
作者&投稿:德虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 急求一篇关于被动语态的作文

English is so interesting and widely used

If your clas *** ate says to you, “I can speak five countries' languages”. Don't be surprised, you can say “Oh yes, I can , too. I can speak the language of Britain , America , Canada , Australia and New Zealand.”

From the words , we can see English is so widely used . You can see English everywhere . English is written on many many things . When you open your calculator(计算器) , you can see the words——“on” “off” “shift” “mode” and so on . When you walk in the street , you can see “Kentucky Fried Chicken” “DRIVE SLOWLY!” “Sky Book Shop” beside you . When we go into the shop , we can see “Coca-Cola”(可口可乐) “Rejoice”(飘柔) “Safeguard”(舒肤佳).

Every day , in the school , we students meet , we say “Hi!” or “how are you?” . When somebody makes good friends , he will say “Good!” . And when a boy fails the exam , he will say “Bad luck!” . Another , a student meets something strange , he will shout “Oh , my god!” . And on the playground , when a class wins the football game , we will say “Congratulations!”.

English is not only in our book but in our English class . We can use it all the time . let's try to learn English well!

2. 用被动语态的句子写篇英语作文

The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional Chinese Festival celebrated by all the Chinese people.It's widely recognized as a festival that a family get together. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. On that night, it can be seen that the moon is brighter and fuller than any other night. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by eating mooncakes.The mooncakes are delicious. It's liked by all the children. at night,a big party is usually held by the families .They like chatting with each other.Many things are talked about .A lot of nice things will be provided,too. After dinner,they watch the moon,as in China a full moon is considered as a symbol of family reunion. the story of Chang E will be told.She was made flew to the moon and live in the Moon Palace. What a beautiful story!。

3. 用英语写六个关于被动语态的句子的作文

It was the night before Christmas. The snow had been falling all week(过去完成式的被动语态), and the entire town was covered in snow (过去式被动). In every house, the children had already gone to bed(过去完成式的被动语态), where they dreamed about new toys. Their parents were still awake. Presents were taken out of their hiding place (过去式被动), and were wrapped with paper and bows(过去式被动).

Tomorrow morning, children will run down the stairs. Presents will be opened (未来式被动), Christmas carols will be sung (未来式被动), and Christmas cookies will be eaten (未来式被动). But for now, the house was quiet.

4. 用被动语态写英语作文重庆火锅

被 动 语 态一、被动语态概述 语态是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。



二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由"助动词be+及物动词的过去分词"构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。

疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。 1、被动语态的时态较常见的八种,现以动词clean为例列表说明: 2、被动语态的句式变化: 以一般现在时和动词invite为例,列表说明被动语态的句式变化: 3、含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词的被动语态结构为:情态动词+be+过去分词;其时态及句型的变化仅由情态动词完成,"be+过去分词"部分不变。

三、被动语态的用法: 1、不知道或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。 The bridge was built last year.这座桥是去年建造的。

He was elected chairman.他被选为主席。 2、当更加强调动作的承受者时。

此时动作的执行者由by引导置于谓语动词之后,不需要时可以省略。 The room hasn't been cleaned yet.房间还没有打扫。

The tiger was killed by him.老虎被他杀了。 3、当动作的执行者不是人时,多用被动语态。

如: The window was blown by wind.窗户被风吹开了。 The whole village has been washed away by the flood.整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。

4、表示客观的说明常用"It is + 过去分词."句型。 It is said that Lucy has gone abroad.据说露茜已经出国了。

It is believed that he is a spy. (=He is believed to be a spy.)大家相信他是个间谍。 其它常见的"It is + 过去分词+ that"句型还有 四、主动语态变为被动语态 转换图示: 1、主动语态变为被动语态的步骤: (1)将主动句的宾语变为主语: 注意:如果主动句的宾语是代词,需将其由宾格变为主格。

如: Tom killed him. → He was killed by Tom. (2)将动词改为"be+过去分词"。 注意: They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held by them yesterday. 他们昨天开会了。

(3)将主动语态的主语改为be…放在谓语动词后。 注意:如果原主语是代词,则应由主格变为宾格。

He sang a song. → A song was sung by him. 2、主动语态变为被动语态的注意事项: (1)主动句中的主语如果是people, we, you, they, somebody等含糊地表示"人们"、"大家"的单词,变为主动句时,通常删去"by…",但原主语被强调者除外。如: They set up this hospital in 1975. → This hospital was set up in 1975. 这所医院建于1975年。

Only he can finish the job. → 只有他能完成这项工作。 The job can be finished only by him.这项工作只能由他来完成。


Jack told us the truth.杰克告诉了我们真相。 We were told the truth by Jack. The truth was told (to) us by Jack.。

5. 关于被动语态的文章,300字的

一、注意被动语态的不同时态被动语态由“be+过去分词”,其中的助动词 be 根据情况可使用各种不同时态。

如:She is respected by everyone. 她受到大家的尊重。(一般现在时)The book will be reprinted soon. 这本书很快会重印。

(一般将来时)The road is being repaired. 路正在修整。(现在进行时)They have been given a warning. 他们受到警告。

(现在完成时) 二、注意带情态动词的被动语态该结构的基本形式为“情态动词+be(或be的适当形式)+过去分词”。这类结构非常有可能作为语境题出现在考卷中。

如:The rules must be obeyed. 这些规章制度必须遵守。They shouldn't have been told about it. 这事是不应当告诉他们的。

三、注意非谓语动词的被动语态1. 不定式一般式的被动语态。由“to be+过去分词”构成。

如:构成。如:She asked to be given some work to do. 她要求给她一些工作做。

He was the last person to be asked to speak. 他是最后被邀请发言的人。2. 不定式完成式的被动语态。

由“to have been+过去分词”构成。如:I should like to have been told the result earlier. 我本想让人把结果早点告诉我的。

3. 现在分词一般式的被动语态。由“being+过去分词”构成。

如:I saw him being taken away. 我看见有人把他带走了。Being protected by a wall, he felt quite safe. 有墙作保护,他感到很安全。

4. 现在分词完成式的被动语态。由“having been+过去分词”构成。

如:Having been invited to speak, I'll start making preparations tomorrow. 因为邀请我去讲话,我明天就得做准备。因为邀请我去讲话,我明天就得做准备。

The subject having been opened,he had to go on with it. 话题已经开始了,他不得不谈下去。5. 动名词一般式的被动语态。

由“being+过去分词”构成。如:She likes being looked at. 她喜欢被人瞧。

He hates being made a fool of. 他讨厌被别人愚弄。This question is far from being settled. 这个问题远没解决。

6. 动名词完成式的被动语态。由“having been+过去分词”构成。

如:Jenny's not having been trained as a dancer is her one regret. 杰妮没受过舞蹈的专业训练是她感到遗憾的事。After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. 在接到把车开出城的指令后,我开始信心十足了。

注:过去分词没有被动式,因为它本身可以表示被动意义。如:The door remained locked. 门仍然锁着。

四、注意“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态英语被动语态通常由“助动词be+过去分词”构成,有时也可用“get+过去分词”过去分词构成。如:James got beaten last night. 詹姆斯昨晚被打了。

How did that window get opened? 那个窗户是如何打开的?但总的说来,用get构成的被动语态不如用be构成的被动语态常见,尤其是在含有施动者的by短语时,用get构成被动语态更是少见。不过有时用be+过去分词构成被动语态构成误解时,人们可能会选get+过去分词来避免这种误解:The window was broken. 窗户破了(表状态)。

/ 窗户被打破了(表动作)The window got broken. 窗户被打破了(表动作)五、注意哪些动词不用于被动语态五、注意哪些动词不用于被动语态B>1. 不及物动词没有被动语态。因为不及物动词没有宾语,所以若将其用于被动语态则没有主语,故不能用于被动语态。

但是值得注意的是,有些英语中的不及物动词,译成汉语时却可能是“及物”的,很容易出错,这类动词如:take place(发生),happen(发生),)e about(发生),break out(爆发),appear(出现),disappear(消失),last(持续),arise(出现,发生)等:Influenza usually breaks out in winter. 流感通常发生在冬季。Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱。

2. 英语中的静态动词(如have, lack, fit, hold, suit, resemble 等)通常不用于被动语态:My shoes don't fit me. 我的鞋不合适。The young man lacks experience. 这个年轻人缺乏经验。

六、注意两类被动句型的相互转换英语中有一种主动句可以转换成两种被动句型,它们通常是一些表示客观说明的句子。如:People believed that she is honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。

It's believed that she is honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。She is believed to be honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。

比较上面两类被动句型可以发现,一类是“it+be+过去分词+that“it+be+从句”,另一类则是“主语+be+过去分词+不定式”(其中的“主语”为前一类句型中that从句中的主语ace=宋体>为前一类句型中),通常可用于这两类被动句型的动词有assume, believe, expect, fear, feel, know, presume, report, say, suppose, think, understand等,比较(同时注意其中时态和动词形式的变化):It's known that he was a good singer. / He is known to have been a good singer. 大家知道他曾是位优秀的歌手。It's reported that he was driving fast. / He is reported to have been driving fast. 据说他当时车开得很快。

七、注意主动表被动的若干情形1. 某些连系动词(如look, sound, *** ell, feel, taste, prove等)要用。

6. 帮忙写一篇被动语态的英语作文

The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional Chinese Festival celebrated by all the Chinese people.It's widely recognized as a festival that a family get together. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. On that night, it can be seen that the moon is brighter and fuller than any other night. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by eating mooncakes.The mooncakes are delicious. It's liked by all the children. at night,a big party is usually held by the families .They like chatting with each other.Many things are talked about .A lot of nice things will be provided,too. After dinner,they watch the moon,as in China a full moon is considered as a symbol of family reunion. the story of Chang E will be told.She was made flew to the moon and live in the Moon Palace. What a beautiful story!实在没有办法全部是被动了!不过我相信你们老师不会那么无聊的。

7. IfIwereateacher被动语态这是月考的作文请其他人别抄

If I were a teacher,I would try to make my class interesting so that all of my students could bee interested in my lessons.I would be more patient and I would be not only my students' teacher but also their friends.I would prepare my lessons carefully so that my students could get more from my class.I wouldn't make my students do lots of homework so that they could save much more time to read more books and do whatever they could.I am sure I could be a teacher that the students love very much.。

The snow had been falling all week(过去完成式的被动语态), and the entire town was covered in snow (过去式被动). In every house, the children had already gone to bed(过去完成式的被动语态), where they dreamed about new toys. Their parents were still awake. Presents were taken out of the...

at night,a big party is usually held by the families .They like chatting with each other.Many things are talked about .A lot of nice things will be provided,too.After dinner,they watch the moon,as in China a full moon is considered as a symbol of family reunion. the story...

5. 用英语写六个关于被动语态的句子的作文 It was the night before Christmas. The snow had been falling all week(过去完成式的被动语态), and the entire town was covered in snow (过去式被动). In every house, the children had already gone to bed(过去完成式的被动语态), where they dreamed ab...

Presents will be opened (未来式被动), Christmas carols will be sung (未来式被动), and Christmas cookies will be eaten (未来式被动). But for now, the house was quiet. 3. 用被动语态的句子写篇英语作文 The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional Chinese Festival celebrated by all the Chinese p...

英语被动语态 作文 题目为:我最喜爱的季节 英文哦!!!好的加分 不需要很...
秋天有许多美丽的花朵。菊花是最受欢迎的。他们有一个甜蜜的气味。我最喜欢秋天。你呢,我亲爱的朋友?My Favourite Season My favourite season is autumn. It is a harvest season. Farmers are all busy getting in the crops. There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as ...

被动语态在雅思高分作文技巧中占据了一个很重要的地位。因为被动语态是雅思作文中的基础句式,它的作用很特别,可以表达出很多主动语态无法表达的内容。一、被动语态的使用所以我们也应该注意多用被动语态的使用,以赢得更高的分数。尤其是在主语是泛指很多人或者大部分人这个方面,比如:1、To broaden ...

一篇关于在家里或学校里允许和不被允许做的事的英语作文 被动语态的
There are some rules in my family. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.I have to do homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. On weekends, i have to clean my room and visit my grandparents.I always very busy.My school ...

Last weekend, I visited a workshop where toys are manufactured. The factory was built not long ago. There are a few workers in the workshops but they work very efficiently. The remote controlled car are assembled with different parts. A nice house is set with colorful blocks. ...

初3英语作文 my invention 要有被动语态和翻译
the whole point every time when the Cubs have been reported.Very interesting,right?译文:我有趣的发明是一个多功能闹钟,它可以听音乐,看日历和看电子书,还有一个记事本帮助你记住一日的行程.它的造型是一棵树,上面还有一两个小抽屉.树顶有一只小熊在唱歌,每到整点小熊便报一次时.很有趣吧?

Computer Computer is a wonderful machine. It's a great invention in many years. It develops very quickly. The smallest computer is as big as a note-book. We call it pocket computer. Computer becomes more and more important in many ways. It has touched the lives of everyone, ...

永新区18932274717: 根据被动语态写英语作文,给点思路 -
蒋畅依他: 初三没学虚拟语气的话,被动语态其实很简单 最根本的就是系表结构be done,从而又有being done正在被, to be done将要被 egThis window was broken by Kate yesterday 可以写写 你一天的计划被某人打乱be disturbed你的梦想被某人破碎 be disillusioned再加一点类似be shocked by hid words,i was forced to do sth就可以了 有要求字数或者用几个被动吗?

永新区18932274717: 英语被动语态作文my favourite -
蒋畅依他: For example, historians are already arguing what evidence the United States government had regarding potential terrorism prior to the incredible tragedy of September 11, 2001. Looking back now, it seems obvious that the government should have ...

永新区18932274717: 英语用被动语态写一篇50词的短文.My day. -
蒋畅依他: Food was eaten.I have a very cute cat in my house, but last night the cat was stolen by thief. we all felt sad this morning. but that isn't the worst thing , because my father's favourite food "cigarettes"was eaten by mice, three mice slept beside ...

永新区18932274717: 用英语写六个关于被动语态的句子的作文 -
蒋畅依他: It was the night before Christmas. The snow had been falling all week(过去完成式的被动语态), and the entire town was covered in snow (过去式被动). In every house, the children had already gone to bed(过去完成式的被动语态), where ...

永新区18932274717: 使用被动语态写一篇200字的英语作文 -
蒋畅依他: Let's Make Everyday an Earth DayIt is well known that Apr 22th is annual Eearth Day.Many people express their love for the beautiful,blue planet in all kinds of activities.What we humans depend upon for survival is nature,which has been destroyed ...

永新区18932274717: 谁能帮我用5句被动语态的句子写篇作文啊? 谢谢了 -
蒋畅依他: Even till nowadays, Hua Luogeng is remembered by people. While he was young, he was invited by America. However, the invitation of America was refused.Because Hua believed China should be contributed something by him at that time. So he is followed and admired as a patriot all the time.

永新区18932274717: 作文,用被动语态写一篇,a special gift -
蒋畅依他: 铃铃,第二节大课间到了,大广播通知不用下去做操了,全班一片欢腾,我也不例外.这不,大广播刚说完,我就高兴得跳了起来,跑下楼去,尽情的奔跑玩耍. 转眼课间过了大半,我打算上楼做好课前准备.谁知刚走到楼梯口,就看见一个小...

永新区18932274717: 英语被动语态 作文 题目为:我最喜爱的季节 英文哦!好的加分 不需要很长 -
蒋畅依他:[答案] 我最喜爱的季节我最喜欢的季节是秋季.这是一个收获的季节.农民都忙于收割庄稼获得.在北京有很多水果的季节不同,如苹果,桔子,香蕉等.中秋节中秋节是中国传统节日在秋季.人们往往有一个大的家庭聚会来庆祝.月饼,全家人...

永新区18932274717: 用被动语态 来写一篇100词的英语作文 急... -
蒋畅依他: English is so interesting and widely used If your classmate says to you, “I can speak five countries' languages”. Don't be surprised, you can say “Oh yes, I can , too. I can speak the language of Britain , America , Canada , Australia and New ...

永新区18932274717: 帮忙写一篇被动语态的英语作文 -
蒋畅依他: The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional Chinese Festival celebrated by all the Chinese people.It's widely recognized as a festival that a family get together. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. On that ...

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