack.“我爱你。杰克。”(露丝当然明白杰克的心意,她用力握着他那双手,两个人的手都已经感觉不出温度了,但是他们知道,手是握在一起的。)JACK:No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up....


宜城市15238479974: 有没有经典的英文电影对白,最好是两个人之间的对话,急求 -
慈陈悦康: 这是一个我喜欢的对白(诱捕):男主: Your eyes are so beautiful (你的眼睛很美丽).女主: Because they are looking at you (因为它们在看着你).

宜城市15238479974: 经典英语电影两人对白 -
慈陈悦康: 《国王的演讲》,获奥斯卡电影奖的.

宜城市15238479974: 求几部经典英文电影,最好有2人对白的,超过5分钟..急用!!!! -
慈陈悦康: 你要是学英语口语的话!看(这个男人来自地球).本片对话时间就像是在做报告似的! 针对超过5分钟的对白又经典的影片有:乱世佳人 好女孩 窈窕淑女等等!

宜城市15238479974: 有没有经典的英文电影对白,最好是两个人之间的对话,要带中文翻译的 -
慈陈悦康:[答案] 这是一个我喜欢的对白(诱捕): 男主:Your eyes are so beautiful (你的眼睛很美丽). 女主:Because they are looking at you (因为它们在看着你).

宜城市15238479974: 求一段4 - 6分钟的英语电影对白,要俩男人!!!!!!!!!!!!1 -
慈陈悦康: 1.《海底总动员》2.《冰河世纪》 2.x-men: the first class ~博士和万磁王争论复仇与守护那段~4,国王的演讲 乔治六世和罗格的很多对话都可以啊,,5.《生活大爆炸》(是美音的,语速超快,我们班大神级人物配)

宜城市15238479974: 求经典英语电影对话白 一段对话的不要单独的句子,要一段,电影中的一个片段,中英文对照的,有音频更好 -
慈陈悦康:[答案] Princess Ann:At midnight,I'll turn into one pumpkin and drive away in my glass slipper.安娜公主:在午夜,我会变出一个南瓜并且穿着我的水晶鞋乘车离开.Joe Bladley:And that will be the end of t...

宜城市15238479974: 求经典的英语电影男女对白片段 -
慈陈悦康: 男女对话的,可以试试电影哈姆雷特中,哈姆雷特知道他母亲参与谋杀他父亲并嫁给他叔叔之后跟他母亲对质时的那一段,非常精采而且经典. 也可以试试简·爱里面,简跟罗切斯特的对话.

宜城市15238479974: 亲们,知道哪部英语电影里有两个人的经典对白不? -
慈陈悦康: 《V字仇杀队》《星球大战》《美丽心灵》《泰坦尼克》《搏击俱乐部》

宜城市15238479974: 求一段英文电影双人对白,5到8分钟! -
慈陈悦康: 电影廊桥遗梦

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