
作者&投稿:曲帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


简单啊,最好的就是I want to improve my English,至于怎么improve嘛,自己组装一下吧。比如:read English magazines,
talk with foreighner,
watch English movies,Because I can watch the actor say the English.
Find a great way to learn English is the most improtant,so Iwill do it.

As the new year is just around the corner, I think I should make a plan to spend it meaningfully. I will make use of my spare time to improve my English and computer skills, because they are playing important roles in our lives. I will read more articles and listen to more news in English, and try to talk with my friends in English. I spent much time on computer games in the past, I'll stop playing games and start learning useful softwares in 2011.



以下是几个适合在2024年即将到来时发朋友圈的句子:1. 2024,未来已来,让我们一起拥抱变化,迎接新的挑战和机遇!2. 时光荏苒,岁月如梭,转眼间2024就在眼前,期待新的一年,新的自己!3. 2024,你好!愿新的一年里,我们都能实现自己的梦想,过上更加美好的生活!4. 告别2023,迎接2024,让我们...




即将过去,举起杯,品尝的甜美,祝你快乐积成堆。 19. 不知不觉间又到了一年的寒冬了,在过年时,送上祝福是每个人都会做的,当你面对好朋友送来的问候,回复祝福是必须的,看完了上面的内容后,你是否马上记住了上面的内容,这样你就不会为今年的问候语而发愁。 20. ,我种下了一份爱情,愿能够甜蜜继续;,我种下...

7、新的一年,抛弃不愉快,去追寻新一年的未知与激情。 8、艰辛、多彩的2021即将过去,崭新、期盼的2022马上到来,祈愿家人在新的一年里平安、健康!朋友们幸福、快乐!世界和平、吉祥!地球永远蔚蓝、美丽! 9、如果所有人都祝你新年快乐,那我祝你遍历山河觉得人间值得。 10、你好,新的2022年!朋友用心交,父母拿命孝。


2024年即将到来人生感悟短句子 1、2023,再见!2024,你好!2023年就剩最后1个月了。这一年,幸好遇见最好的你。 2、你跌跌撞撞,落得一身的伤,就当是为青春,画下的残妆,再见2023,你好2024。 3、送一碗忘忧汤,将2023年的烦恼全部忘记;送一碗蜂蜜,祝你来年的日子甜甜蜜蜜;送一句祝福,祝福看短信的小猪天天快乐...

德州市17621908350: 新的一年即将到来,写一篇英语短文描述在新的一年的打算.80词左右提示:提高英语水平,学习计算机,多锻 -
豆竿枢芬:[答案] As the new year is just around the corner, I think I should make a plan to spend it meaningfully. I will make use of my spare time to improve my English and computer skills, because they are playing important roles in our lives. I will read more articles and ...

德州市17621908350: 英语作文 新年即将到来写一篇60词左右的短文描述你的新的一年提示 在新的一年中你打算提高应约水平,学习计算机,多锻炼,并说出制定计划的原因 ,充... -
豆竿枢芬:[答案] Chinese new year is just around the corner,all the people have their preparations for future. Dealing with the upcoming new year,I plan to improve my appointing ability for my promotion . then learn a skill of computer is nessary because computer is widely...

德州市17621908350: 用will和be going to来写一篇短文描述即将到来的新年.1.期待去哪里,为什么2.计划参 -
豆竿枢芬: My Life in Ten yearsIn ten years , I think that I will become a doctor, because I can help many people. And I want to go to Paris to live. I heard that it is very beautiful. I will live with my best friend in the apartment.At that time, the child will not need to go...

德州市17621908350: 新的一年即将到来,请写六十词左右的短文描述你新的一年的打算.提示:在新的一年中你打算提高英语水平,学习计算机,多锻炼,并说出制订计划原因 ... -
豆竿枢芬:[答案] Well,there is New Years coming again.

德州市17621908350: 英语作文 新年新年将到来,你有什么打算呢 根据下面的英文提示,写一篇短文介绍你新年的主要打算(至少写3条)提示:1;improve my english,practice ... -
豆竿枢芬:[答案] New year is coming. Spring festival is the most important festival in China. Besides celebrating it, I'd like to make some new year resolutions. First, I need to improve my English in 2009, especially to practice speaking. Maybe I can ask my English ...

德州市17621908350: 英语翻译短文如下:新年又一次将要到来,我很开心,因为我就要长一岁了.14岁,还是一个未知的世界,一定也是充满了酸甜苦辣.不过,我好期待新年的来... -
豆竿枢芬:[答案] New Year's coming again,I am very happy,because I will long age.14 years old,or an unknown world,certainly also full of frustrations.However,I expect the coming New Year!

德州市17621908350: 用英语写一篇在新年里的打算
豆竿枢芬: My new years resolution My new years resolution is very very brife.only three piece of advice .one ; get good grade ,at next. now,hard study ..as for ,goodgoodstudy,,day day up ,,my math isnot good,,so i can practise everyday ,then i am eating more ...

德州市17621908350: 英语作文 新年 -
豆竿枢芬: New year is coming. Spring festival is the most important festival in China. Besides celebrating it, I'd like to make some new year resolutions. First, I need to improve my English in 2009, especially to practice speaking. Maybe I can ask my English ...

德州市17621908350: 写 新年前夜的英语作文 急 -
豆竿枢芬: “噼里啪啦、噼噼啪啪”喜庆的声音盖住了整个中国,每个人都把自己的心衣服穿上了.新年前夜是个喜庆的日子,新的一年即将到来了,告别了辉煌的过去,迎来了更加璀璨的未来!我这个一往最胆小的人今天却迷上了放炮,因为我最喜欢闻...

德州市17621908350: 新年即将到来,你是怎样度过一个快乐幸福的新年 英语作文 -
豆竿枢芬: In the new year,I want to learn to play an instrument. And I am going to make the soccer team.Iwant to get good grades.I think I am ging to study hard and do homework.

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