几个英语短语的翻译 帮帮忙啦

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请英语高手来帮帮忙啦 几个酒店英语句子 麻烦帮忙翻译! 在线翻译器请绕行!~

需要500元押金 您是刷卡还是付现?You need 500 deposit by credit card or cash?
您要续住么?您要续住几天呢?You want to continue to live it? A few days you want to continue it?

您的房间有网线,但是没有电脑,账号和密码都是您的房间号码。Your room has cable, but no computer, account number and password is your room number.
您要拨打外线请在号码前加9 拨打长途需要总机为您转拨。You want to dial an outside line 9 before the number, please call long distance you need to transfer switchboard.


1. We are participating in the school now the picnic activity.

2. We like the school extremely this picnic activity

3. Some people must go to listen to the opera perhaps the ballet.

1.Bring someone/cause
2 cause/urge someone to do a some matter
3 escape from....Of danger
4 increase....
6 reduce
7 is use to do a some matter
8 Be actively put forward doing a some matter
9 designedly
10...Of purpose
11 want a some thing toward the someone
12....With as for..
13 be placed in extremely painful medium
14...Steal a some thing
15 from...Rob a some thing
16 put forward a suggestion to the someone
17 ask for the opinion of the someone
18 absorb poison
19 lift high price
20 illegal
21 investigate

1bring sb. sth
2urge sb. to do sth.
3escape from
4add to
5inject sth. into sth.
6down to
7be used to do sth.
8ask for doing sth. subjectively
10the purpose for
11ask sb. for sth.
12so that
13in pain deeply
14steal sth.
15robber from
16give sb. advice/suggestion
17ask sb. for advice
18 take drugs
19 put up price
20 break the law
21 look into

高邮市13039652760: 求几个英语短语的翻译1.同时 2.及时 3.目前 4.在日出的时候 5.在一年中的这个时候 6.在黎明 7.在21世纪 8.在1999年末 -
昔乔一静:[答案] 1. at the same time 2.Timely 3.At present 4. at the time of Sunrise 5. throughout the year at this time 6. at the dawn 7. in the 21st century 8. at the end of 1999

高邮市13039652760: 翻译几个英语短语...急急急 帮帮忙啊,求你们了!!
昔乔一静: 1 And someone pay Pal2 places3 In... Internal behind4 On my way home5 On the way to somewhere6 pay ···for 7 Go to sleep8 In a post office

高邮市13039652760: 帮忙用英语翻译下面几个短语1.(请某人)将某事做好2.既.又.3.组建一个英语俱乐部4.一件女式衬衣5.10多岁的男孩子们6.有点喜欢7.真的一团糟8.让某人一直... -
昔乔一静:[答案] 1.ask sb.to do sth.2.as well as3.to organise a English club4.a woman's shirt5.teenager boys6.a little bit like7.a big mess8.lift up one's head9.be careful in 10.make up one's mind

高邮市13039652760: 问几个英文短语,会英语的帮帮忙咯请问:1随便.(语气很平和,就是点菜什么的,我想说什么都可以的语境)2你随便吧.(有点生气,放任他的意思 语境)... -
昔乔一静:[答案] 1.Everything is OK或者Everything will be ok!意思是什么都可以,随便,语气平和.(help yourself一般是主人对客人说的,意思是别拘谨.这里完全不符合语境)2.as you wish!有点生气,随便你!3.whatever you want 或者wh...

高邮市13039652760: 初中英语短语翻译各位帮帮忙 翻译一下1包饺子到深夜2万圣节巧克力3认真对待这个问题4把房间打扫干净 5像雪一样白 6跑得和火车一样快 7圣诞前夜8切菜 ... -
昔乔一静:[答案] 1.make dumplings until midnight 2.Halloween chocolate 3.face the problem carefully 4.clean the room cleanly 5.as white as ... 27.be late for the Christmas party 28.take shower 29.a bridge over the river 相信我,我现在读高一,中考英语我考的148!o(∩_...

高邮市13039652760: 英语短语翻译(帮帮忙啊~!知识初一的) -
昔乔一静: 1. 几听可乐 several bottles of cola2.吃零食 eat some snack3.一星期六天 six days in a week4.如此多精彩的东西 so much wonderful things5.尝起来很美味 taste nice6.还有谁 anyone else7.沿着街走 walk along the street8.向某人问好 say hello to sb.9.顺便说 by the way10.为某人买某物 buy sb. sth.11.许愿 make a wish12.吹灭蜡烛 blow up the candle13.参观博物馆 visit the museum

高邮市13039652760: 翻译几个英语短语,可以帮忙吗?
昔乔一静: 2 hours long going in sports activities

高邮市13039652760: 帮我翻译几个英语短语
昔乔一静: 1 Where is your pen Pal live? 2 Play with the dog is very interesting. 3 What time in the morning we go to school? 4 Why he likes science? 5 They don't play football. 6 He is help his friend in English . 7 Do your brother like art? 8 Students usually write...

高邮市13039652760: 帮忙翻译几个英语短语谢谢啦
昔乔一静: have a birthday party yearly held art festivala fashion concert stay at home as the same problem in a word in fact an economicall artist get on well with sb. chat with sb. fill in list a timetable sleep more practice doing sth. according to him a tough but ...

高邮市13039652760: 几个英语短语翻译 帮忙 -
昔乔一静: 1.Spring Festival Evening Show is the spirit of New Year.2.When the whole family together3. (1)custom (2)habit (3)practice (4)wont4.In recent years5.Spring Festival Evening Show concern for the less high6.Changes in the form of7.In order to draw attention希望对你有帮助

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